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a face illumined-第51章

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friendship。  The prospect of never winning her himself did not rob

life of its zest and color。  On the contrary; he believed that she

would ever be an inspiration; an exquisite ideal realized in actual

life。  As such he could not lose her any more than those women whom

poetry; fiction; and history had placed as stars in his firmament;

and this belief so contented him as to awaken surprise。

As he returned from a long and solitary stroll on Monday evening

he soliloquized complacently; 〃I am making too great a mystery of

it all。  She is not an ordinary woman。  Why should I feel towards

her the ordinary and conventional love which any woman might evoke?

There is more of spirit than of flesh and blood in her exquisite

organization。  Sorrow has refined away every gross and selfish

element; and left a saint towards whom devotion is far more seemly

and natural than passion。  She awakens in me a regard corresponding

to her own nature; and I thank heaven that I am at least finely

enough organized to understand her and so can seek to win her in

accordance with the subtle laws of her being。  She would shrink

inevitably from a downright; headlong passion like that of Stanton's;

no matter how honest it might be or how good the man expressing

it。  No hand; however strong; will ever grasp this 'rara avis;'

this good angel; rather。  Her wings must be pinioned by gossamer

threads of patient kindness; delicate sympathy; nice appreciation;

and all woven and wound so unobtrusively that the shy spirit may

not be startled。  What a fool I was to blurt out my feelings last

evening!  What rare good fortune is mine in the fact that she

gives me the vantage…ground of friendship from which to urge a suit

wherein must be combined sincerity with consummate skill。  I fear

I must efface some other image before I can implant my own。  How

fortunate I am that my cool and well…poised nature will enable me

to work under the guidance of judgment rather than impulse。〃

Feeling that he had much to gain and was in danger of irretrievable

loss; he lightly mounted the steps of the hotel; bent on finding

at once the object of his thoughts。

He saw her leaving a group in the parlor; of which Stanton was one;

and he hastened to intercept her in the hall…way。  Just as he was

about to speak to her; Mr。 Burleigh came bustling up and said:

〃Miss Burton; a strangernot to fame or fortune; nor to you

probably; but a stranger to meis inquiring for youa stranger

from the South。  He would not give his name; andgood heaven; Miss

Burton! are you ill?〃

Van Berg led her into a private parlor near。  She certainly had

grown very white and faint。  But after a moment there came a flash

of hope and eager expectation into her face that no words could

have expressed。

〃His namehis name?〃 she gasped。

Mr。 Burleigh looked at her a second; and then said:  〃Stay quietly

here; I'll bring him to you; and then; Mr。 Van Berg; perhaps you

and I might form an enormous crowd。〃

〃Had I not better leave you at once?〃 the artist asked when they

were alone。

〃Wait a moment。  IIam very weak。  It cannot bebut hope dies


Trembling like a leaf; and with eyes aflame with intense; eager

hope; she watched the door。

A moment later Mr。 Burleigh ushered in a middle…aged gentleman;

who commenced saying:

〃Pardon me; Miss Burton; for not sending my name; but you would

not have known it〃then the young lady's appearance checked him。

The effect of his coming was indeed striking。  It was as if a gust

of wind had suddenly extinguished a lamp。  The luminous eyes closed

for a moment; and the face became so pallid and ashen in its hue as

to suggest death。  It was evident to Van Berg that her disappointment

was more bitter than death。

〃Miss Burton took a long walk this afternoon;〃 he said; hastily;

〃and; I fear; went much beyond her strength。  Perhaps she had better

see you to…morrow。〃

〃Oh; certainly; certainly; I will remain; if there is need;〃 the

gentleman began。

By a strong and evident effort Miss Burton regained self…control;

and said; with a faint smile that played over her face a moment

like a gleam of wintry sunshine:

〃You strong men often call women weak; and we; too often; prove you

right。  As Mr。 Van Berg suggests; I am a little overtaxed to…night。

Perhaps I had better see you in the morning。〃

〃I am a transient guest; and ought to be on my way with the first

train;〃 said the gentleman。  〃My errand is as brief as it is

grateful to me。  Do not leave; sir;〃 he said to Van Berg。  〃If you

are a friend of Miss Burton it will be pleasant for you to hear

what I have to say; and; I warrant you that she will never tell

you nor anyone else herself。〃

〃May I stay?〃 he asked。

She felt so weak and unnerved; so in need of a sustaining hand and

mind that she looked at him appealingly; and said:

〃Yes。  This gentleman cannot disgrace me more than I have myself

this evening。〃

〃Disgrace you! Miss Burton;〃 exclaimed the gentleman。  〃Your name

is a household word in our home; and our honor for it is only

excelled by our love。  You remember my invalid daughter; Emily

Musgraveour only and unfortunate child。  She attended the college

in which you are an instructress。  Before she came under your

influence her infirmities were crushing her spirit and embittering

her life。  So morbid was she becoming that she apparently began to

hate her mother and myself as the authors of her wretched existence。

But by some divine magic you sweetened the bitter waters of her

life; and now she is a fountain of joy in our home。  In her behalf

and her mother's; I thank you; and even more; if possible; in my own

behalf; for the reproachful; averted face of my child was killing

me;〃 and tears stood in the strong man's eyes。

There was nothing conventional in the way in which Jeannie Burton

received his warm gratitude。  She leaned wearily back in her chair;

and for a moment closed her eyes。  There was far more resignation

than of pleasure in her face; and she had the air of one submitting

to a fate which one could not and ought not to resist。

〃Your three lives are much happier then?〃 she said; gently; as if

wishing to hear the reassuring truth again。

〃You do not realize your service to us;〃 said Mr。 Musgrave; eagerly。

〃Our lives were not happy at all。  There seemed nothing before us

but increasing pain。  You have not added to a happiness already

existing merely; but have caused us to exchange positive suffering

for happiness。  Emily seems to have learned the art of making every

day of our lives a blessing; and she says you taught her how。 I

would go around the world to say to you; 'God bless you for it!'〃

〃Such assurances ought to make one resigned; if not content;〃

she murmured in a low tone; as if half speaking to herself。  Then

rising; by an evident effort; she cordially gave her hand to Mr。

Musgrave; and said:

〃You see; sir; that I am scarcely myself to…night。  I think I could

give you a better impression of your daughter's friend to…morrow。

Give her my sincere love and congratulations。  She is evidently

bearing her burden better than I mine。  You cannot know how much

good your words have done me to…night。  I needed them; and they

will help me for years to come。〃

The gentleman's eyes grew moist again; and he said; huskily:

〃I know you are rather alone in the world; but if it should ever

happen that there is anything that I could do for you were I your

father; call on John Musgrave。  There; I cannot trust myself to

speak to you any more; though I have so much to say。  Good…night;

and good…by;〃 and he made a very precipitate retreat; thoroughly

overcome by his warm Southern heart。

〃I dread to leave you looking so sad and ill; or else I would say

good…night also;〃 said Van Berg。

She started as if she had half forgotten his presence; and kept

her face averted as she replied:

〃I will say good…night to you; Mr。 Van Berg。  I would prove poor

company this evening。〃

〃Before you go I wish to thank you for letting me stay;〃 he said;

hastily。  〃As Mr。 Musgrave asserted; you would indeed never have

told me what I have heard; and yet I would not have missed hearing

it for more than you will believe。  How many lives have you blessed;

Jennie Burton?〃

〃Not very many; I fear; but I half wish I knew。  Each one would be

like an argument。〃

〃Arguments that should prove that you ought to let the dead past

bury its dead; and live in the richer present;〃 he said; earnestly。

〃The richer present!〃 she repeated slowly; and her face grew almost

stern in its reproach。

〃Forgive mein the present you so enrich; then;〃 he said; eagerly。

Again she averted her face; and he saw that for some reason she

wished to avoid his eyes。

〃I am too weak and unnerved to do more than say good…night again;〃

she said; trying to sm
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