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of the nature of things-第12章

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But; if percase it seem to thee that mind
Itself can dart no influence of its own
Into these bodies; wide thou wand'rest off。
For since the blind…born; who have ne'er surveyed
The light of sun; yet recognise by touch
Things that from birth had ne'er a hue for them;
'Tis thine to know that bodies can be brought
No less unto the ken of our minds too;
Though yet those bodies with no dye be smeared。
Again; ourselves whatever in the dark
We touch; the same we do not find to be
Tinctured with any colour。
                          Now that here
I win the argument; I next will teach
       。     。     。     。     。     。
Now; every colour changes; none except;
And every。。。
Which the primordials ought nowise to do。
Since an immutable somewhat must remain;
Lest all things utterly be brought to naught。
For change of anything from out its bounds
Means instant death of that which was before。
Wherefore be mindful not to stain with colour
The seeds of things; lest things return for thee
All utterly to naught。
                         But now; if seeds
Receive no property of colour; and yet
Be still endowed with variable forms
From which all kinds of colours they beget
And vary (by reason that ever it matters much
With what seeds; and in what positions joined;
And what the motions that they give and get);
Forthwith most easily thou mayst devise
Why what was black of hue an hour ago
Can of a sudden like the marble gleam;…
As ocean; when the high winds have upheaved
Its level plains; is changed to hoary waves
Of marble whiteness: for; thou mayst declare;
That; when the thing we often see as black
Is in its matter then commixed anew;
Some atoms rearranged; and some withdrawn;
And added some; 'tis seen forthwith to turn
Glowing and white。 But if of azure seeds
Consist the level waters of the deep;
They could in nowise whiten: for however
Thou shakest azure seeds; the same can never
Pass into marble hue。 But; if the seeds…
Which thus produce the ocean's one pure sheen…
Be now with one hue; now another dyed;
As oft from alien forms and divers shapes
A cube's produced all uniform in shape;
'Twould be but natural; even as in the cube
We see the forms to be dissimilar;
That thus we'd see in brightness of the deep
(Or in whatever one pure sheen thou wilt)
Colours diverse and all dissimilar。
Besides; the unlike shapes don't thwart the least
The whole in being externally a cube;
But differing hues of things do block and keep
The whole from being of one resultant hue。
Then; too; the reason which entices us
At times to attribute colours to the seeds
Falls quite to pieces; since white things are not
Create from white things; nor are black from black;
But evermore they are create from things
Of divers colours。 Verily; the white
Will rise more readily; is sooner born
Out of no colour; than of black or aught
Which stands in hostile opposition thus。
  Besides; since colours cannot be; sans light;
And the primordials come not forth to light;
'Tis thine to know they are not clothed with colour…
Truly; what kind of colour could there be
In the viewless dark? Nay; in the light itself
A colour changes; gleaming variedly;
When smote by vertical or slanting ray。
Thus in the sunlight shows the down of doves
That circles; garlanding; the nape and throat:
Now it is ruddy with a bright gold…bronze;
Now; by a strange sensation it becomes
Green…emerald blended with the coral…red。
The peacock's tail; filled with the copious light;
Changes its colours likewise; when it turns。
Wherefore; since by some blow of light begot;
Without such blow these colours can't become。
  And since the pupil of the eye receives
Within itself one kind of blow; when said
To feel a white hue; then another kind;
When feeling a black or any other hue;
And since it matters nothing with what hue
The things thou touchest be perchance endowed;
But rather with what sort of shape equipped;
'Tis thine to know the atoms need not colour;
But render forth sensations; as of touch;
That vary with their varied forms。
Since special shapes have not a special colour;
And all formations of the primal germs
Can be of any sheen thou wilt; why; then;
Are not those objects which are of them made
Suffused; each kind with colours of every kind?
For then 'twere meet that ravens; as they fly;
Should dartle from white pinions a white sheen;
Or swans turn black from seed of black; or be
Of any single varied dye thou wilt。
  Again; the more an object's rent to bits;
The more thou see its colour fade away
Little by little till 'tis quite extinct;
As happens when the gaudy linen's picked
Shred after shred away: the purple there;
Phoenician red; most brilliant of all dyes;
Is lost asunder; ravelled thread by thread;
Hence canst perceive the fragments die away
From out their colour; long ere they depart
Back to the old primordials of things。
And; last; since thou concedest not all bodies
Send out a voice or smell; it happens thus
That not to all thou givest sounds and smells。
So; too; since we behold not all with eyes;
'Tis thine to know some things there are as much
Orphaned of colour; as others without smell;
And reft of sound; and those the mind alert
No less can apprehend than it can mark
The things that lack some other qualities。
  But think not haply that the primal bodies
Remain despoiled alone of colour: so;
Are they from warmth dissevered and from cold
And from hot exhalations; and they move;
Both sterile of sound and dry of juice; and throw
Not any odour from their proper bodies。
Just as; when undertaking to prepare
A liquid balm of myrrh and marjoram;
And flower of nard; which to our nostrils breathes
Odour of nectar; first of all behooves
Thou seek; as far as find thou may and can;
The inodorous olive…oil (which never sends
One whiff of scent to nostrils); that it may
The least debauch and ruin with sharp tang
The odorous essence with its body mixed
And in it seethed。 And on the same account
The primal germs of things must not be thought
To furnish colour in begetting things;
Nor sound; since pow'rless they to send forth aught
From out themselves; nor any flavour; too;
Nor cold; nor exhalation hot or warm。
       。     。     。     。     。     。
The rest; yet since these things are mortal all…
The pliant mortal; with a body soft;
The brittle mortal; with a crumbling frame;
The hollow with a porous…all must be
Disjoined from the primal elements;
If still we wish under the world to lay
Immortal ground…works; whereupon may rest
The sum of weal and safety; lest for thee
All things return to nothing utterly。
  Now; too: whate'er we see possessing sense
Must yet confessedly be stablished all
From elements insensate。 And those signs;
So clear to all and witnessed out of hand;
Do not refute this dictum nor oppose;
But rather themselves do lead us by the hand;
Compelling belief that living things are born
Of elements insensate; as I say。
Sooth; we may see from out the stinking dung
Live worms spring up; when; after soaking rains;
The drenched earth rots; and all things change the same:
Lo; change the rivers; the fronds; the gladsome pastures
Into the cattle; the cattle their nature change
Into our bodies; and from our body; oft
Grow strong the powers and bodies of wild beasts
And mighty…winged birds。 Thus nature changes
All foods to living frames; and procreates
From them the senses of live creatures all;
In manner about as she uncoils in flames
Dry logs of wood and turns them all to fire。
And seest not; therefore; how it matters much
After what order are set the primal germs;
And with what other germs they all are mixed;
And what the motions that they give and get?
  But now; what is't that strikes thy sceptic mind;
Constraining thee to sundry arguments
Against belief that from insensate germs
The sensible is gendered?… Verily;
'Tis this: that liquids; earth; and wood; though mixed;
Are yet unable to gender vital sense。
And; therefore; 'twill be well in these affairs
This to remember: that I have not said
Senses are born; under conditions all;
From all things absolutely which create
Objects that feel; but much it matters here
Firstly; how small the seeds which thus compose
The feeling thing; then; with what shapes endowed;
And lastly what they in positions be;
In motions; in arrangements。 Of which facts
Naught we perceive in logs of wood and clods;
And yet even these; when sodden by the rains;
Give birth to wormy grubs; because the bodies
Of matter; from their old arrangements stirred
By the new factor; then combine anew
In such a way as genders living things。
  Next; they who deem that feeling objects can
From feeling objects be create; and these;
In turn; from others that are wont to feel
       。     。     。     。     。     。
When soft they make them; for all sense is linked
With flesh; and thews; and veins… and such; we see;
Are fashioned soft and of a mortal frame。
Yet be't that these can last forever on:
They'll have the sense that's proper to a part;
Or else be judged to have a sense the same
As that within live creatures as a whole。
But of themselves those parts can never feel;
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