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a face illumined-第38章

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He looked at her with sudden suspicion。  〃Do you mean what you


〃I do。〃

〃Why do you wish my society?〃

She hesitated。

His face darkened still more; for he remembered what he was; and

how little this young and lovely girl had in common with him。

〃Answer me truly;〃 he insisted; 〃why should you wish my society?

I've not a particle of vanity。  I know what I am; and you undoubtedly

know also。  If you wish to advise me and preach at me; let me

tell you plainly but courteously that your efforts; however; well

intentioned; would be in vain; and not altogether welcome。  I can

conceive of no other reason why you should wish for my society。〃

Her face became very pale; but she looked him full in his eyes as

she replied:

〃I do not wish to preach or advise at all。  Can you not understand

that one may ease one's own pain by trying to relieve the suffering

of another?  Now you see how selfish I am。〃

His face softened instantly; and he said:

〃Miss Burton; that is too divine a philosophy for me to grasp at

once。  As the world goes now; I think you are founding a school

of your own。  You will find me an eager listener; if not an apt

scholar; whenever you will honor me with your company。〃  And smiling

his thanks he rose and left the table。

This conversation had been carried on in tones too low and quiet

to be heard by others in the crowded and noisy dining…room。  Van

Berg; who sat opposite; had taken pains not to follow it and to

appear oblivious; and yet he could not refrain from observing its

general drift and scope in Mr。 Mayhew's manner; and his eyes glowed

with admiration for her winning tact and kindness。  The glance he

bent upon her was perhaps more ardent and approving than he was

aware; for she; looking up from the abstraction which the recent

conversation had occasioned; seemed strangely affected by it; for

she trembled and her face blanched with a sudden pallor; while her

eyes were riveted to his face。

〃You are not well; Miss Burton;〃 said Stanton hastily; but in a

low tone。  〃Let me get you some wine。〃

She started perceptibly; and then a sudden crimson suffused her

face as she became conscious that other eyes were upon her。

In almost a second she recovered herself fully; and replied; with

a smile:

〃No; I think you; Mr。 Stanton。  A cup of tea is a panacea for all

a woman's troubles; and you see I have it here。  I did not feel

well for a moment; but am better now。〃

The eyes of Stanton and Ida met。  Both had seen this little

episode; and each drew from it conclusions that were anything but

inspiriting。  But Van Berg was thoroughly puzzled。  While as he felt

hen he would have gladly drawn encouragement from it; and perhaps

did so to some extent; he still felt there was something peculiar

in her manner; of which he seemed the occasion; but was not the

adequate cause。

Miss Burton soon after sought her room; and for a few moments paced

it in deep disquiet; and her whole form seemed to become tense and

rigid。  In low tones she communed with herself:

〃Is my will so weak?  Shall I continue betraying myself at any

unexpected moment?  Shall I show to strangers something that I

would hide from all eyes save those of God?  Let me realize it at

once; and so maintain self…control henceforth。  This is an illusiona

mere trick of my overwrought mind; and yet it seemed so like…〃

A passion of grief interrupted further words。  Such bitter;

uncontrollable sorrow in one so young was terrible。  She writhed

and struggled with this anguish for a time as helplessly as if she

were in the grasp of a giant。

At last she grew calm。  There were no tears in her eyes。  She

was beyond such simple and natural expression of sorrow。  She had

ready tears for the troubles of others; but now her eyes were dry

and feverish。

〃O God;〃 she gasped; 〃teach me patience!  Keep me submissive。  Let

me still say; 'Thy will be done。'  And yet the time is drawing near

whenoh; hush! hush!  Let me not think of it…

〃There; there; be still;〃 she said more quietly with her hand upon

her side。  〃Hundreds of other hearts besides your own are aching。

Forget yourself in relieving them。〃

She bathed her face; put some brighter flowers in her hair; and

went down among the other guests; seemingly the very embodiment

of sunshine。  All eyes save those of Ida Mayhew welcomed her; the

children gathered round her; Stanton and Van Berg were both eager

for her society in the dance; or better still; for a promenade; but

she saw Mr。 Mayhew looking wistfully at her; and she went straight

to him。

With unerring tact she found out the subjects that were interesting

to him; and reviving his faith in his own intelligence; led his

mind through sunny; breezy ranges of thought that made the time he

spent with her like an escape from the narrow walls and stifling

air and gloom of a prison。

Chapter XXIV。  A Hateful; Wretched Life。

The advent of half a score of young men from the city naturally

made dancing the order of the occasion on Saturday evening。  Mr。

Burleigh; however; gave Sibley a hint that the features he had

introduced the previous week must be omitted tonight; since nothing

that would in the slightest degree lower the character of his

house would be tolerated。  The excitement therefore that Sibley had

formerly received from Cognac; he now sought to obtain by pursuing

with greater ardor his flirtation with Ida。  Indeed; to such a

nature as his; her beauty was quite as intoxicating as the 〃spirit

of wine。〃  There was a brilliancy in her appearance to night and

a piquancy in her words that struck him as very unusual。

Nor was he alone in his admiration。  The young men from the

city thronged about her; and her hand was soon engaged for every

dance until late in the evening; but on this occasion she had no

opportunity; as before; of declining invitations from Van Berg。

The solicitations of others went for little; the admiring eyes

that she saw following her on every side could not compensate for

the lack of all attention from him。  He danced several times; but

it was with those who seemed to be neglected by others。  In his

quiet; dignified bearing; in his unselfish affability toward those

who otherwise would have had a dull evening; he appeared to her in

most favorable contrast to the giddy young fellows who fluttered

around her; and whose supreme thoughts were always of themselves;

and of her only as she could minister to their pleasure。

〃Miss Burton has so plainly won him;〃 she thought; 〃that he has

adopted her tactics of looking after those whom every one neglects。

I could soon show him the one he has the greatest power of cheering;

and I know that she has the deepest need of cheer of any one in

this crowded house; but I'd rather die than give one hint of our

first meeting he has humiliated me; and I in return love him!  But

he shall never know it。  My looks can be as cold as his。〃

And so they were toward him; but for all others she had had the

gayest smiles and repartee。  Vividly conscious of the secret she

would so jealously guard; she sought by every means in her power

to mask it from him and all others。  She would even permit her name

for a time to be associated with a man she detested and despised;

since thus the truth could be more effectively concealed。

Sibley's attentions were certainly ardent enough to attract attention;

and occasionally there was a boldness in his compliments; which

she; even in her reckless mood; sharply resented。  His eyes seemed

to grow more wolfish every time she encountered them; and more than

once the thought crossed her mind:

〃What a heaven it would be to look up into the eyes of a man I

could trust; and who honored me。〃

What torture it was to see such a man present; and yet to feel that

he justly scorned her。

Excitement and her strong will kept her up for a long time; but as

the evening advanced despondency and weariness began to gain the

mastery。  Sibley came to her and said:  〃Miss Ida; I have your hand

for the next waltz; but I see you are worn and tired。  Let us go

out on the cool piazza instead of dancing。〃

Listlessly she took his arm and passed through one of the open

windows near。  Van Berg had disappeared some time before; and there

was no longer any motive to keep up the illusion of gayety。

Hardly had she stepped on the piazza before she heard her father


〃Miss Burton; if it will give you any pleasure to know that you have

made this evening memorably bright to one whose life is peculiarly

clouded; you can certainly enjoy that assurance in the fullest

measure。  You have kept your word and have not preached at me at

all; and yet I feel I ought to be a better man for this interview。〃

〃O; Miss Ida;〃 exclaimed Sibley; 〃this is the opportunity that I

have been wishing f
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