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a face illumined-第75章

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kindling within him in a way that was exhilarating and grand。  While

his themes were simple he felt that they were noble and beautiful

in the highest degree。  The treea pretty object in itselfhad

been endowed with a human interest and suggested a divine philosophy。

Mr。 Eltinge; who sat at its foot; became to him one of the world's

chief heroesa man who had met and vanquished evil for almost

a century。  His white hair and silver beard were a halo of glory

around the quiet face that was turned in kindly sympathy towards

his companion; and Van Berg did his best to bring out the noble


But the maiden herselfwhy did his eyes turn so often to her;

and why did he; unasked; introduce her into the sketch with a care

and lingering delicacy of touch that made even her pencilled image

seem a living girl?  When not affected or rendered conventional by

society; her voice was singularly girlish and natural; and there

would often be a tone in a plaintive and minor key that vibrated

like a low; sweet chord in his heart rather than in his ears。  It

must be admitted that he gave little heed to the sacred words she

read; but the flexible music of her voice; mingled with the murmur

of the brook; the rustle of the leaves and the occasional song of a

bird; all combined to form the sweetest symphony he had ever heard。

As an artist he exulted。  His hand had not lost its cunning; and

his ruling passion; which the strange experiences of the past few

weeks had held in abeyance; was reasserting itself with a fuller;

richer power than he had known before。  That WAS Ida Mayhew's face

that was growing beautiful and full of her new and better life

under his appreciative and skilful touch; and the consciousness

of success in the kind of effort in which success meant to him so

much; filled him with a strong enthusiasm。

Once or twice Ida glanced shyly at him; and his appearance did not

tend to fix her thoughts wholly on the sacred text。

At last Mr。 Eltinge said:  〃That will do for to…day。  I think; under

the circumstances; you have given most praiseworthy attention to

what you have read; and to what little I could say in the way of

explanation。  Now for the picture; and I confess I'm as eager as a

child to see it;〃 and they came and looked over Van Berg's shoulder。

Almost instantly Ida clapped her hands; exclaiming with delight:

〃The tree is perfect; and oh; Mr。 Eltinge; I shall always have

you now; with your dear kind face turned towards me as I have seen

it to…day!〃 Suddenly her manner changed; and in a tone full of

disappointment she added; 〃Oh; Mr。 Van Berg; how could you spoil

my picture?  You have put me in it。〃

〃Certainly;〃 he replied demurely; 〃you were a part of the picture。〃

〃Not a necessary part。  I did not ask you to do that;〃 she answered;

in a way that proved her feelings were hurt。

〃I am willing to do more than you ask; and if you insist on it I

will efface your image; although I should much regret to do so。〃

〃I protest against that;〃 cried Mr。 Eltinge。  〃So far from spoiling

the picture; your being there makes it invaluable to me。  I'm going

to tax Mr。 Van Berg's generosity; and ask for this in the hope that

he will make another drawing of the old man and the tree only; for


〃Would you like to have it so very much?〃 said Ida; much pleased

with this arrangement。

〃Yes; my dear; very much indeed; and I'll place it near my favorite

chimney corner; where I can see you all winter。  Mr。 Van Berg;

I congratulate you; I'm not much of a judge of art; but this is

my little friend here; true to life。  You have been very happy in

catching the expression which I am learning to know so well。〃

〃Your words have a fuller meaning than you think;〃 replied the

artist; heartily。  〃I have indeed been very happy in my work。  I

never enjoyed a morning more in my life。〃

〃But I'm to go home without any picture;〃 said Ida; trying to hide

her pleasure by assumed reproachfulness。

〃There is no picture yet; for any one;〃 he answered; 〃this is only

a sketch from which I shall try to make two pictures that will

suggest a scene particularly attractive to one of my calling; to

say the least。〃

As he placed the sketch in his book; the work he had been engaged

on that morning when Ida met him by the roadside; dropped out; and

she saw herself leaning on the baluster rail of the staircase; with

her hand half extended as a token of forgiveness and reconciliation。

Her cheeks flushed instantly; but she was able to remark quietly:

〃I suppose that is the way you artists keep a memorandum of current


He replied gravely; but with some answering color also:  〃Yes; Miss

Mayhew; when the current is deep and strong。〃

Van Berg felt himself happy in securing from Mr。 Eltinge an invitation

to come again。  As they were riding home; Ida remarked; shyly:

〃I did not know you could draw so well。〃

〃Nor did I either before。  That old garden is enchanted ground。〃

〃Yes;〃 said Ida; 〃poor Eve was driven out of the Garden of Eden;

but I feel as if I had found my way into it。  I only wish I could

stay there;〃 and her sigh was long and deep。

〃Does the world outside seem very full of thorns and thistles?〃 he

asked; kindly。

After a moment she replied; simply and briefly; 〃Yes。〃

He looked at her sympathetically for a moment; and then said


〃Miss Ida; pardon me if I venture a prediction。  Wherever you dwell;

hereafter; all that is good and beautiful in life and character

which the garden typifies will begin to take the place of thorns

and thistles。〃

〃I hope so;〃 she faltered; 〃but that involves bleeding hands; Mr。

Van Berg。  I am not cast in heroic mould。  I am weak and wavering; and

as a proof I am dwelling on the very subject that I had forbidden。

I trust that you will be too manly to take advantage of my weakness

henceforth and will try to help me forget myself。〃

〃That may be a harder task than you think; but I will attempt

whatever you ask;〃 and from her pleased and interested expression

it would seem that during the next half hour he succeeded remarkably

well。  Suddenly; as if a happy thought had struck him; he said a

little abruptly:

〃I foresee that you and Miss Burton are destined to become great

friends。  You have not yet learned what a lovely character she

possesses and how broad and deep are her sympathies。〃

Ida's silence caused him to turn and look at her; and he saw that the

light and color had faded from her face; but she said; emphatically:

〃Miss Burton is even more admirable than you think her to be; if

that were possible。〃

〃I am pleased to hear one lady speak so strongly and generously of

another。  It is not usual。  I shall do my utmost to make you better

acquainted with each other; and in this pleasant task am sure I

shall render you a very great service。〃

〃Mr。 Van Berg; I beg you will not;〃 she exclaimed; hastily; and he

saw with surprise that she appeared painfully embarrassed。

〃Pardon me; Miss Mayhew;〃 he said; 〃I did not mean to be officious。〃

Ida saw no way of extricating herself save by promptly changing the

subject; and this she did; but she could not fail to observe that

her companion was hurt by her apparent unfriendliness towards one

on whom he believed he had bestowed the best a man could give。  The

remainder of the drive was not enjoyed by either of them as the

earlier part had been; and something like constraint tinged the

manner and words of both。

As they drove up to the hotel Stanton gave a low whistle of surprise;

but was in no mood for his old…time banter。

Chapter XLV。  Problems Beyond Art。

When Van Berg left the garden he thought he had learned to understand

Ida almost as clearly as he saw the pebbly bed of the little brook

through the limpid current that flowed over it; and yet within a

brief half…hour another baffling mystery had arisen。  Why did she

dislike Jennie Burton?  Why she HAD disliked her was plain; but it

seemed to follow inevitably that one who could love old Mr。 Eltinge

must also find a congenial friend in the woman he so greatly admired。

As the remainder of the day passed; this new cloud darkened and

seemed to shadow even himself。  While he could detect no flaw in

her courtesy; he could not help feeling that she made a conscious

effort to avoid them both。  At dinner she conversed chiefly with

her cousin。  Van Berg's eyes would wander often to her face; but

she never looked towards him unless he spoke to her。  When he or

Miss Burton addressed her there was not a trace of coldness in her

manner of responding; a superficial observer would merely think

they were people in whom she was not especially interested。

〃Poor child;〃 thought Jennie Burton; 〃she acts her part well;〃 and

she puzzled the artist still further by taking less notice of Ida

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