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april hopes-第63章

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the door of the ladies parlour; and at the sound of women's voices Dan
halted。  For no other reason than that such voices always irresistibly
allured him; he went in; putting on an air of having come to look for some
one。  There were two or three groups of ladies receiving friends in
different parts of the room。  At the window a girl's figure silhouetted
itself against the keen light; and as he advanced into the room; peering
about; it turned with a certain vividness that seemed familiar。  This
young lady; whoever she was; had the advantage of Dan in seeing him with
the light on his face; and he was still in the dark about her; when she
advanced swiftly upon him; holding out her hand。

〃You don't seem to know your old friends; Mr。 Mavering;〃 and the manly
tones left him no doubt。

He felt a rush of gladness; and he clasped her hand and clung to it as if
he were not going to let it go again; bubbling out incoherencies of
pleasure at meeting her。  〃 Why; Miss Anderson!  You here?〃  What a piece
of luck!  Of course I couldn't see you against the windowmake you out!
But something looked familiarand the way you turned!  And when you
started toward me!  I'm awfully glad!  Whenwhere are youthat is〃

Miss Anderson kept laughing with him; and bubbled back that she was very
glad too; and she was staying with her aunt in that hotel; and they had
been there a month; and didn't he think Washington was charming?  But it
was too bad he had just got there with that blizzard。  The weather had
been perfectly divine till the day before yesterday。

He took the spray of forceythia out of his buttonhole。  〃I can believe it。
I found this in one; of the squares; and I think it belongs to you。〃  He。
offered it with a bow and a laugh; and she took it in the same humour。

〃What is the language of forceythia?〃 she asked。

〃It has noneonly expressive silence; you know。〃

A middle…aged lady came in; and Miss Anderson said; 〃My aunt; Mr。

〃Mr。 Mavering will hardly remember me;〃 said the lady; giving him her
hand。  He protested that he should indeed; but she had really made but a
vague impression upon him at Campobello。  He knew that she was there with
Miss Anderson; he had been polite to her as he was to all women; but he
had not noticed her much; and in his heart he had a slight for her; as
compared with the Boston people he was more naturally thrown with; he
certainly had not remembered that she was a little hard of hearing。

Miss Van Hook was in a steel…grey effect of dress; and; she had carried
this up into her hair; of which she worn two short vertical curls on each

She did not sit down; and Dan perceived that the ladies were going out。
In her tailor…made suit of close…fitting serge and her Paris bonnet;
carried like a crest on her pretty little head; Miss Anderson was
charming。  She had a short veil that came across the base of her lively
nose; and left her mouth and chin to make the most of themselves;
unprejudiced by its irregularity。

Dan felt it a hardship to part with them; but he prepared to take himself
off。  Miss Anderson asked him how long he was to be in Washington; and
said he must come to see them; they meant to stay two weeks yet; and then
they were going to Old Point Comfort; they had their rooms engaged。

He walked down to their carriage with the ladies and put them into it; and
Miss Anderson still kept him talking there。

Her aunt said: 〃Why shouldn't you come with us; Mr。 Mavering?  We're going
to Mrs。 Secretary Miller's reception。〃

Dan gave himself a glance。  〃I don't knowif you want me?〃

〃We want you;〃 said Miss Anderson。  〃Very well; then; I'll go。〃

He got in; and they began rolling over that smooth Washington asphalt
which makes talk in a carriage as easy as in a drawing…room。  Dan kept
saying to himself; 〃Now she's going to bring up Campobello;〃 but Miss
Anderson never recurred to their former meeting; and except for the sense
of old acquaintance which was manifest in her treatment of him he might
have thought that they had never met before。  She talked of Washington and
its informal delights; and of those plans which her aunt had made; like
every one who spends a month in Washington; to spend all the remaining
winters of her life there。

It seemed to Dan that Miss Anderson was avoiding Campobello on his
account; he knew from what Alice had told him that there had been much
surmise about their affair after he had left the island; and he suspected
that Miss Anderson thought the subject was painful to him。  He wished to
reassure her。  He asked at the first break in the talk about Washington;
〃How are the Trevors?〃

〃Oh; quite well;〃 she said; promptly availing herself of the opening。
〃Have you seen any of our Campobello friends lately in Boston?〃

〃No; I've been at home for the last monthin the country。〃  He scanned
her face to see if she knew anything of his engagement。  But she seemed
honestly ignorant of everything since Campobello; she was not just the
kind of New York girl who would visit in Boston; or have friends living
there; probably she had never heard of his engagement。  Somehow this
seemed to simplify matters for Dan。  She did not ask specifically after
the Pasmers; but that might have been because of the sort of break in her
friendship with Alice after that night at the Trevors'; she did not ask
specifically after Mrs。 Brinkley or any of the others。

At Mrs。 Secretary Miller's door there was a rapid arrival and departure of
carriages; of coupes; of hansoms; and of herdics; all managed by a man in
plain livery; who opened and shut the doors; and sent the drivers off
without the intervention of a policeman; it is the genius of Washington;
which distinguishes it from every other capital; from every other city; to
make no show of formality; of any manner of constraint anywhere。  People
were swarming in and out; coming and going on foot as well as by carriage。
The blandest of coloured uncles received their cards in the hall and put
them into a vast tray heaped up with pasteboard; smiling affectionately
upon them as if they had done him a favour。

〃Don't you like them?〃 asked Dan of Miss Anderson; he meant the Southern

〃I adoye them;〃 she responded; with equal fervour。  〃You must study some
new types here for next summer;〃 she added。

Dan laughed and winced too。  〃Yes!〃  Then be said solemnly; 〃I am not
going to Campobello next summer。〃

They felt into a stream of people tending toward an archway between the
drawing…rooms; where Mrs。 Secretary Miller stood with two lady friends who
were helping her receive。  They smiled wearily but kindly upon the crowd;
for whom the Secretary's wife had a look of impartial hospitality。  She
could not have known more than one in fifty; and she met them all with
this look at first; breaking into incredulous recognition when she found a
friend。  〃Don't go away yet;〃 she said cordially; to Miss Van Hook and her
niece; and she held their hands for a moment with a gentle look of relief
and appeal which included Dan。  〃Let me introduce you to Mrs。 Tolliver and
to Miss Dixon。〃

These ladies said that it was not necessary in regard to Miss Anderson and
Miss Van Hook; and as the crowd pushed them on; Dan felt that they had
been received with distinction。

The crowd expressed the national variety of rich and poor; plain and
fashionable; urbane and rustic; they elbowed and shouldered each other
upon a perfect equality in a place where all were as free to come as to
the White House; and they jostled quaint groups of almond…eyed legations
in the yellows and purples of the East; who looked dreamily on as if
puzzled past all surmise by the scene。  Certain young gentlemen with the
unmistakable air of being European or South American attaches found their
way about on their little feet; which the stalwart boots of the republican
masses must have imperilled; and smiled with a faint diplomatic
superiority; not visibly admitted; but all the same indisputable。  Several
of these seemed to know Miss Anderson; and took her presentation of
Mavering with exaggerated effusion。

〃I want to introduce you to my cousin over yonder;〃 she said; getting rid
of a minute Brazilian under…secretary; and putting her hand on Dan's arm
to direct him: 〃Mrs。 Justice Averill。〃

Miss Van Hook; keeping her look of severe vigilance; really followed her
energetic niece; who took the lead; as a young lady must whenever she and
her chaperon meet on equal terms。

Mrs。 Justice Averill; who was from the far West somewhere; received Dan
with the ease of the far East; and was talking London and Paris to him
before the end of the third minute。  It gave Dan a sense of liberation; of
expansion; he filled his lungs with the cosmopolitan air in a sort of
intoxication; without formulating it; he felt; with the astonishment which
must always attend the Bostonian's perception of the fact; that there is a
great social life in America outside of Boston。  At Campobello he had
thought Miss Anderson a very jolly girl; bright; and up to all sorts of
things; but in the presence of the portable Boston there he could not help
regarding her with a sort of tolerance which he now b
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