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in the carquinez woods-第16章

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was divided between an angry retort and the secret purpose
already alluded to。

〃It's all the blasted heat;〃 said Dunn; with a forced smile;
pushing away the whisky which Wynn had ostentatiously placed
before him。

〃Of course;〃 said Wynn hastily; 〃only it's a pity Nellie ain't
here to give you her smelling…salts。  She ought to be back now;〃
he added; no longer mindful of Brace's presence; 〃the coach is
over…due now; though I reckon the heat made Yuba Bill take it
easy at the up grade。〃

〃If you mean the coach from Indian Spring;〃 said Brace quietly;
〃it's in already; but Miss Nellie didn't come on it。〃

〃May be she got out at the Crossing;〃 said Wynn cheerfully; 〃she
sometimes does。〃

〃She didn't take the coach at Indian Spring;〃 returned Brace;
〃because I saw it leave; and passed it on Buckskin ten minutes
ago; coming up the hills。〃

〃She's stopped over at Burnham's;〃 said Wynn reflectively。  Then;
in response to the significant silence of his guests; he added;
in a tone of chagrin which his forced heartiness could not
disguise; 〃Well; boys; it's a disappointment all round; but we
must take the lesson as it comes。  I'll go over to the coach
office and see if she's sent any word。  Make yourselves at home
until I return。〃

When the door had closed behind him; Brace arose and took his hat
as if to go。  With his hand on the lock; he turned to his rival;
who; half hidden in the gathering darkness; still seemed unable
to comprehend his ill…luck。

〃If you're waiting for that bald…headed fraud to come back with
the truth about his daughter;〃 said Brace coolly; 〃you'd better
send for your things and take up your lodgings here。〃

〃What do you mean?〃 said Dunn sternly。

〃I mean that she's not at the Burnhams'; I mean that he either
does or does not know WHERE she is; and that in either case he is
not likely to give you information。  But I can。〃

〃You can?〃


〃Then; where is she?〃

〃In the Carquinez Woods; in the arms of the man you were just
defendingLow; the half…breed。〃

The room had become so dark that from the road nothing could be
distinguished。  Only the momentary sound of struggling feet was

〃Sit down;〃 said Brace's voice; 〃and don't be a fool。  You're too
weak; and it ain't a fair fight。  Let go your hold。  I'm not
lyingI wish to God I was!〃

There was silence; and Brace resumed; 〃We've been rivals; I know。
May be I thought my chance as good as yours。  If what I say ain't
truth; we'll stand as we stood before; and if you're on the
shoot; I'm your man when you like; where you like; or on sight if
you choose。  But I can't bear to see another man played upon as
I've been played upongiven dead away as I've been。  It ain't on
the square。

〃There;〃 he continued; after a pause; 〃that's right; now steady。
Listen。  A week ago that girl went down just like this to Indian
Spring。  It was given out; like this; that she went to the
Burnhams'。  I don't mind saying; Dunn; that I went down myself;
all on the square; thinking I might get a show to talk to her;
just as YOU might have done; you know; if you had my chance。  I
didn't come across her anywhere。  But two men that I met thought
they recognized her in a disguise going into the woods。  Not
suspecting anything; I went after her; saw her at a distance in
the middle of the woods in another dress that I can swear to; and
was just coming up to her when she vanishedwent like a squirrel
up a tree; or down like a gopher in the ground; but vanished。〃

〃Is that all?〃 said Dunn's voice。  〃And just because you were a
dd fool; or had taken a little too much whisky; you thought〃

〃Steady。  That's just what I said to myself;〃 interrupted Brace
coolly; 〃particularly when I saw her that same afternoon in
another dress; saying 'Good…by' to the Burnhams; as fresh as a
rose and as cold as those snow…peaks。  Only one thingshe had a
ring on her finger she never wore before; and didn't expect me to

〃What if she did?  She might have bought it。  I reckon she hasn't
to consult you;〃 broke in Dunn's voice sternly。

〃She didn't buy it;〃 continued Brace quietly。  〃Low gave that Jew
trader a bearskin in exchange for it; and presented it to her。  I
found that out two days afterwards。  I found out that out of the
whole afternoon she spent less than an hour with the Burnhams。  I
found out that she bought a duster like the disguise the two men
saw her in。  I found the yellow dress she wore that day hanging
up in Low's cabinthe place where I saw her goTHE RENDEZVOUS
WHERE SHE MEETS HIM。  Oh; you're listenin'; are you?  Stop!  SIT

〃I discovered it by accident;〃 continued the voice of Brace when
all was again quiet; 〃it was hidden as only a squirrel or an
Injin can hide when they improve upon nature。  When I was
satisfied that the girl had been in the woods; I was determined
to find out where she vanished; and went there again。
Prospecting around; I picked up at the foot of one of the biggest
trees this yer old memorandum…book; with grasses and herbs stuck
in it。  I remembered that I'd heard old Wynn say that Low; like
the dd Digger that he was; collected these herbs; only he
pretended it was for science。  I reckoned the book was his and
that he mightn't be far away。  I lay low and waited。  Bimeby I
saw a lizard running down the root。  When he got sight of me he

〃Dn the lizard!  What's that got to do with where she is now?〃

〃Everything。  That lizard had a piece of sugar in his mouth。
Where did it come from?  I made him drop it; and calculated he'd
go back for more。  He did。  He scooted up that tree and slipped
in under some hanging strips of bark。  I shoved 'em aside; and
found an opening to the hollow where they do their housekeeping。〃

〃But you didn't see her thereand how do you know she is there

〃I determined to make it sure。  When she left to…day; I started
an hour ahead of her; and hid myself at the edge of the woods。
An hour after the coach arrived at Indian Spring; she came there
in a brown duster and was joined by him。  I'd have followed them;
but the dd hound has the ears of a squirrel; and though I was
five hundred yards from him he was on his guard。〃

〃Guard be blessed!  Wasn't you armed?  Why didn't you go for
him?〃 said Dunn; furiously。

〃I reckoned I'd leave that for you;〃 said Brace coolly。  〃If he'd
killed me; and if he'd even covered me with his rifle; he'd been
sure to let daylight through me at double the distance。  I
shouldn't have been any better off; nor you either。  If I'd
killed HIM; it would have been your duty as sheriff to put me in
jail; and I reckon it wouldn't have broken your heart; Jim Dunn;
to have got rid of TWO rivals instead of one。  Hullo!  Where are
you going?〃

〃Going?〃 said Dunn hoarsely。  〃Going to the Carquinez Woods; by
God! to kill him before her。  I'LL risk it; if you daren't。  Let
me succeed; and you can hang ME and take the girl yourself。〃

〃Sit down; sit down。  Don't be a fool; Jim Dunn!  You wouldn't
keep the saddle a hundred yards。  Did I say I wouldn't help you?
No。  If you're willing; we'll run the risk together; but it must
be in my way。  Hear me。  I'll drive you down there in a buggy
before daylight; and we'll surprise them in the cabin or as they
leave the wood。  But you must come as if to arrest him for some
offensesay; as an escaped Digger from the Reservation; a
dangerous tramp; a destroyer of public property in the forests; a
suspected road agent; or anything to give you the right to hunt
him。  The exposure of him and Nellie; don't you see; must be
accidental。  If he resists; kill him on the spot; and nobody'll
blame you; if he goes peaceably with you; and you once get him in
Excelsior jail; when the story gets out that he's taken the belle
of Excelsior for his squaw; if you'd the angels for your posse
you couldn't keep the boys from hanging him to the first tree。
What's that?〃

He walked to the window; and looked out cautiously。

〃If it was the old man coming back and listening;〃 he said; after
a pause; 〃it can't he helped。  He'll hear it soon enough; if he
don't suspect something already。〃

〃Look yer; Brace;〃 broke in Dunn hoarsely。  〃Dd if I understand
you or you me。  That dog Low has got to answer to ME; not to the
LAW!  I'll take my risk of killing him; on sight and on the
square。  I don't reckon to handicap myself with a warrant; and I
am not going to draw him out with a lie。  You hear me?  That's me
all the time!〃

〃Then you calkilate to go down thar;〃 said Brace contemptuously;
〃yell out for him and Nellie; and let him line you on a rest from
the first tree as if you were a grizzly。〃

There was a pause。  〃What's that you were saying just now about a
bearskin he sold?〃 asked Dunn slowly; as if reflecting。

〃He exchanged a bearskin;〃 replied Brace; 〃with a single hole
right over the heart。  He's a dead shot; I tell you。〃

〃Dn his shooting;〃 said Dunn。  〃I'm not thinking of that。  How
long ago did he bring in that bearskin?〃

〃About two weeks; I reckon。  Why?〃

〃Nothing!  Look yer; Brace; you mean wellthar's my hand。  I'll
go down with you there; but not as the sheriff。  I'm going there
as Jim Dunn; and you can come along as a w
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