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a face illumined-第4章

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〃Well well;〃 said Stanton laughing; 〃I am rather glad to find one

man who is not drawn to her pretty face like a moth to a candle。

I will join you again by and by。〃

Van Berg sat down in one of the little stalls that stood open to

the main promenade; and saw his friend thread his way among the

moving figures; and address his cousin。  As she turned to speak

with Stanton; the artist received again that vivid impression of

beauty; which her face ever caused before time was given for closer

scrutiny。  Indeed from his somewhat distant point of observation;

and in the less searching light; the fatal flaw could scarcely be

detected。  Her affected tones and silly words could not be heard;

and he saw only dark lustrous eyes lighting up features that were

almost a revelation even to him with his artistic familiarity with


〃If I could always keep her at about that distance;〃 he muttered;

〃and arrange the lights and shadows in which to view her face; I

could not ask for a better study; for she would give me a basis of

perfect beauty; and I could add any expression of characteristic

that I desired。〃  And now he feasted his eyes as a compensation;

in part; for the annoyance she had caused him in the glare of the

audience room。

He soon saw a frown lower upon her hitherto laughing face like the

shadow of a passing cloud; and it was evident that something had

been said that was not agreeable to her vanity。

A moment or two after Stanton had joined the young lady her escort

for the evening had excused himself for a brief time; and had left

the cousins together。  She had then asked; 〃I say; Ik; who was that

gentleman you were talking with?〃

〃He's an old friend of mine。〃

〃He's not an OLD friend of any one。  He is young and quite good…looking;

or rather he has a certain 'distingue' air that makes one look at

him twice。  Who is he?〃

〃He is an artist; and if he lives and works as he is now doing;

through an ordinary lifetime; he will indeed by distinguished。  In

fact; he stands high already。〃

〃How nice;〃 she exclaimed。

〃He has another characteristic; which you will appreciate far more

than anything he will ever accomplish with his brushhe is very


〃Why! he's perfectly splendid。  Whoever heard of such a strange;

rare creature!  I've flirted with lots of poor artists; but never

with a rich one。  Bring him to me; and introduce him at once。〃

〃He is not one that you can flirt with; like the attenuated youth

who has just meandered to the barroom。〃

〃Why not?〃

〃If you had eyes for anything save your own pretty face; and the

public stare; you would have seen that my friend is not a 'creature;'

but a man。〃

〃Come; Cousin Ik;〃 she replied in more natural tones; 〃too much

of your house is made of glass for you to throw stones。  Flirting

and frolicking are as good any day as eating; smoking; and dawdling。〃

Stanton bit his lip; but retorted; 〃I don't profess to be a bit

better than you are; Coz; but I at least have the sense to appreciate

those who are my superiors。〃

〃So have I; when I find them; I am beginning to think; however;

that you men are very much alike。  All you ask is a pretty face;

for you all think that you have brains enough for two。  But bring

your paragon and introduce him; that I may share in your gaping


〃You would; indeed; my dear Coz; yawn over his conversation; for

you couldn't understand half of it。  I think we had better remain

where we are till your shadow returns with his eyes and nose

slightly inflamed。  He is aware of at least one method of becoming

a spirited youth; it seems。〃

〃A man who is worth half a million is usually regarded as rather

substantial;〃 she retorted。

〃Yes; but in this case the money…bags outweigh the man too

ridiculously。  For heaven's sake; Coz; do not make a spectacle of

yourself by marrying this attenuation; or society will assert there

was a regularly drawn bill of sale。〃

〃I assure you that I do not intend to put myself under any man's

thumb for a long time to come。  I am having too good a time; and

that reminds me that I would enjoy meeting your friend much more

than listening to your cynical speeches。  Did I not know that you

were like my little King Charlesall bark rather than biteI

wouldn't stand them; and I won't any longer; to…night。  So go and

bring your great embryo artist; or he will become one of the old

masters before I see him。〃

〃I fear I must give you a wee bit of bite this time。  I have offered

to introduce him and he declines the honor。〃

〃How is that?〃 she asked; flushing with anger。

〃I will quote his words exactly; and then you can interpret them

as you think best。  He said; 'I could not speak civilly to a lady

that I had just seen giggling and flirting through one of Beethoven's

finest symphonies。'〃

The young girl's face looked anything but amiable in response to

this speech; but; after a moment; she tossed her head; and replied:

〃'N'importe'there are plenty who can use not only civil words

but complimentary ones。〃

〃Yes; and the mischief of it is that you will listen to them and

to no others。  What sort of muscle can one make who lives only on


〃They agree with me better than the vinegar drops you and your

unmannerly friend delight in。  I don't believe he ever painted

anything better than a wooden squaw for one of your beloved

cigar…shopswelcome back Mr。 Minty。  You have been away an

unconscionably long time。〃

〃Thanks for the compliment of being missed。  I have tried to make

amends by ordering a 'petit souper' for three; for I was sure your

cousin would join us。  It will be brought to one of yonder stalls;

where; while we enjoy it; we can both see and hear。〃

Surmising that the viands would consist of the choicest delicacies

of the season; Stanton readily accepted the invitation; and it so

happened that the cloth was laid for the party in the stall next to

that in which Van Berg was quietly enjoying a cigar and a frugal glass

of lager。  They took their places quite unaware of his proximity;

and he listened with considerable interest to the tones and words

of the fair stranger who had so unexpectedly taken possession of

his thoughts。  Were it not for a slight shrillness and loudness at

times; and the fashionable affectation of the day; her voice would

have been sweet and girlish enough。  As it was; it suggested an

instrument tuned to a false key and consequently discordant with

all true and womanly harmonies。  Her conversation with young Minty

was as insipid as himself; but occasionally Stanton's cynical banter

evoked something like repartee and wit。

In the course of her talk she said:  〃By the way; Ik; mother and

I start for the country next week。  We are to spend the summer at

the Lake House; which is up the Hudson somewhereyou know where

better than I。  If you will bring your bays and a light wagon

I shall be very glad to see you there; otherwise I shall welcome

youwellas my cousin。〃

〃If I come I will surely bring my bays; and possibly may invite

you to drive with me。〃

〃Oh; I will save you all trouble in that respect by inviting myself;

when so inclined。〃

The orchestra was now about to give a selection that Van Berg wished

to hear to better advantage than he could in his present position;

therefore; unobserved by the party on the other side of the thin

partition; he returned to his old seat in the main hallway。  Not

very long after; Stanton; with his cousin and Mr。 Minty; entered

from the promenade; and again Van Berg received the same vivid

impression of beauty; and; with many others; could not withdraw his

eyes from the exquisite features that were slightly flushed with

champagne and excitement。  But; as before; this impression passed

quickly; and the face again became as exasperating to the artist

as the visage of the Venus of Milo would be should some vandal hand

pencil upon it a leer or a smirk。  A heavy frown was gathering upon

his brow when the young lady; happening to turn suddenly; caught

and fully recognized his lowering expression。  It accorded only

too well with her cousin's words in regard to Van Berg's estimate

of herself; and greatly increased her resentment towards the one who

had already wounded her vanitythe most vulnerable and sensitive

trait in her character。  The flush that deepened so suddenly upon

her face was unmistakably that of anger。  She promptly turned her

back upon her critic; nor did she look towards him again until

the close of the evening。  That his words and manner rankled in

her memory; however; was proved by a slightly preoccupied manner;

followed by fits of gayety not altogether natural; and chiefly by

the fact that she could not leave the place without a swift glance

at the disturbing cause of her wonted self…approval。  But Van Berg

took pains to manifest his in
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