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a face illumined-第40章

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Berg's; first coolly questioning and exploring in its expression;

and then coldly averted and scornful in consequence of what he had

discovered。  Not houses; but minds are haunted。

The clergyman; however; was an able; forcible speaker; and held

her attention from the first。  His sermon was topical rather than

textual in its character; that is; he enlarged on what he termed

〃the irreconcilable enmity between God and the world;〃 taking as

his texts the following selections:

〃The carnal mind is enmity against God。〃

And again; 〃Whosoever; therefore; will be a friend of the world;

is the enemy of God。〃

The sermon was chiefly an argument; and the point of it was that

there could be no compromise between these contending powersGod

on one side; the world on the otherand he insisted that his hearers

must be; and were with one party or the other。  The trouble was;

that in concentrating his thoughts on the single point he meant to

make; he took too much for grantednamely; that all his hearers

understood sufficiently the character of God; and the sense in which

the Bible uses the term 〃world;〃 not to misapprehend the nature

of his 〃enmity。〃 To seasoned church…goers the sermon was both true

and very satisfactory。

But when the minister reached the conclusion of his argument with

the words; 〃So then; they that are in the flesh cannot please God;〃

poor Ida drew a long dreary sigh; and wished she had remained at

home。  She was certainly 〃in the flesh;〃 if any one were; and in

addition to the fact that she neither pleased herself nor any one

else that she respected and loved; she was now given the assurance;

apparently fortified by Holy Writ; that she could not 〃please God。〃

The simple and divine diplomacy by which this 〃enmity〃 is removed

was unknown to her。

She turned to note how Miss Burton received a message that was so

unwelcome to herself; and saw that she was not listening。  There

was a dreamy far…away look in her eyes that clearly was not inspired

by the thought of 〃enmity。〃

〃She is probably thinking of the artist and the ideal future that

he can give her。  How foolish it is in poor Ik there to try to rival

HIM!  It was an unlucky day for us both; cousin of mine; when we

came to this place!〃

More disheartened and despondent than ever; she rode homeward with

her mother; answering questions only in monosyllables。  All that

religion had said to her that morning was:  〃Give up the worldall

with which you have hitherto been familiar; and have enjoyed。〃  God

was an infinite; all…powerful; remote abstraction; and yet for His

sake she must resign everything which would enable her to forget;

or at least disguise the pain and jealousy which were at times

almost unendurable; and she knew of no substitute with which to

replace 〃the world〃 she was asked to forego。

This religion of mere negation; expulsion; and restraint is too

often presented to the mind。  Dykes and levees are very useful;

and in some places essential; but if low malarial shores could be

lifted up into breezy hills and table…lands; this would be better。

This is not only possible; but it is the true method in respect to

the human soul; and one should seek to grow better not by sedulous

effort to keep out an evil world; but rather to fill up his heart

with a good pure world such as God made and blessed。

The sermon Ida heard that morning; therefore; only added to the

burden that was already too heavy to be carried much longer。

Chapter XXVI。  Sunday Table…talk。

To the relief of all save Mrs。 Mayhew; Sibley dined with a couple

of young; fast men; who enforced their invitation by the irresistible

attraction of a bottle of wine。

〃There is too much starch and dignity at that table to suit me;

any way;〃 he remarked。  〃There are those two model saints; who led

our devotions last Sunday evening; flirting with ponderous gravity

with that deep little school…ma'am; who has turned both their

heads; but can't make up her mind which of them to capture; both

being such marvellously good game for one of her class。  Cute Yankee

as she believes herself to be; she's a fool to think that either

of them is more than playing with her。  By Jupiter! but it would

be sport to cut 'em both out; and I could do it if I were up here

a week。  Those who know the world know that such women cipher out

these matters in the spirit of New England thrift; and you have

only to mislead them with sufficient plausible data to capture them

body and soul。〃 And Sibley complacently sipped his wine as if he

had stated all there was to be said on the subject。  Few men prided

themselves more on a profound knowledge of the world than he。

Ida's despondency while at dinner was so great she could not throw

it off。  Listlessly and wearily she barely tasted of the different

courses as they were passed to her。  She consciously made only one

effort; and that was to appear utterly indifferent to Van Berg; and

both circumstances and his contemptuous neglect made but little

feigning necessary。  The evening before had associated her so

inseparably in his mind with Sibley; that he was beginning to regard

her with aversion。

〃Trivial natures are disturbed by trivial causes;〃 he thought; 〃and

she looks as if the world had turned black because Sibley has been

lured from her side for an hour by a bottle of wine。  He'll revive

her again before supper。〃

〃How wintry that old gentleman looks who is just entering!〃 Stanton

remarked。  〃It makes one shiver to think of becoming as frosty and

white as he。〃

〃Oh; don't speak of being old!〃 cried Mrs。 Mayhew。  〃Remember

there are some at the table who are in greater danger of that final

misfortune than you young people。〃

〃Do you dread being old; Miss Burton?〃 Van Berg asked。

〃No; but I do the process of growing old。〃

〃For once we think alike; Miss Burton;〃 said Ida abruptly。  〃To

think of plodding on through indefinite dreary years toward the

miserable conclusion of old age! and yet it is said nothing is so

sweet as life。〃

〃Really; Cousin; your advance down the ages reminds one more of a

quickstep than of 'plodding;'〃 remarked Stanton。

〃The step matters little;〃 she retorted; 〃as long as you feel as

if you were going to your own funeral。  I agree with Miss Burton;

that growing old is worse than being old; thought Heaven knows that

both are bad enough。〃

〃I'm not sure that Heaven would agree with either of us;〃 said Miss

Burton; gently。

〃I fear the sermon did not do you much good; Coz;〃 said Stanton;


〃No; it did not。  It did me harm; if such a thing were possible;〃

was the reckless reply。

〃Human nature is generally regarded as capable of improvement;〃

remarked Stanton; sententiously。

〃I was not speaking of human nature generally;〃 said Ida; 〃I was

thinking of myself。〃

〃As usual; my charming Cousin。〃

She flushed resentfully; but did not reply。

〃And I feel that Miss Mayhew has done herself injustice in her

thought;〃 said Miss Burton; with a sympathetic glance at Ida。  〃And

how is it with you; Mr。 Van Berg?  Do you dread growing old?〃

〃I fear my opinion will remind you of Jack Bunsby;〃 replied

the artist。  〃Growing old is like a prospective journey。  So much

depends upon the country through which you travel and your company。

My father and mother are taking a summer excursion through Norway

and Sweden; and I know they are enjoying themselves abundantly。

They have had a good time growing old。  Why should not others?〃

Ida appeared to resent his words bitterly; and with a tone and

manner that surprised every one she said:

〃Mr。 Van Berg; I could not have believed that you were capable

of making so superficial a reply。  Why not say; if the poor were

rich; if the ugly were beautiful; if the sick were well; if the bad

were good; and we all had our heart's desires; we could journey on

complacently and prosperously?〃

The artist flushed deeply under this address; coming from such an

unexpected quarter; but he replied quietly:

〃That allusion with which I prefaced my remark; Miss Mayhew; proved

that I regard my opinion as of little value; and yet I have no

better one to offer。  Nothing is more trite than the comparison

of life to a journey or a pilgrimage。  If one were compelled to

travel with very disagreeable people; in fifth…rate conveyances;

and through regions uninteresting or repulsive; the journey; or to

abandon the figure; growing old; might well be dreaded。  From my

soul I would pity one condemned to such a fate。  It would; indeed;

be 'dreary plodding' where one's best hope would be that he might

stumble upon his grave as soon as possible。  But I do not believe

in any such dreary fatalism。  We are endowed with intelligence

to choose carefully our paths and companions; and I cannot help

thinking that the majority might 
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