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april hopes-第47章

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satisfaction that he was the brother of Mrs。 Stephen Blake; of Omaba; who
had come out to the fort once with her husband; and captured the garrison;
as they said。  Mrs。 Frobisher accounted for her present separation from
her husband; and said she had come on for a while to be with her father
and sister; who both needed more looking after than the Indians。  Her
father had left the army; and was building railroads。

Miss Wrayne; when she was not appealed to for confirmation or recollection
by her sister; was having a lively talk with Corey and Mrs。 Brinkley; she
seemed to enter into their humour; and no one paid much attention to Dan
Mavering。  He hung upon the outskirts of the little group; proffering
unrequited sympathy and applause; and at last he murmured something about
having to go back to some friends; and took himself off。  Mrs。 Frobisher
and Miss Wrayne let him go with a certain shadethe lightest; and yet
evidentof not wholly satisfied pique: women know how to accept a
reparation on account; and without giving a receipt in full。

Mrs。 Brinkley gave him her hand with an effect of compassionate
intelligence and appreciation of the sacrifice he must have made in
leaving Alice。  〃May I congratulate you?〃 she murmured。

〃Oh yes; indeed; thank you; Mrs。 Brinkley;〃 he gushed tremulously; and he
pressed her hand hard; and clung to it; as if he would like to take her
with him。

Neither of the older men noticed his going。  They were both taken in their
elderly way with these two handsome young women; and they professed regret
Bellingham that his mother was not there; and Corey that neither his
wife nor daughters had come; whom they might otherwise have introduced。
They did not offer to share their acquaintance with any one else; but they
made the most of it themselves; as if knowing a good thing when they had
it。  Their devotion to Mrs。 Frobisher and her sister heightened the
curiosity of such people as noticed it; but it would be wrong to say that
it moved any in that self…limited company with a strong wish to know the
ladies。  The time comes to every man; no matter how great a power he may
be in society; when the general social opinion retires him for senility;
and this time had come for Bromfield Corey。  He could no longer make or
mar any success; and Charles Bellingham was so notoriously amiable; so
deeply compromised by his inveterate habit of liking nearly every one;
that his notice could not distinguish or advantage a newcomer。

He and Corey took the ladies down to supper。  Mrs。 Brinkley saw them there
together; and a little later she saw old Corey wander off; forgetful of
Miss Wrayne。  She saw Dan Mavering; but not the Pasmers; and then; when
Corey forgot Miss Wrayne; she saw Dan; forlorn and bewildered looking;
approach the girl; and offer her his arm for the return to the drawing…
room; she took it with a bright; cold smile; making white rings of
ironical deprecation around the pupils of her eyes。

〃What is that poor boy doing; I wonder?〃 said Mrs。 Brinkley to herself。


The next morning Dan Mavering knocked at Boardman's door before the
reporter was up。  This might have been any time before one o'clock; but it
was really at half…past nine。  Boardman wanted to know who was there; and
when Mavering had said it was he; Boardman seemed to ponder the fact
awhile before Mavering heard him getting out of bed and coming barefooted
to the door。  He unlocked it; and got back into bed; then he called out;
〃Come in;〃 and Mavering pushed the door open impatiently。  But he stood
blank and silent; looking helplessly at his friend。  A strong glare of
winter light came in through the naked sashfor Boardman apparently not
only did not close his window…blinds; but did not pull down his curtains;
when he went to bedand shone upon his gay; shrewd face where he lay;
showing his pop…corn teeth in a smile at Mavering。

〃Prefer to stand?〃 he asked by and by; after Mavering had remained
standing in silence; with no signs of proposing to sit down or speak。
Mavering glanced at the only chair in the room: Boardman's clothes dripped
and dangled over it。  〃Throw 'em on the bed;〃 he said; following
Mavering's glance。

〃I'll take the bed myself;〃 said Mavering; and he sat down on the side of
it; and was again suggestively silent。

Boardman moved his head on the pillow; as he watched Mavering's face; with
the agreeable sense of personal security which we all feel in viewing
trouble from the outside: 〃You seem balled up about something。〃

Mavering sighed heavily。  〃Balled up?  It's no word for it。  Boardman; I'm
done for。  Yesterday I was the happiest fellow in the world; and nowYes;
it's all over with me; and it's my own fault; as usual。  Look; at that!〃
He jerked Boardman a note which he had been holding fast in his band; and
got up and went to look himself at the wide range of chimney…pots and
slated roofs which Boardman's dormer…window commanded。

〃Want me to read it?〃 Boardman asked; and Mavering nodded without glancing
round。  It dispersed through the air of Boardman's room; as he unfolded
it; a thin; elect perfume; like a feminine presence; refined and strict;
and Boardman involuntarily passed his hand over his rumpled hair; as if to
make himself a little more personable before reading the letter。

〃DEAR MR。 MAVERING;I enclose the ring you gave me the other day; and I
release you from the promise you gave with it。  I am convinced that you
wronged yourself in offering either without your whole heart; and I care
too much for your happiness to let you persist in your sacrifice。

〃In begging that you will not uselessly attempt to see me; but that you
will consider this note final; I know you will do me the justice not to
attribute an ungenerous motive to me。  I shall rejoice to hear of any good
that may befall you; and I shall try not to envy any one through whom it
comes。Yours sincerely;〃 〃ALICE PASMER。〃

〃P。S。I say nothing of circumstances or of persons; I feel that any
comment of mine upon them would be idle。〃

Mavering looked up at the sound Boardman made in refolding the letter。
Boardman grinned; with sparkling eyes。  〃Pretty neat;〃 he said。

〃Pretty infernally neat;〃 roared Mavering。

〃Do you suppose she means business?〃

〃Of course she means business。  Why shouldn't she?〃

〃I don't know。  Why should she?〃

〃Well; I'll tell you; Boardman。  I suppose I shall have to tell you if I'm
going to get any good out of you; but it's a dose。〃  He came away from
the window; and swept Boardman's clothes off the chair preparatory to
taking it。

Boardman lifted his head nervously from the pillow。

〃Oh; I'll put them on the bed; if you're so punctilious!〃 cried Mavering。

〃I don't mind the clothes;〃 said Boardman。  〃I thought I heard my watch
knock on the floor in my vest pocket。  Just take it out; will you; and see
if you've stopped it?〃

〃Oh; confound your old Waterbury!  All the world's stopped; why shouldn't
your watch stop too?〃  Mavering tugged it out of the pocket; and then
shoved it back disdainfully。  〃You couldn't stop that thing with anything
short of a sledgehammer; it's rattling away like a mowing…machine。  You
know those Portland womenthose ladies I spent the day with when you were
down there at the regattathe day I came from CampobelloMrs。 Frobisher
and her sister?〃  He agglutinated one query to another till he saw a light
of intelligence dawn in Boardman's eye。  〃Well; they're at the bottom of
it; I suppose。  I was introduced to them on Class Day; and I ought to have
shown them some attention there; but the moment I saw AliceMiss Pasmer
I forgot all about 'em。  But they didn't seem to have noticed it much; and
I made it all right with 'em that day at Portland; and they came up in the
fall; and I made an appointment with them to drive out to Cambridge and
show them the place。  They were to take me up at the Art Museum; but that
was the day I met Miss Pasmer; and II forgot about those women again。〃

Boardman was one of those who seldom laugh; but his grin expressed all
the malicious enjoyment he felt。  He said nothing in the impressive
silence which Mavering let follow at this point。

〃Oh; you think it was funny?〃 cried Mavering。  〃I thought it was funny
too; but Alice herself opened my eyes to what I'd done; and I always
intended to make it all right with them when I got the chance。  I supposed
she wished me too。〃

Boardman grinned afresh。

〃She told me I must; though she seemed to dislike my having been with them
the day after she'd thrown me over。  But if〃Mavering interrupted himself
to say; as the grin widened on Boardman's face〃if you think it was any
case of vulgar jealousy; you're very much mistaken; Boardman。  She isn't
capable of it; and she was so magnanimous about it that I made up my mind
to do all I could to retrieve myself。  I felt that it was my duty to her。
Well; last night at Mrs。 Jim Bellingham's reception〃

A look of professional interest replaced the derision in Boardman's eyes。
〃Any particular occasion for the reception?  Given in honour of anybody?〃

〃I'll contribute to your society notes some other time; Boardman;〃 said
Mavering haughtily。  〃I'm speaking
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