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some considerations of the lowering of interest-第5章

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ought to an end; and he fast in Prison。 A Farm and a kingdom in this respect differ no more than as greater and less。 We may Trade; and be busie; and grow Poor by it; unless we regulate our Expences; If to this we are Idle; Negligent; Dishonest; Malitious; and disturb the Sober and Industrious in their Business; let it be upon what pretence it will; we shall Ruine the faster。     So that whatever this Author; or any one else may say; Money is brought into England by nothing but spending here less of Foreign Commodities; than what we carry to Market can pay for; Nor can Debts we owe to Foreigners be paid by Bills of Exchange; till our Commodities Exported; and Sold beyond Sea; have produced Money or Debts due there; to some of our Merchants。 For nothing will pay Debts but Money or Moneys worth; which three or four Lines writ in Paper cannot be。 If such Bills have an intrinsick value; and can serve instead of Money; why do we not send them to Market instead of our Cloth; Lead and Tin; and at an easier rate purchase the Commodities we want? All that a Bill of Exchange can do; is to direct to whom Money due; or taken up upon Credit in a Foreign Country; shall be paid: And if we trace it; we shall find; that what is owing already became so; for Commodities; or Money; carried from hence: And if it be taken up upon Credit; it must (let the Debt be shifted from one Creditor to another as often as you will) at last be paid by Money or Goods; carried from hence; or else the Merchant here must turn Bankrupt。     We have seen how Riches and Money are got; kept; or lost; in any Country; and that is by consuming less of Foreign Commodities than what; by Commodities or Labour is paid for。 This is in the ordinary course of things: But where great Armies and Alliances are to be maintained abroad by Supplies sent out of any Country; there often; by a shorter and more sensible way; the Treasure is diminished。 But this since the holy War; or at least since the Improvement of Navigation and Trade; seldom happening to England; whose Princes have found the enlarging their Power by Sea; and the securing our Navigation and Trade; more the Interest of this Kingdom than Wars or Conquests on the Continent; Expences in Arms beyond Sea have had little Influence on our Riches or Poverty。 The next thing to be considered; is; how Money is necessary to Trade。     The Necessity of a certain Proportion of Money to Trade; (I conceive) lyes in this; That Money in its Circulation driving the several Wheels of Trade; whilst it keeps in that Channel (for some of it will unavoidably be dreined into standing Pools) is all shared between the Landholder; whose Land affords the Materials; The Labourer; who works thenm; The Broker; (i。e。) Merchant and Shopkeeper; who distributes them to those; that want them; And the Consumer; who spends them。 Now Money is necessary to all these sorts of Men; as serving both for Counters and for Pledges; and so carryingwith it even Reckoning; and Security; that he; that receives it; shall have the same Value for it again; of other things that he wants; whenever he pleases。 The one of these it does by its Stamp and Denomination; the other by its intrinsick Value; which is its Quantity。     For Mankind; having consented to put an imaginary Value upon Gold and Silver by reason of their Durableness; Scarcity; and not being very liable to be Counterfeited; have made them by general consent the common Pledges; whereby Men are assured; in Exchange for them to receive equally valuable things to those they parted with for any quantity of these Metals。 By which means it comes to pass; that the intrinsick Value regarded in these Metals made the common Barter; is nothing but the quantity which Men give or receive of them。 For they having as Money no other Value; but as Pledges to procure; what one wants or desires; and they procuring what we want or desire; only by their quantity; 'tis evident; that the intrinsick Value of Silver and Gold used in Commerce is nothing but their quantity。     The Necessity therefore of a Proportion of Money to Trade; depends on Money not as Counters; for the Reckoning may be kept; or transferred by Writing; but on Money as a Pledge; which Writing cannot supply the place of: Since the Bill; Bond; or other Note of Debt; I receive from one Man will not be accepted as Security by another; he not knowing that the Bill or Bond is true or legal; or that the Man bound to me is honest or responsible; and so is not valuable enough to become a current Pledge; nor can by publick Authority be well made so; as in the Case of Assigning of Bills。 Because a Law cannot give to Bills that intrinsick Value; which the universal Consent of Mankind has annexed to Silver and Gold。 And hence Foreigners can never be brought to take your Bills; or Writings for any part of Payment; though perhaps they might pass as valuable Considerations among your own People; did not this very much hinder it; viz。 That they are liable to unavoidable Doubt; Dispute; and Counterfeiting; and require other Proofs to assure us that they are true and good Security; than our Eyes or a Touchstone。 And at best this Course; if practicable; will not hinder us from being Poor; but may be suspected to help to make us so; by keeping us from feeling our Poverty; which in Distress will be sure to find us with greater disadvantage。 Though it be certain it is better than letting any part of our Trade fall for want of current Pledges; and better too than borrowing Money of our Neighbours upon Use; if this way of Assigning Bills can be made so easie; safe and universal at home; as to hinder it。     To return to the business in hand; and shew the necessity of a Proportion of Money to Trade。 Every Man must have at least so much Money; or so timely Recruits; as may in hand; or in a short distance of time; satisfie his Creditor who supplies him with the necessaries of Life; or of his Trade。 For no body has any longer these necessary Supplies; than he has Money; or Credit; which is nothing else but an Assurance of Money in some short time。 So that it is requisite to Trade that there should be so much Money; as to keep up the Landholders; Labourers and Brokers Credit: And therefore ready Money must be constantly exchang'd for Wares and Labour; or follow within a short time after。     This shews the necessity of some Proportion of Money to Trade: But what Proportion that is; is hard to determine; because it depends not barely on the quantity of Money; but the quickness of its Circulation。 The very same Shilling may at one time pay Twenty Men in Twenty days; at another; rest in the same Hands One hundred days together。 This makes it impossible exactly to Estimate the quantity of Money needful in Trade: But to make some probable guess; we are to consider; how much Money it is necessary to suppose must rest constantly in each Man's Hands; as requisite to the carrying on of Trade。     First therefore the Labourers; living generally but from hand to mouth; and indeed; considered as Labourers in order to Trade; may well enough carry on their part; if they have but Money enough to buy Victuals; Cloaths; and Tools: All which may very well be provided; without any great Sum of Money lying still in their Hands。 The Labourers therefore; being usually paid once a Week; (if the times of Payment be seldomer; there must be more Money for the carrying on this part of Trade) we may suppose there is constantly amongst them; one with another; or those who are to pay them; always one Weeks Wages in ready Money。 For it cannot be thought; that all; or most of the Labourers pay away all their Wages constancy; as soon as they receive it; and live upon Trust till next Pay Day。 This the Farmer and Tradesman could not well bear; were it every Labourer's Case; and every one to be trusted: And therefore they must of necessity keep some Money in their Hands; to go to Market for Victuals; and to other Tradesmen as poor as themselves; for Tools; and lay up Money too to buy Cloaths; or pay for those they bought upon Credit。 Which Money thus necessarily resting in their Hands; we cannot imagine to be; one with another; much less than a Weeks Wages; that must be in their Pockets; or ready in the Farmer's Hands。 For he who employs a Labourer at a Shilling per Day; and pays him on Saturday Nights; cannot be supposed constancy to receive that six Shillings just the same Saturday: It must ordinarily be in his Hands one time with another; if not a whole Week; yet several Days before。     This was the ordinary Course; whil'st we had Money running in the several Channels of Commerce: But that now very much failing; and the Farmer not having Money to pay the Labourer; supplies him with Corn; which in this great Plenty the Labourer will have at his own Rate; or else not take it of fhis Hands for Wages。 And as for the Workmen; who are employed in our Manufactures; especially the Woollen one; these the Clothier; not having ready Money to pay; furnishes with the necessaries of Life; and so trucks Commodities for Work; which; such as they are; good or bad; the Workman must take at his Master's Rate; or sit still and starve: Whil'st by this means; this new sort of Ingrossers or Forestallers; having the feeding and supplying this numerous Body of Wor
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