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bird neighbors-第32章

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nd gray edges to some feathers。 A   gray line through centre of crown; which has maroon stripes;   gray ears enclosed by buff lines; one of which passes through   the eye and one on side of throat; brownish orange; or buff; on   sides of head。 Bend of the wing yellow。 Breast and sides pale   buff; distinctly streaked with black。 Underneath whitish。 Each   narrow quill of tail is sharply pointed。 the outer ones   shortest。 Range  Atlantic coast。 Winters south of Virginia。 Migrations  April。 November。 Summer resident。

This bird delights in the company of the dull…colored seaside sparrow; whose haunts in the salt marshes it frequents; especially the drier parts; but its pointed tail…quills and more distinct markings are sufficient to prevent confusion。 Mr。 J。 Dwight; Jr。; who has made a special study of maritime birds; says of it: 〃It runs about among the reeds and grasses with the celerity of a mouse; and it is not apt to take wing unless closely pressed。〃 (Wilson credited it with the nimbleness of a sandpiper。) 〃It builds its nest in the tussocks on the bank of a ditch; or in the drift left by the tide; rather than in the grassier sites chosen by its neighbors; the seaside sparrows。〃

Only rarely does one get a glimpse of this shy little bird; that darts out of sight like a flash at the first approach。 Balancing on a cat…tail stalk or perched upon a bit of driftwood; it makes a feeble; husky attempt to sing a few notes; and during the brief performance the opera…glasses may search it out successfully。 While it feeds upon the bits of sea…food washed ashore to the edge of the marshes; it gives us perhaps the best chance we ever get; outside of a museum; to study the bird's characteristics of plumage。

〃Both the sharp…tailed and the seaside finches are crepuscular;〃 says Dr。 Abbott; in 〃The Birds About Us。〃 They run up and down the reeds and on the water's edge long after most birds have gone to sleep。

SONG SPARROW (Melospiza fasciata) Finch family

Length  6 to 6。5 inches。 About the same size as the English   sparrow。 Male and Female  Brown head; with three longitudinal gray bands   Brown stripe on sides of throat。 Brownish…gray back streaked   With rufous。 Underneath gray; shading to white; heavily   streaked with darkest brown。 A black spot on breast。 Wings   without bars。 Tail plain grayish brown。 Range  North America; from Fur Countries to the Gulf States。   Winters from southern Illinois and Massachusetts to the Gulf。 Migrations  March。 November。 A few birds remain at the north   All the year。

Here is a veritable bird neighbor; if ever there was one; at home in our gardens and hedges; not often farther away than the roadside; abundant everywhere during nearly every month in the year; and yet was there ever one too many? There is scarcely an hour in the day; too; when its delicious; ecstatic song may not be heard; in the darkness of midnight; just before dawn; when its voice is almost the first to respond to the chipping sparrow's wiry trill and the robin's warble; in the cool of the morning; the heat of noon; the hush of evening  ever the simple; homely; sweet melody that every good American has learned to love in childhood。 What the bird lacks in beauty it abundantly makes up in good cheer。 Not at all retiring; though never bold; it chooses some conspicuous perch on a bush or tree to deliver its outburst of song; and sings away with serene unconsciousness。 Its artlessness is charming。 Thoreau writes in his 〃Summer〃 that the country girls in Massachusetts hear the bird say: 〃Maids; maids; maids; hang on your teakettle; teakettle…ettle…ettle。〃 The call…note; a metallic chip; is equally characteristic of the bird's irrepressible vivacity。 It has still another musical expression; however; a song more prolonged and varied than its usual performance; that it seems to sing only on the wing。

Of course; the song sparrow must sometimes fly upward; but whoever sees it fly anywhere but downward into the thicket that it depends upon to conceal it from too close inspection? By pumping its tail as it flies; it seems to acquire more than the ordinary sparrow's velocity。

Its nest; which is likely to be laid flat on the ground; except where field…mice are plentiful (in which case it is elevated into the crotch of a bush); is made of grass; strips of bark; and leaves; and lined with finer grasses and hair。 Sometimes three broods may be reared in a season; but even the cares of providing insects and seeds enough for so many hungry babies cannot altogether suppress the cheerful singer。 The eggs are grayish white; speckled and clouded with lavender and various shades of brown。

In sparsely settled regions the song sparrows seem to show a fondness for moist woodland thickets; possibly because their tastes are insectivorous。 But it is difficult to imagine the friendly little musician anything but a neighbor。 

SWAMP SONG SPARROW (Melospiza georgiana) Finch family


Length  5 to 5。8 inches。 A little smaller than the English   sparrow。 Male  Forehead black; crown; which in winter has black stripes;   is always bright bay; line over the eye; sides of the neck   gray。 Back brown; striped with various shades。 Wing。 edges and   tail reddish brown。 Mottled gray underneath inclining to white   on the chin。 Female  Without black forehead and stripes on head。 Range  North America; from Texas to Labrador。 Migrations  April。 October。 A few winter at the north。

In just such impenetrable retreats as the marsh wrens choose; another wee brown bird may sometimes be seen springing up from among the sedges; singing a few sweet notes as it flies and floats above them; and then suddenly disappearing into the grassy tangle。 It is too small; and its breast is not streaked enough to be a song sparrow; neither are their songs alike; it has not the wren's peculiarities of bill and tail; Its bright…bay crown and sparrowy markings finally identify it。 A suggestion of the bird's watery home shows itself in the liquid quality of its simple; sweet note; stronger and sweeter than the chippy's; and repeated many times almost like a trill that seems to trickle from the marsh in a little rivulet of song。 The sweetness is apt to become monotonous to all but the bird itself; that takes evident delight in its performance。 In the spring; when flocks of swamp sparrows come north; how they enliven the marshes and waste places。 And yet the song; simple as it is; is evidently not uttered altogether without effort; if the tail…spreading and teetering of the body after the manner of the ovenbird; are any indications of exertion。

Nuttall says of these birds: 〃They thread their devious way with the same alacrity as the rail; with whom; indeed; they are often associated in neighborhood。 In consequence of this perpetual brushing through sedge and bushes; their feathers are frequently so worn that their tails appear almost like those of rats。〃

But the swamp sparrows frequently belie their name; and; especially in the South; live in dry fields; worn…out pasture lands with scrubby; weedy patches in them。 They live upon seeds of grasses and berries; but Dr。 Abbott has detected their special fondness for fish  not fresh fish particularly; but rather such as have lain in the sun for a few days and become dry as a chip。  Their nest is placed on the ground; sometimes in a tussock of grass or roots of an upturned tree quite surrounded by water。 Four or five soiled white eggs with reddish…brown spots are laid usually twice in 2 season。

TREE SPARROW (Spizella monticola) Finch family


Length  6 to 6。35 inches。 About the same size as the English   sparrow。 Male  Crown of head bright chestnut。 Line over the eye; cheeks;   throat; and breast gray; the breast with an indistinct black   spot on centre。 Brown back; the feathers edged with black and   buff。 Lower back pale grayish brown。 Two whitish bars across   dusky wings; tail feathers bordered with grayish white。   Underneath whitish。 Female  Smaller and less distinctly marked。 Range  North America; from Hudson Bay to the Carolinas; and   westward to the plains。 Migrations  October。 April。 Winter resident。

A revised and enlarged edition of the friendly little chipping sparrow; that hops to our very doors for crumbs throughout the mild weather; comes out of British America at the beginning of winter to dissipate much of the winter's dreariness by his cheerful twitterings。 Why he should have been called a tree sparrow is a mystery; unless because he does not frequent trees   a reason with sufficient plausibility to commend the name to several of the early ornithologists; who not infrequently called a bird precisely what it was not。 The tree sparrow actually does not show half the preference for trees that its familiar little counterpart does; but rather keeps to low bushes when not on the ground; where we usually find it。 It does not crouch upon the ground like the chippy; but with a lordly carriage holds itself erect as it nimbly runs over the frozen crust。 Sheltered from the high; wintry winds in the furrows and dry ditches of ploughed fields;
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