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a face illumined-第96章

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at the close of the happy evening he had spent at her home。  As he

realized that the maiden before him was flesh and blood; and not

a creation of his morbid fancy; the hot blood rushed swiftly into

his face; and his eyes fell before her。

〃Yes; Miss Mayhew; I am;〃 he said; briefly。

〃I am very sorry。  Can I not do anything for you?〃 she asked;


He looked up at her in strong surprise; and was still more perplexed

by the sympathetic expression of her face; but he only said; 〃I

regret to say you cannot。〃

〃Mr。 Van Berg;〃 said Ida; in tones full of distress; 〃your words

and appearance pain me exceedingly。  You look as if you had been

ill a month。  What has happened?〃  His aspect might trouble one

less interested in him than herself; for his eyes were blood…shot;

and he had become so haggard that she could scarcely realize that

he was the man who but four days previous had compared his hearty

merriment with the 〃laughter of the gods。〃

〃Miss Mayhew;〃 he said; bitterly and slowly; too; as if he were

carefully choosing his words; 〃you had a presentiment last Saturday

that some evil was about to happen。  As far as I am concerned the

worst has happened。  I have lost my self…respect。  I have no right

to stand here in your presence。  I have no right to be in this

place even。  I once tossed away a little flower that had been sadly

marred; through no fault of its own; and as I did so I said in my

pride and self…complacency that its imperfection justified my act。

You understood me too well; and my accursed Phariseeism wounded

your very heart。  You afterwards generously forgave my offence and

a worse one; but God is just and I am now punished in the severest

possible way。  I perceive now that you do not understand me; or you

could not look and speak so kindly。  I thought you had learned me

better; for you spoke words on the boat that pierced my very soul;

revealing me to myself; and later you passed me without a glance。

You were right in both instances。  You are wrong now; and i shall

not take advantage of your present ignorance; which circumstances

will soon remove。  I repeat it; Miss Mayhew; I have no right to be here

and speaking to you; and yet〃he made a passionate and despairing

gesture; and was about to turn hastily away; when Ida said;

earnestly; with her eyes fixed on his face; as was her instinctive

custom when she sought to learn more from the expression of the

speaker than from his words:

〃Mr。 Van Berg; before we part; answer me one question。  Have you

deliberately and selfishly intended to do wrong; or to wrong any


〃No;〃 he promptly replied meeting; her searching look unhesitatingly。

Then; with an impatient gesture; he added:  〃But no one will ever

believe it。〃

〃I believe it;〃 she said with a reassuring smile。

〃You?  You of all others?  But you are talking at random; Miss

Mayhew。  When you learn the truth you will look and speak very

differently。  And you shall learn it now。  You once told me of a

wicked and desperate purpose to which you were driven by the wrong

of others。  Your sin seems to me a deed of light compared with

the act I have been led to commit; under the guidance of my proud

reason; my superior judgement; my cool; well…balanced natureinfernally

cool it was; indeed!  Pardon me; but I am beside myself with rage

and self…loathing。  True; I have not been intentionally false;

but there are circumstances in which folly; weakness; and stupid

blundering are nearly as bad; and the results quite as bad。  What

can you say of the man who pays open suit and makes a distinct offer

and pledge to a lady; and the retreats from that suit and breaks

that pledge; and through no fault whatever in the lady herself?

What can you say of that man when the lady is a poor and orphaned

girl; whom any one with a spark of honor would shield with his life;

but that he is a base; fickle wretch; who deserves the contempt of

all good men and women; and that he ought to beas he shall bea

vagabond on the face of the earth?〃

Ida had buried her face in her hands as she learned how thoroughly

Van Berg had committed himself to Miss Burton; and the artist

concluded; abruptly:  〃One thing is certain; he has no right to be

here。  I shall not wait and see your look of scorn; orworseof

pity; for I could not endure it;〃 and he snatched up his sketch…book

and was about to hasten from the place; when Ida sprang forward

and said passionately:

〃Wait。  This is all wrong。  Answer me thiswhen you discovered

the awful crime; which in heart I had already committed; how did

you treat me?〃

〃Your purpose was wicked; but not base。〃

〃You have not intended to be either base or wicked;〃 she began。

〃Hush!〃 he interrupted sternly; 〃you shall not palliate my weakness

by smooth words; and to a man; weakness and stupidity; in some

circumstances; are more contemptible than crime。  Oh; how I envy

Stanton!  His course has been straightforward; noble; regalI have

acted like one of the 'canaille。'〃

〃You deeply regret then; that your feelings have so changed towards

Miss Burton?〃 said Ida; with her eyes again fastened upon his face。

〃I do not think my feelings have changed towards her;〃 he replied;

〃she is admirable; perfect; and I honor her from the depths of my

heart。  Don't you see?  I mistook my deep respect; sympathy; and

admiration for something more; and I smiled complacently in my

superior way and flattered myself that it was in this eminently

well…bred and rational manner that Harold Van Berg would pay his

addresses to a lady; and that Stanton's absorbing passion was only

the result of ungoverned; unbalanced natureaccursed prig that I

was!  While in this very complacent and superior condition of mind

I committed myself to a course that I cannot carry out; and yet

my failure to do so slays my honor and self…respect。  Now; I have

been as explicit with you as you were with me; and with what you

have seen of yourself; you know the whole miserable truth。  By a

strange fate we who only met a few months since have come to share

a common; very sad knowledge。  The memory of your own past; and

I suppose; your Christian faith also; have made you very merciful

and generous; but I shall tax these qualities no further。〃

〃What will you do; Mr。 Van Berg?〃 Ida asked in sudden dread。

〃I shall never look Miss Burton in the face again; and after I have

written to her simply and briefly what I have told you; her regret

will be small indeed。  Good…by; Miss Mayhew。  If I stay any longer

I may speak words to you that would be insults; coming from me。〃

〃Stay;〃 she said; earnestly; 〃I have something very important to

say to you。〃

He hesitated and looked at her in strong surprise。

〃Give me a few minutes to think;〃 she pleaded; and he saw; from the

quick rise and fall of her bosom and the nervous clasp of her hands;

that she was deeply agitated。  She turned from him and looked

wistfully at the young tree on which she had inscribed her name the

day she had promised Mr。 Eltinge to receive all heavenly influences

and guidance。  She soon lifted her eyes above the tree and her lips

moved in earnest prayer as ever came from a human heart。  She was

facing the sorest temptation of her life; for she had only to be

silent now; she believed; and the success of her efforts to win

him from Jennie Burton would be complete。  If left to himself in

this wild; distracted mood he would indeed break every tie that

bound him to her rival; but after time had blunted his poignant

self…condemnation he would inevitably come back to her。  The

conscience whispered:  〃Who forgave you here?  What did you promise

here?  What does that tree mean with its branches reaching out

towards heaven?  What would you think of Jennie Burton were she

trying to win him from you?〃

〃O Friend of the weak! be though my strength in this moment of

desperate need;〃 she sighed。

Van Berg watched her with increasing wonder; and his heart beat

thick and fast as she at last turned to him with an expression such

as he never had seen before on a human face。  Was it the autumn

sunlight that illumined her features?  He learned eventually that

it was the spiritual radiance of the noblest self…sacrifice of

which a woman is capable。

〃Mr。 Van Berg;〃 she said; in tones that were quiet and firm; 〃please

take Mr。 Eltinge's seat; for I wish to speak to you as a friend。〃

He obeyed mechanically; without removing his eyes from her face。

〃I once took counsel of passion and despair;〃 she resumed; 〃and you

know what might have resulted; but on this spot God forgave me and

I promised to try to do right。  With shame I confess I have not

fully kept that promise; but I shall try to do so hereafter; be

the consequences what they may。  Pardon me for speaking so plainly;

but you are now taking counsel of passion and turning your back

on duty。  While almost ins
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