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april hopes-第48章

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Mavering haughtily。  〃I'm speaking to a friend; not an interviewer。  Well;
whom should I see after the first waltzI'd been dancing with Alice; and
we were taking a turn through the drawing…room; and she hanging on my arm;
and I knew everybody saw how it was; and I was feeling wellwhom should I
see but these women。  They were in a corner by themselves; looking at a
picture; and trying to look as if they were doing it voluntarily。  But I
could see at a glance that they didn't know anybody; and I knew they had
better be in the heart of the Sahara without acquaintances than where they
were; and when they bowed forlornly across the room to me; my heart was in
my mouth; I felt so sorry for them; and I told Alice who they were; and I
supposed she'd want to rush right over to them with me〃

〃And did she rush?〃 asked Boardman; filling up a pause which Mavering made
in wiping his face。

〃How infernally hot you have it in here!〃  He went to the window and threw
it up; and then did not sit down again; but continued to walk back and
forth as he talked。  〃She didn't seem to know who they were at first; and
when I made her understand she hung back; and said; 'Those showy things?'
and I must say I think she was wrong; they were dressed as quietly as
nine…tenths of the people there; only they are rather large; handsome
women。  I said I thought we ought to go and speak to them; they seemed
stranded there; but she didn't seem to see it; and; when I persisted; she
said; ' Well; you go if you think best; but take me to mamma。'  And I
supposed it was all right; and I told Mrs。 Pasmer I'd be back in a minute;
and then I went off to those women。  And after I'd talked with them a
while I saw Mrs。 Brinkley sitting with old Bromfield Corey in another
corner; and I got them across and introduced them; after I'd explained to
Mrs。 Brinkley who they were; and they began to have a good time; and I

〃Just so;〃 said Boardman。

〃I thought I hadn't been gone any while at all from Alice; but the weather
had changed by the time I had got back。  Alice was pretty serious; and she
was engaged two or three dances deep; and I could see her looking over the
fellows' shoulders; as she went round and round; pretty pale。  I hung
about till she was free; but then she couldn't dance with me; she said her
head ached; and she made her mother take her home before supper; and I
mooned round like my own ghost a while; and then I went home。  And as if
that wasn't enough; I could see by the looks of those other womenold
Corey forgot Miss Wrayne in the supper…room; and I had to take her back
that I hadn't made it right with them; even; they were as hard and smooth
as glass。  I'd ruined myself; and ruined myself for nothing。〃

Mavering flung Boardman's chair over; and seated himself on its rungs。

〃I went to bed; and waited for the next thing to happen。  I found my
thunderbolt waiting for me when I woke up。  I didn't know what it was
going to be; but when I felt a ring through the envelope of that note I
knew what it was。  I mind…read that note before I opened it。〃

〃Give it to the Society for Psychical Research;〃 suggested Boardman。
〃Been to breakfast?〃

〃Breakfast!〃 echoed Mavering。  〃Well; now; Boardman; what use do you
suppose I've got for breakfast under the circumstances?〃

〃Well; not very much; but your story's made me pretty hungry。  Would you
mind turning your back; or going out and sitting on the top step of the
stairs' landing; or something; while I get up and dress?〃

〃Oh; I can go; if you want to get rid of me;〃 said Mavering; with
unresentful sadness。  〃But I hoped you might have something to suggest;

〃Well; I've suggested two things; and you don't like either。  Why not go
round and ask to see the old lady?〃

〃Mrs。 Pasmer?〃


〃Well; I thought of that。  But I didn't like to mention it; for fear you'd
sit on it。  When would you go?〃

〃Well; about as quick as I could get there。  It's early for a call; but
it's a peculiar occasion; and it'll show your interest in the thing。  You
can't very well let it cool on your hands; unless you mean to accept the

〃What do you mean?〃 demanded Mavering; getting up and standing over
Boardman。  〃Do you think I could accept the situation; as you call it; and

〃You did once;〃 said Boardman。  〃You couldn't; unless you could fix it up
with Mrs。 Frobisher's sister。〃

Mavering blushed。  〃It was a different thing altogether then。  I could
have broken off then; but I tell you it would kill me now。  I've got in
too deep。  My whole life's set on that girl。  You can't understand;
Boardman; because you've never been there; but I couldn't give her up。〃

〃All right。  Better go and see the old lady without loss of time; or the
old man; if you prefer。〃

Mavering sat down on the edge of the bed again。  〃Look here; Boardman;
what do you mean?〃

〃By what?〃

〃By being so confoundedly heartless。  Did you suppose that I wanted to pay
those women any attention last night from an interested motive?〃

〃Seems to have been Miss Pasmer's impression。〃

〃Well; you're mistaken。  She had no such impression。  She would have too
much self…respect; too much pridemagnanimity。  She would know that after
such a girl as she is I couldn't think of any other woman; the thing is
simply impossible。〃

〃That's the theory。〃

〃Theory?  It's the practice!〃

〃Certain exceptions。〃

〃There's no exception in my case。  No; sir!  I tell you this thing is for
all timefor eternity。  It makes me or it mars me; once for all。  She may
listen to me or she may not listen; but as long as she lives there's no
other woman alive for me。〃

〃Better go and tell her so。  You're wasting your arguments on me。〃


〃Because I'm convinced already。  Because people always marry their first
and only loves。  Because people never marry twice for love。  Because I've
never seen you hit before; and I know you never could be again。  Now go
and convince Miss Pasmer。  She'll believe you; because she'll know that
she can never care for any one but you; and you naturally can't care for
anybody but her。  It's a perfectly clear case。  All you've got to do is to
set it before her。〃

〃If I were you; I wouldn't try to work that cynical racket; Boardman;〃
said Mavering。  He rose; but he sighed drearily; and regarded Boardman's
grin with lack…lustre absence。  But he went away without saying anything
more; and walked mechanically toward the Cavendish。  As he rang at the
door of Mrs。 Pasmer's apartments he recalled another early visit he had
paid there; he thought how joyful and exuberant he was then; and how
crushed and desperate now。  He was not without youthful satisfaction in
the disparity of his different moods; it seemed to stamp him as a man of
large and varied experience。


Mrs。 Pasmer was genuinely surprised to see Mavering; and he pursued his
advantageif it was an advantageby coming directly to the point。  He
took it for granted that she knew all about the matter; and he threw
himself upon her mercy without delay。

〃Mrs。 Pasmer; you must help me about this business with Alice;〃 he broke
out at once。  〃I don't know what to make of it; but I know I can explain
it。  Of course;〃 he added; smiling ruefully; 〃the two statements don't
hang together; but what I mean is that if I can find out what the trouble
is; I can make it all right; because there's nothing wrong about it; don't
you see?〃

Mrs。 Pasmer tried to keep the mystification out of her eye; but she could
not even succeed in seeming to do so; which she would have liked almost as

〃Don't you know what I mean?〃 asked Dan。

Mrs。 Pasmer chanced it。  〃That Alice was a little out of sorts last
night?〃 she queried leadingly。

〃Yes;〃 said Mavering fervently。  〃And about herher writing to me。〃

〃Writing to you?〃 Mrs。 Pasmer was going to ask; when Dan gave her the

〃I don't know whether I ought to show it; but I must。  I must have your
help; and I can't; unless you understand the case。〃

Mrs。 Pasmer had begun to read the note。  It explained what the girl
herself had refused to give any satisfactory reason forher early
retirement from the reception; her mysterious disappearance into her own
room on reaching home; and her resolute silence on the way。  Mrs。 Pasmer
had known that there must be some trouble with Dan; and she had suspected
that Alice was vexed with him on account of those women; but it was beyond
her cheerful imagination that she should go to such lengths in her
resentment。  She could conceive of her wishing to punish him; to retaliate
her suffering on him; but to renounce him for it was another thing; and
she did not attribute to her daughter any other motive than she would have
felt herself。  It was always this way with Mrs。 Pasmer: she followed her
daughter accurately up to a certain point; beyond that she did not believe
the girl knew herself what she meant; and perhaps she was not altogether
wrong。  Girlhood is often a turmoil of wild impulses; ignorant
exaltations; mistaken ideals; which really represent no intelligent
purpose; and come from disordered nerves; ill…advised reading; and the
erroneous perspective 
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