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april hopes-第56章

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wretched and wicked together。〃

〃What did you say to him; Alice?〃 asked her mother; unshaken by her

〃I told him he was a faithless person。〃

〃Then you were a cruel girl;〃 cried Mrs。 Pasmer; with sudden indignation;
〃and if you were not my daughter I could be glad he had escaped you。  I
don't know where you got all those silly; romantic notions of yours about
these things。  You certainly didn't get them from me;〃 she continued; with
undeniable truth; 〃and I don't believe you get them from your Church;
It's just as Miss Anderson said: your Church makes allowance for human
nature; but you make none。〃

〃I shouldn't go to Julia Anderson for instruction in such matters;〃 said
the girl; with cold resentment。

〃I wish you would go to her for a little commonsenseor somebody;〃 said
Mrs。 Pasmer。  〃Do you know what talk this will make?〃

〃I don't care for the talk。  It would be worse than talk to marry a man
whom I couldn't trustwho wanted to please me so much that he had to
deceive me; and was too much afraid of me to tell me the truth。〃

〃You headstrong girl!〃 said her mother impartially; admiring at the same
time the girl's haughty beauty。

There was an argument in reserve in Mrs。 Pasmer's mind which perhaps none
but an American mother would have hesitated to urge; but it is so wholly
our tradition to treat the important business of marriage as a romantic
episode that even she could not bring herself to insist that her daughter
should not throw away a chance so advantageous from every worldly point of
view。  She could only ask; 〃If you break this engagement; what do you
expect to do?〃

〃The engagement is broken。  I shall go into a sisterhood。〃

〃You will do nothing of the kind; with my consent;〃 said Mrs。 Pasmer。
〃I will have no such nonsense。  Don't flatter yourself that I will。  Even
if I approved of such a thing; I should think it wicked to let you do it。
You're always fancying yourself doing something very devoted; but I've
never seen you ready to give up your own will; or your own comfort even;
in the slightest degree。  And Dan Mavering; if he were twice as
temporising and circuitous〃the word came to her from her talk with him
〃would be twice too good for you。  I'm going to breakfast。〃


The difficulty in life is to bring experience to the level of expectation;
to match our real emotions in view of any great occasion with the ideal
emotions which we have taught ourselves that we ought to feel。  This is
all the truer when the occasion is tragical: we surprise ourselves in a
helplessness to which the great event; death; ruin; lost love; reveals
itself slowly; and at first wears the aspect of an unbroken continuance of
what has been; or at most of another incident in the habitual sequence。

Dan Mavering came out into the bright winter morning knowing that his
engagement was broken; but feeling it so little that he could not believe
it。  He failed to realise it; to seize it for a fact; and he could not let
it remain that dumb and formless wretchedness; without proportion or
dimensions; which it now seemed to be; weighing his life down。  To verify
it; to begin to outlive it; he must instantly impart it; he must tell it;
he must see it with others' eyes。  This was the necessity of his youth and
of his sympathy; which included himself as well as the rest of the race in
its activity。  He had the usual environment of a young man who has money。
He belonged to clubs; and he had a large acquaintance among men of his own
age; who lived a life of greater leisure; or were more absorbed in
business; but whom he met constantly in society。  For one reason or
another; or for no other reason than that he was Dan Mavering and liked
every one; he liked them all。  He thought himself great friends with them;
he dined and lunched with them; and they knew the Pasmers; and all about
his engagement。  But he did not go to any of them now; with the need he
felt to impart his calamity; to get the support of come other's credence
and opinion of it。  He went to a friend whom; in the way of his world; he
met very seldom; but whom he always found; as he said; just where he had
left him。

Boardman never made any sign of suspecting that he was put on and off;
according to Dan's necessity or desire for comfort or congratulation; but
it was part of their joke that Dan's coming to him always meant something
decisive in his experiences。  The reporter was at his late breakfast;
which his landlady furnished him in his room; though; as Mrs。 Mash said;
she never gave meals; but a cup of coffee and an egg or two; yes。

〃Well?〃 he said; without looking up。

〃Well; I'm done for!〃 cried Dan。

〃Again?〃 asked Boardman。

〃Again!  The other time was nothing; BoardmanI knew it wasn't anything;
but thisthis is final。〃

〃Go on;〃 said Boardman; looking about for his individual salt…cellar;
which he found under the edge of his plate; and Mavering laid the whole
case before him。  As he made no comment on it for a while; Dan was obliged
to ask him what he thought of it。  〃Well;〃 he said; with the smile that
showed the evenness of his pretty teeth; 〃there's a kind of wild justice
in it。〃  He admitted this; with the object of meeting Dan's views in an

〃So you think I'm a faithless man too; do you?〃 demanded Mavering

〃Not from your point of view;〃 said Boardman; who kept on quietly eating
and drinking。

Mavering was too amiable not to feel Boardman's innocence of offence in
his unperturbed behaviour。  〃There was no faithlessness about it; and you
know it;〃 he went on; half laughing; half crying; in his excitement; and
making Boardman the avenue of an appeal really addressed to Alice。  〃I was
ready to do what either side decided。〃

〃Or both;〃 suggested Boardman。

〃Yes; or both;〃 said Dan; boldly accepting the suggestion。  〃It wouldn't
have cost me a pang to give up if I'd been in the place of either。〃

〃I guess that's what she could never understand;〃 Boardman mused aloud。

〃And I could never understand how any one could fail to see that that was
what I intendedexpected: that it would all come out right of itself
naturally。〃  Dan was still addressing Alice in this belated reasoning。
〃But to be accused of bad faithof trying to deceive any one〃

〃Pretty rough;〃 said Boardman。

〃Rough?  It's more than I can stand!〃

〃Well; you don't seem to be asked to stand it;〃 said Boardman; and
Mavering laughed forlornly with him at his joke; and then walked away and
looked out of Boardman's dormer…window on the roofs below; with their
dirty; smoke…stained February snow。  He pulled out his handkerchief; and
wiped his face with it。  When he turned round; Boardman looked keenly at
him; and asked; with an air of caution; 〃And so it's all up?〃

〃Yes; it's all up;〃 said Dan hoarsely。

〃No danger of a relapse?〃

〃What do you mean?〃

〃No danger of having my sympathy handed over later to Miss Pasmer for

〃I guess you can speak up freely; Boardman;〃 said Dan; 〃if that's what you
mean。  Miss Pasmer and I are quits。〃

〃Well; then; I'm glad of it。  She wasn't the one for you。  She isn't fit
for you。〃

 What's the reason she isn't?〃 cried Dan。  〃She's the most beautiful and
noble girl in the world; and the most conscientious; and the bestif she
is unjust to me。〃

〃No doubt of that。  I'm not attacking her; and I'm not defending you。〃

〃What are you doing then?〃〃

〃Simply saying that I don't believe you two would ever understand each
other。  You haven't got the same point of view; and you couldn't make it
go。  Both out of a scrape。〃

〃I don't know what you mean by a scrape;〃 said Dan; resenting the word
more than the idea。  Boardman tacitly refused to modify or withdraw it;
and Dan said; after a sulky silence; in which he began to dramatise a
meeting with his family: 〃I'm going home; I can't stand it here。  What's
the reason you can't come with me; Boardman?〃

〃Do you mean to your rooms?〃

〃No; to the Falls。〃

〃Thanks。  Guess not。〃

〃Why not?〃

〃Don't care about being a fifth wheel。〃

〃Oh; pshaw; now; Boardman!  Look here; you must go。  I want you to go。
II want your support。  That's it。  I'm all broken up; and I couldn't
stand that three hours' pull alone。  They'll be glad to see youall of
them。  Don't you suppose they'll be glad to see you?  They're always glad;
and they'll understand。〃

〃I don't believe you want me to go yourself。  You just think you do。〃

〃No。  I really do want you; Boardman。  I want to talk it over with you。  I
do want you。  I'm not fooling。〃

〃Don't think I could get away。〃  Yet he seemed to be pleased with the
notion of the Falls; it made him smile。

〃Well; see;〃 said Mavering disconsolately。  〃I'm going round to my rooms
now; and I'll be there till two o'clock; train's at 2。30。〃  He went
towards the door; where he faced about。  〃And you don't think it would be
of any use?〃

〃Any usewhat?〃

〃Trying tototo make it up。〃

〃How should I know?〃

〃No; no; of course you couldn't;〃 said Dan; miserably downcast。  All the
resentment which Alice's injustice had roused in him had died out; he was
suffering as helplessly and hopelessly as a child。  〃Well;〃 he sighe
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