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〃Stop!〃 she said。
He stopped。
〃Did he tell you this?〃 she asked; with an expression of disdain。
〃No; I overheard it。 Dunn and Brace were at the house waiting
for you。 When the coach did not bring you; I went to the office
to inquire。 As I left our door I thought I saw somebody
listening at the parlor windows。 It was only a drunken Mexican
muleteer leaning against the house; but if HE heard nothing; I
did。 Nellie; I heard Brace tell Dunn that he had tracked you in
your disguise to the woodsdo you hear? that when you pretended
to be here with the girls you were with Lowalone; that you wear
a ring that Low got of a trader here; that there was a cabin in
the woods〃
〃Stop!〃 she repeated。
Wynn again paused。
〃And what did YOU do?〃 she asked。
〃I heard they were starting down there to surprise you and him
together; and I harnessed up and got ahead of them in my buggy。〃
〃And found me here;〃 she said; looking full into his eyes。
He understood her and returned the look。 He recognized the full
importance of the culminating fact conveyed in her words; and was
obliged to content himself with its logical and worldly
significance。 It was too late now to take her to task for mere
filial disobedience; they must become allies。
〃Yes;〃 he said hurriedly; 〃but if you value your reputation; if
you wish to silence both these men; answer me fully。〃
〃Go on;〃 she said。
〃Did you go to the cabin in the woods yesterday?〃
〃Did you ever go there with Low?〃
〃No; I do not know even where it is。〃
Wynn felt that she was telling the truth。 Nellie knew it; but as
she would have been equally satisfied with an equally efficacious
falsehood; her face remained unchanged。
〃And when did he leave you?〃
〃At nine o'clock; here。 He went to the hotel。〃
〃He saved his life; then; for Dunn is on his way to the woods to
kill him。〃
The jeopardy of her lover did not seem to affect the young girl
with alarm; although her eyes betrayed some interest。
〃Then Dunn has gone to the woods?〃 she said thoughtfully。
〃He has;〃 replied Wynn。
〃Is that all?〃 she asked。
〃I want to know what you are going to do?〃
〃I WAS going back to bed。〃
〃This is no time for trifling; girl。〃
〃I should think not;〃 she said; with a yawn; 〃it's too early; or
too late。〃
Wynn grasped her wrist more tightly。 〃Hear me! Put whatever
face you like on this affair; you are compromisedand compromised
with a man you can't marry。〃
〃I don't know that I ever wanted to marry Low; if you mean him;〃
she said quietly。
〃And Dunn wouldn't marry you now。〃
〃I'm not so sure of that; either。〃
〃Nellie;〃 said Wynn excitedly; 〃do you want to drive me mad?
Have you nothing to saynothing to suggest?〃
〃Oh; you want me to help you; do you! Why didn't you say that
first? Well; go and bring Dunn here。〃
〃Are you mad? The man has gone already in pursuit of your lover;
believing you with him。〃
〃Then he will the more readily come and talk with me without him。
Will you take the invitationyes or no?〃
〃Yes; but〃
〃Enough。 On your way there you will stop at the hotel and give
Low a letter from me。〃
〃You shall read it; of course;〃 she said scornfully; 〃for it will
be your text for the conversation you will have with him。 Will
you please take your hand from the lock and open the door?〃
Wynn mechanically opened the door。 The young girl flew up…
stairs。 In a very few moments she returned with two notes: one
contained a few lines of formal invitation to Dunn; the other
read as follows:
〃DEAR MR。 DORMAN;My father will tell you how deeply I regret
that our recent botanical excursions in the Carquinez Woods have
been a source of serious misapprehensions to those who had a
claim to my consideration; and that I shall be obliged to
discontinue them for the future。 At the same time he wishes me
to express my gratitude for your valuable instruction and
assistance in that pleasing study; even though approaching events
may compel me to relinquish it for other duties。 May I beg you
to accept the inclosed ring as a slight recognition of my
obligations to you?
〃Your grateful pupil;
When he had finished reading the letter; she handed him a ring;
which he took mechanically。 He raised his eyes to hers with
perfectly genuine admiration。 〃You're a good girl; Nellie;〃 he
said; and; in a moment of parental forgetfulness; unconsciously
advanced his lips towards her cheek。 But she drew back in time
to recall him to a sense of that human weakness。
〃I suppose I'll have time for a nap yet;〃 she said; as a gentle
hint to her embarrassed parent。 He nodded and turned towards the
〃If I were you;〃 she continued; repressing a yawn; 〃I'd manage to
be seen on good terms with Low at the hotel; so perhaps you need
not give the letter to him until the last thing。 Good…by。〃
The sitting…room door opened and closed behind her as she slipped
up…stairs; and her father; without the formality of leave…taking;
quietly let himself out by the front door。
When he drove into the high road again; however; an overlooked
possibility threatened for a moment to indefinitely postpone his
amiable intentions regarding Low。 The hotel was at the further
end of the settlement towards the Carquinez Woods; and as Wynn
had nearly reached it he was recalled to himself by the sounds of
hoofs and wheels rapidly approaching from the direction of the
Excelsior turnpike。 Wynn made no doubt it was the sheriff and
Brace。 To avoid recognition at that moment; he whipped up his
horse; intending to keep the lead until he could turn into the
first cross…road。 But the coming travelers had the fleetest
horse; and finding it impossible to distance them he drove close
to the ditch; pulling up suddenly as the strange vehicle was
abreast of him; and forcing them to pass him at full speed; with
the result already chronicled。 When they had vanished in the
darkness; Mr。 Wynn; with a heart overflowing with Christian
thankfulness and universal benevolence; wheeled round; and drove
back to the hotel he had already passed。 To pull up at the
veranda with a stentorian shout; to thump loudly at the deserted
bar; to hilariously beat the panels of the landlord's door; and
commit a jocose assault and battery upon that half…dresssed and
half…awakened man; was eminently characteristic of Wynn; and part
of his amiable plans that morning。
〃Something to wash this wood smoke from my throat; Brother
Carter; and about as much again to prop open your eyes;〃 he said;
dragging Carter before the bar; 〃and glasses round for as many of
the boys as are up and stirring after a hard…working Christian's
rest。 How goes the honest publican's trade; and who have we here?〃
〃Thar's Judge Robinson and two lawyers from Sacramento; Dick
Curson over from Yolo;〃 said Carter; 〃and that ar young Injin
yarb doctor from the Carquinez Woods。 I reckon he's jist upI
noticed a light under his door as I passed。〃
〃He's my man for a friendly chat before breakfast;〃 said Wynn。
〃You needn't come up。 I'll find the way。 I don't want a light;
I reckon my eyes ain't as bright nor as young as his; but they'll
see almost as far in the darkhe! he!〃 And; nodding to Brother
Carter; he strode along the passage; and with no other introduction
than a playful and preliminary 〃Boo!〃 burst into one of the rooms。
Low; who by the light of a single candle was bending over the plates
of a large quarto; merely raised his eyes and looked at the intruder。
The young man's natural imperturbability; always exasperating to
Wynn; seemed accented that morning by contrast with his own
over…acted animation。
〃Ah ha!wasting the midnight oil instead of imbibing the morning
dews;〃 said Father Wynn archly; illustrating his metaphor with a
movement of his hand to his lips。 〃What have we here?〃
〃An anonymous gift;〃 replied Low simply; recognizing the father
of Nellie by rising from his chair。 〃It's a volume I've longed
to possess; but never could afford to buy。 I cannot imagine who
sent it to me。〃
Wynn was for a moment startled by the thought that this recipient
of valuable gifts might have influential friends。 But a glance
at the bare room; which looked like a camp; and the strange;
unconventional garb of its occupant; restored his former
convictions。 There might be a promise of intelligence; but
scarcely of prosperity; in the figure before him。
〃Ah! We must not forget that we are watched over in the night
season;〃 he said; laying his hand on Low's shoulder; with an
illustration of celestial guardianship that would have been
impious but for its palpable grotesqueness。 〃No; sir; we know
not what a day may bring forth。〃
Unfortunately; Low's practical mind did not go beyond a mere
human interpretation。 It was enough; however; to put a new light
in his eye and a faint color in his cheek。
〃Could it have been Miss Nellie?〃 he asked; with half…boyish
Mr。 Wynn was too much of a Christian not to bow before what
appeared to him the purely providential interposition of this
suggestion。 Seizing it and Low at the same moment; he playfully
forced him down again in his chair。