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Of course the change must be conceived as speedy;
So great the swiftness and so great the store
Of idol…things; and (in an instant brief
As mind can mark) so great; again; the store
Of separate idol…parts to bring supplies。
It happens also that there is supplied
Sometimes an image not of kind the same;
But what before was woman; now at hand
Is seen to stand there; altered into male;
Or other visage; other age succeeds;
But slumber and oblivion take care
That we shall feel no wonder at the thing。
And much in these affairs demands inquiry;
And much; illumination… if we crave
With plainness to exhibit facts。 And first;
Why doth the mind of one to whom the whim
To think has come behold forthwith that thing?
Or do the idols watch upon our will;
And doth an image unto us occur;
Directly we desire… if heart prefer
The sea; the land; or after all the sky?
Assemblies of the citizens; parades;
Banquets; and battles; these and all doth she;
Nature; create and furnish at our word?…
Maugre the fact that in same place and spot
Another's mind is meditating things
All far unlike。 And what; again; of this:
When we in sleep behold the idols step;
In measure; forward; moving supple limbs;
Whilst forth they put each supple arm in turn
With speedy motion; and with eyeing heads
Repeat the movement; as the foot keeps time?
Forsooth; the idols they are steeped in art;
And wander to and fro well taught indeed;…
Thus to be able in the time of night
To make such games! Or will the truth be this:
Because in one least moment that we mark…
That is; the uttering of a single sound…
There lurk yet many moments; which the reason
Discovers to exist; therefore it comes
That; in a moment how so brief ye will;
The divers idols are hard by; and ready
Each in its place diverse? So great the swiftness;
So great; again; the store of idol…things;
And so; when perishes the former image;
And other is gendered of another pose;
The former seemeth to have changed its gestures。
And since they be so tenuous; mind can mark
Sharply alone the ones it strains to see;
And thus the rest do perish one and all;
Save those for which the mind prepares itself。
Further; it doth prepare itself indeed;
And hopes to see what follows after each…
Hence this result。 For hast thou not observed
How eyes; essaying to perceive the fine;
Will strain in preparation; otherwise
Unable sharply to perceive at all?
Yet know thou canst that; even in objects plain;
If thou attendest not; 'tis just the same
As if 'twere all the time removed and far。
What marvel; then; that mind doth lose the rest;
Save those to which 'thas given up itself?
So 'tis that we conjecture from small signs
Things wide and weighty; and involve ourselves
In snarls of self…deceit。
In these affairs
We crave that thou wilt passionately flee
The one offence; and anxiously wilt shun
The error of presuming the clear lights
Of eyes created were that we might see;
Or thighs and knees; aprop upon the feet;
Thuswise can bended be; that we might step
With goodly strides ahead; or forearms joined
Unto the sturdy uppers; or serving hands
On either side were given; that we might do
Life's own demands。 All such interpretation
Is aft…for…fore with inverse reasoning;
Since naught is born in body so that we
May use the same; but birth engenders use:
No seeing ere the lights of eyes were born;
No speaking ere the tongue created was;
But origin of tongue came long before
Discourse of words; and ears created were
Much earlier than any sound was heard;
And all the members; so meseems; were there
Before they got their use: and therefore; they
Could not be gendered for the sake of use。
But contrariwise; contending in the fight
With hand to hand; and rending of the joints;
And fouling of the limbs with gore; was there;
O long before the gleaming spears ere flew;
And nature prompted man to shun a wound;
Before the left arm by the aid of art
Opposed the shielding targe。 And; verily;
Yielding the weary body to repose;
Far ancienter than cushions of soft beds;
And quenching thirst is earlier than cups。
These objects; therefore; which for use and life
Have been devised; can be conceived as found
For sake of using。 But apart from such
Are all which first were born and afterwards
Gave knowledge of their own utility…
Chief in which sort we note the senses; limbs:
Wherefore; again; 'tis quite beyond thy power
To hold that these could thus have been create
For office of utility。
'Tis nothing strange that all the breathing creatures
Seek; even by nature of their frame; their food。
Yes; since I've taught thee that from off the things
Stream and depart innumerable bodies
In modes innumerable too; but most
Must be the bodies streaming from the living…
Which bodies; vexed by motion evermore;
Are through the mouth exhaled innumerable;
When weary creatures pant; or through the sweat
Squeezed forth innumerable from deep within。
Thus body rarefies; so undermined
In all its nature; and pain attends its state。
And so the food is taken to underprop
The tottering joints; and by its interfusion
To re…create their powers; and there stop up
The longing; open…mouthed through limbs and veins;
For eating。 And the moist no less departs
Into all regions that demand the moist;
And many heaped…up particles of hot;
Which cause such burnings in these bellies of ours;
The liquid on arriving dissipates
And quenches like a fire; that parching heat
No longer now can scorch the frame。 And so;
Thou seest how panting thirst is washed away
From off our body; how the hunger…pang
It; too; appeased。
Now; how it comes that we;
Whene'er we wish; can step with strides ahead;
And how 'tis given to move our limbs about;
And what device is wont to push ahead
This the big load of our corporeal frame;
I'll say to thee… do thou attend what's said。
I say that first some idol…films of walking
Into our mind do fall and smite the mind;
As said before。 Thereafter will arises;
For no one starts to do a thing; before
The intellect previsions what it wills;
And what it there pre…visioneth depends
On what that image is。 When; therefore; mind
Doth so bestir itself that it doth will
To go and step along; it strikes at once
That energy of soul that's sown about
In all the body through the limbs and frame…
And this is easy of performance; since
The soul is close conjoined with the mind。
Next; soul in turn strikes body; and by degrees
Thus the whole mass is pushed along and moved。
Then too the body rarefies; and air;
Forsooth as ever of such nimbleness;
Comes on and penetrates aboundingly
Through opened pores; and thus is sprinkled round
Unto all smallest places in our frame。
Thus then by these twain factors; severally;
Body is borne like ship with oars and wind。
Nor yet in these affairs is aught for wonder
That particles so fine can whirl around
So great a body and turn this weight of ours;
For wind; so tenuous with its subtle body;
Yet pushes; driving on the mighty ship
Of mighty bulk; one hand directs the same;
Whatever its momentum; and one helm
Whirls it around; whither ye please; and loads;
Many and huge; are moved and hoisted high
By enginery of pulley…blocks and wheels;
With but light strain。
Now; by what modes this sleep
Pours through our members waters of repose
And frees the breast from cares of mind; I'll tell
In verses sweeter than they many are;
Even as the swan's slight note is better far
Than that dispersed clamour of the cranes
Among the southwind's aery clouds。 Do thou
Give me sharp ears and a sagacious mind;…
That thou mayst not deny the things to be
Whereof I'm speaking; nor depart away
With bosom scorning these the spoken truths;
Thyself at fault unable to perceive。
Sleep chiefly comes when energy of soul
Hath now been scattered through the frame; and part
Expelled abroad and gone away; and part
Crammed back and settling deep within the frame…
Whereafter then our loosened members droop。
For doubt is none that by the work of soul
Exist in us this sense; and when by slumber
That sense is thwarted; we are bound to think
The soul confounded and expelled abroad…
Yet not entirely; else the frame would lie
Drenched in the everlasting cold of death。
In sooth; where no one part of soul remained
Lurking among the members; even as fire
Lurks buried under many ashes; whence
Could sense amain rekindled be in members;
As flame can rise anew from unseen fire?
By what devices this strange state and new
May be occasioned; and by what the soul
Can be confounded and the frame grow faint;
I will untangle: see to it; thou; that I
Pour forth my words not unto empty winds。
In first place; body on its outer parts…
Since these are touched by neighbouring aery gusts…
Must there be thumped and strook by blows of air
Repeatedly。 And therefore almost all
Are covered either with hides; or else with shells;
Or with the horny callus; or with bark。
Yet this same air lashes their inner parts;
When creatures draw a breath or blow it out。
Wherefore; since body thus is flogged alike
Upon the inside and the out;