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in the carquinez woods-第19章

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Dunn attempted to rise to his feet。  〃Put your hand in my
pocket;〃 he said in a hurried whisper。  〃No; there!bring out a
book。  There; I haven't looked at it yet。  Is that it?〃 he added;
handing her the book Brace had given him a few hours before。

〃Yes;〃 said Teresa; in surprise。  〃Where did you find it?〃

〃Never mind!  Now let me see it; quick。  Open it; for my sight is
failing。  Therethank youthat's all!〃

〃Take more whisky;〃 said Teresa; with a strange anxiety creeping
over her。  〃You are faint again。〃

〃Wait!  Listen; Teresalowerput your ear lower。  Listen!  I
came near killing that chap Low to…day。  Wouldn't it have been

He tried to smile; but his head fell back。  He had fainted。


For the first time in her life Teresa lost her presence of mind
in an emergency。  She could only sit staring at the helpless man;
scarcely conscious of his condition; her mind filled with a
sudden prophetic intuition of the significance of his last words。
In the light of that new revelation she looked into his pale;
haggard face for some resemblance to Low; but in vain。  Yet her
swift feminine instinct met the objection。  〃It's the mother's
blood that would show;〃 she murmured; 〃not this man's。〃

Recovering herself; she began to chafe his hands and temples; and
moistened his lips with the spirit。  When his respiration
returned with a faint color to his cheeks; she pressed his hands
eagerly and leaned over him。

〃Are you sure?〃 she asked。

〃Of what?〃 he whispered faintly。

〃That Low is really your son?〃

〃Who said so?〃 he asked; opening his round eyes upon her。

〃You did yourself; a moment ago;〃 she said quickly。  〃Don't you

〃Did I?〃

〃You did。  Is it not so?〃

He smiled faintly。  〃I reckon。〃

She held her breath in expectation。  But only the ludicrousness
of the discovery seemed paramount to his weakened faculties。
〃Isn't it just about the ridiculousest thing all round?〃 he said;
with a feeble chuckle。  〃First YOU nearly kill me before you know
I am Low's father; then I'm just spoilin' to kill him before I
know he's my son; then that god…forsaken fool Jack Brace mistakes
you for Nellie and Nellie for you。  Ain't it just the biggest
thing for the boys to get hold of?  But we must keep it dark
until after I marry Nellie; don't you see?  Then we'll have a
good time all round; and I'll stand the drinks。  Think of it;
Teresha!  You don' no me; I do' no you; nobody knowsh anybody
elsh。  I try kill Lo'。  Lo' wants kill Nellie。  No thath no ri'〃
but the potent liquor; overtaking his exhausted senses;
thickened; impeded; and at last stopped his speech。  His head
slipped to her shoulder; and he became once more unconscious。

Teresa breathed again。  In that brief moment she had abandoned
herself to a wild inspiration of hope which she could scarcely
define。  Not that it was entirely a wild inspiration; she tried
to reason calmly。  What if she revealed the truth to him?  What
if she told the wretched man before her that she had deceived
him; that she had overheard his conversation with Brace; that she
had stolen Brace's horse to bring Low warning; that; failing to
find Low in his accustomed haunts; or at the campfire; she had
left a note for him pinned to the herbarium; imploring him to fly
with his companion from the danger that was coming; and that;
remaining on watch; she had seen them bothBrace and Dunn
approaching; and had prepared to meet them at the cabin?  Would
this miserable and maddened man understand her self…abnegation?
Would he forgive Low and Nellie?she did not ask for herself。
Or would the revelation turn his brain; if it did not kill him
outright?  She looked at the sunken orbits of his eyes and hectic
on his cheek; and shuddered。

Why was this added to the agony she already suffered?  She had
been willing to stand between them with her life; her liberty;
and eventhe hot blood dyed her cheek at the thoughtwith the
added shame of being thought the cast…off mistress of that man's
son。  Yet all this she had taken upon herself in expiation of
somethingshe knew not clearly what; no; for nothingonly for
HIM。  And yet this very situation offered her that gleam of hope
which had thrilled her; a hope so wild in its improbability; so
degrading in its possibility; that at first she knew not whether
despair was not preferable to its shame。  And yet was it
unreasonable?  She was no longer passionate; she would be calm
and think it out fairly。

She would go to Low at once。  She would find him somewhereand
even if with that girl; what mattered?and she would tell him
all。  When he knew that the life and death of his father lay in
the scale; would he let his brief; foolish passion for Nellie
stand in the way?  Even if he were not influenced by filial
affection or mere compassion; would his pride let him stoop to a
rivalry with the man who had deserted his youth?  Could he take
Dunn's promised bride; who must have coquetted with him to have
brought him to this miserable plight?  Was this like the calm;
proud young god she knew?  Yet she had an uneasy instinct that
calm; proud young gods and goddesses did things like this; and
felt the weakness of her reasoning flush her own conscious cheek。


She started。  Dunn was awake; and was gazing at her curiously。

〃I was reckoning it was the only square thing for Low to stop
this promiscuous picnicking here and marry you out and out。〃

〃Marry me!〃 said Teresa in a voice that; with all her efforts;
she could not make cynical。

〃Yes;〃 he repeated; 〃after I've married Nellie; tote you down to
San Angeles; and there take my name like a man; and give it to
you。  Nobody'll ask after TERESA; sureyou bet your life。  And
if they do; and he can't stop their jaw; just you call on the old
man。  It's mighty queer; ain't it; Teresa; to think of your being
my daughter…in…law?〃

It seemed here as if he was about to lapse again into unconsciousness
over the purely ludicrous aspect of the subject; but he haply
recovered his seriousness。  〃He'll have as much money from me as he
wants to go into business with。  What's his line of business;
Teresa?〃 asked this prospective father…in…law; in a large; liberal way。

〃He is a botanist!〃 said Teresa; with a sudden childish animation
that seemed to keep up the grim humor of the paternal suggestion;
〃and oh; he is too poor to buy books!  I sent for one or two for
him myself; the other day〃 she hesitated〃it was all the money
I had; but it wasn't enough for him to go on with his studies。〃

Dunn looked at her sparkling eyes and glowing cheeks; and became
thoughtful。  〃Curson must have been a dd fool;〃 he said finally。

Teresa remained silent。  She was beginning to be impatient and
uneasy; fearing some mischance that might delay her dreaded; yet
longed…for meeting with Low。  Yet she could not leave this sick
and exhausted man; HIS FATHER; now bound to her by more than mere

〃Couldn't you manage;〃 she said gently; 〃to lean on me a few
steps further; until I could bring you to a cooler spot and
nearer assistance?〃

He nodded。  She lifted him almost like a child to his feet。  A
spasm of pain passed over his face。  〃How far is it?〃 he asked。

〃Not more than ten minutes;〃 she replied。

〃I can make a spurt for that time;〃 he said coolly; and began to
walk slowly but steadily on。  Only his face; which was white and
set; and the convulsive grip of his hand on her arm betrayed the
effort。  At the end of ten minutes she stopped。  They stood
before the splintered; lightning…scarred shaft in the opening of
the woods; where Low had built her first camp…fire。  She
carefully picked up the herbarium; but her quick eye had already
detected in the distance; before she had allowed Dunn to enter
the opening with her; that her note was gone。  Low had been there
before them; he had been warned; as his absence from the cabin
showed; he would not return there。  They were free from
interruptionbut where had he gone?

The sick man drew a long breath of relief as she seated him in
the clover…grown hollow where she had slept the second night of
her stay。  〃It's cooler than those cursed woods;〃 he said。  〃I
suppose it's because it's a little like a grave。  What are you
going to do now?〃 he added; as she brought a cup of water and
placed it at his side。

〃I am going to leave you here for a little while;〃 she said
cheerfully; but with a pale face and nervous hands。  〃I'm going
to leave you while I seek Low。〃

The sick man raised his head。  〃I'm good for a spurt; Teresa;
like that I've just got through; but I don't think I'm up to a
family party。  Couldn't you issue cards later on?〃

〃You don't understand;〃 she said。  〃I'm going to get Low to send
some one of your friends to you here。  I don't think he'll
begrudge leaving HER a moment for that;〃 she added to herself

〃What's that you're saying?〃 he queried; with the nervous
quickness of an invalid。

〃Nothingbut that I'm going now。〃  She turned her face aside to
hide her moistened eyes。  〃Wish me good luck; won't you?〃 she
asked; half sadly; half pettishly。

〃Come here!〃

She came and bent over him。  He suddenly raised his
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