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a face illumined-第20章

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and the absence of Mrs。 Chints foreboded mischief。

〃What enormity can that odious family be about to perpetrate?〃

whispered Stanton。

〃I cannot surmise;〃 answered Van Berg; 〃something in reference to

the rescue of her child; I suppose。  I wish I could thwart them;

for Miss Burton's position will place her full in the public eye;

and I do not wish her to be the victim of their vulgarity。〃

After a little further hesitation and thought he stepped in; and

approaching Miss Burton; said:

〃Pardon me for interrupting you; but I wish to show you something

on the piazza that will interest you。〃

She rose to follow him; but before she could take a step Mrs。 Chints

swept in on the arm of her husband; followed by the nursewho had

been retained at Miss Burton's intercessionbearing in her arms

the little boy; that stared at the lights and people with the round

eyes of childish wonder。

Every one looked up in surprise at the sudden appearance of the

little group; that suggested a christening more than anything else。

Planting themselves before Miss Burton; thus barring all egress;

Mr。  Chints fumbled a moment in his pocket and drew out an envelope;

and with a loud; prefatory 〃Ahem!〃 began:

〃My dear Miss Burtonthat is the way Mrs。 Chints says I should address

you; thought it strikes me as a trifle familiar and affectionate;

but I mean no harmwe're under peculvery great obligations to

YOU。  We learnmy wife hasthat you are engagedengagedinI

mean that youteach。  I'm sure that's a lawful callingI mean

a laudable one; and no one can deny that it's useful。  In my view

it's to your credit that you are engagedinthat you teach。

I work myself; and always mean to。  In fact I enjoy it more than

making speeches。  But feeling that we were under wonderful obligations

to YOU; and learningmy wife didthat you were dependent onon

your own labor; we thought that if this little fellow that you saved

so handsomely should hand you this check for five hundred dollars

it wouldn't be amiss。〃  And here; according to rehearsal; the nurse

with great parade handed the child to Mrs。 Chints; who now; with

much 'empressement;' advanced to a position immediately before Miss

Burton; meanwhile the poor; perspiring Mr。 Chints put the envelope

into the child's chubby hand; saying:

〃Give it to the lady; Augustus。〃

But the small Augustus; on the contrary; stared at the lady and

put the envelope in his mouth; to the great mortification of Mrs。

Chints; who had been so preoccupied with the Chints side of the

affair; and the impression they were making on the extemporized

audience; that she had no eyes for Miss Burton。

And that young lady's face was; in truth; a study。  An expression

of surprise was followed quickly by one of resentment。  Even Stanton

was obliged to admit that for a moment the little 〃school…ma'am〃

looked formidable。  But as Mr。 Chints floundered on in his speech;

as some poor wretch who could not swim might struggle to get out

of the deep water into which he had been thrown; the expression

of her face softened; and one might imagine the thought passing

through her mind〃They don't know any better;〃 and when; at last;

the child; instead of carrying out the climax that Mrs。 Chints had

intended; began vigorously to munch the envelope containing the

precious check; there was even a twinkle of humor in the young

lady's eyes。  But she responded gravely:

〃Mr。 Chints; I was at first inclined to resent this scene; but time

has been given me to perceive that neither you nor your wife wish

to hurt my feelings; and that you are in part; at least; actuated

by feelings of gratitude for the service that I was so fortunate

as to render you。  But I fear you do not quite understand me。  You

are right in one respect; however。  I do labor for my own livelihood;

and it is a source of the deepest satisfaction to me that I can

live from my own work and not from gifts。  If your hearts prompt

this large donation; there are hundreds of poor little waifs in

the city to whom this money will bring a little of the care and

comfort which blesses your child。  As for myself; this is all the

reward that I wish or can receive;〃 and she stooped and kissed

the child on both cheeks。  Then taking Van Berg's arm; she gladly

escaped to the cool and dusky piazza。

Mr。 Chints looked at Mrs。 Chints in dismay。  Mrs。 Chints handed

the baby to the nurse; and beat an undramatic and hasty retreat;

her husband following in a dazed sort of manner; treading on her

train at every other step。

As Van Berg passed out of the parlor; he saw Ida Mayhew vanishing

from its farther side; with Stanton in close pursuit。  When Miss

Burton ended the disagreeable affair by kissing the child; there had

been a slight murmur of applause。  Significant smiles and a rising

him of voices descanting on the affair in a way not at all complimentary

to the crestfallen Chints family; followed the disappearances of

all the actors in the unexpected scene。

Chapter XII。  Miss Mayhew is Puzzled。

〃Miss Burton;〃 said Van Berg; as soon as they were alone; 〃I wish

I could have saved you from this disagreeable experience。  I tried

to do so; but was not quick enough。  I much blame my slow wits that

I was not more prompt。〃

〃I wish it might have been prevented;〃 she replied; 〃for their

sakes as well as my own。〃

〃I have no compunctions on their account whatever;〃 said Van Berg;

〃and feel that you let them off much too kindly。  I think; however;

that they and all others here will understand you much better

hereafter。  I cannot express too strongly to you how thoroughly our

brief acquaintance has taught me to respect you; and if you will

permit me to give an earnest meaning to Mr。 Burleigh's jesting offer

to share with me the responsibility of your care; I will esteem it

an honor。〃

〃I sincerely thank you; Mr。 Van Berg; and should I ever need the

services of a gentleman;〃she laid a slight emphasis upon the

term〃I shall; without any hesitancy; turn to you。  But I have

long since learned to be my own protectress; as; after all; one

must be; situated as I am。〃

〃You seem to have the ability; not only to take care of yourself;

but of others; Miss Burton。  Nevertheless I shall; with your

permission; establish a sort of protectorate over you which shall

be exceedingly unobtrusive and undemonstrative; and not in the

least like that which some powers make the excuse for exactions;

until the protected party is ready to cry out in desperation to

be delivered from its friends。  I hesitated too long this evening

from the fear of being forward; and yet I did not know what was

coming; and had learned only accidentally but a few moments before

that anything was coming。〃

〃Well;〃 replied Miss Burton with a slight laugh; 〃it's a comfortable

thought that there's a fort near; to which one can run should an

enemy appear; and a pleasanter thought still; that the fort is strong

and staunch。  but; to change the figure; I have a great fancy for

paddling my own light canoe; and such small craft will often float;

you know; where a ship of the line would strike。〃

〃I will admit; Miss Burton; that ships of the line are often unwieldy

and clumsily deep in the water; but if you ever do need a gunboat

with a howitzer or two on deck; may I hope to be summoned?〃

〃I could ask for no better champion。  I fairly tremble at the

broadside that would follow。〃

〃Are you thinking of the discharge or the recoil?〃

〃Both might involve danger;〃 said Miss Burton; laughing; 〃but I

have concluded to keep on your side through such wars as may rage

at the Lake House during my sojourn。  I cannot help thinking of

poor Mr。  and Mrs。 Chints。  I feel almost as sorry for such people

as I do for the blind and deaf。  They seem to lack a certain sense

which; if possessed; would teach them to avoid such scenes。〃

〃I detest such people and like to snub them unmercifully;〃 said

Van Berg; heartily。

〃That may be in accordance with a gunboat character; but is it


〃Why not?  What does snobbishness and rich vulgarity deserve at

any man's hands?〃

〃Nothing but sturdy blows。  But what do weak; imperfect; half…educated

men and women; who have never had a tithe of your advantages; NEED

at your hands?  Can we not condemn faults; and at the same time

pity and help the faulty?  The gunboat sends its shot crashing too

much at random。  It seems to me that true knighthood would spare

weakness of any kind。〃

〃I'm glad you have not spared mine。  You have demolished me as a

gunboat; but I would fain be your knight。〃

〃It is Mrs。 Chints who needs a knight at present; and not I。  It

troubles me to think of her worriment over this foolish little

episode; and with your permission I will go and try to banish the


As she turned she was intercepted by Stanton; who said:
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