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of the nature of things-第35章

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Last; the possession of those instruments
Whereby the male with female can unite;
The one with other in mutual ravishments。
  And in the ages after monsters died;
Perforce there perished many a stock; unable
By propagation to forge a progeny。
For whatsoever creatures thou beholdest
Breathing the breath of life; the same have been
Even from their earliest age preserved alive
By cunning; or by valour; or at least
By speed of foot or wing。 And many a stock
Remaineth yet; because of use to man;
And so committed to man's guardianship。
Valour hath saved alive fierce lion…breeds
And many another terrorizing race;
Cunning the foxes; flight the antlered stags。
Light…sleeping dogs with faithful heart in breast;
However; and every kind begot from seed
Of beasts of draft; as; too; the woolly flocks
And horned cattle; all; my Memmius;
Have been committed to guardianship of men。
For anxiously they fled the savage beasts;
And peace they sought and their abundant foods;
Obtained with never labours of their own;
Which we secure to them as fit rewards
For their good service。 But those beasts to whom
Nature has granted naught of these same things…
Beasts quite unfit by own free will to thrive
And vain for any service unto us
In thanks for which we should permit their kind
To feed and be in our protection safe…
Those; of a truth; were wont to be exposed;
Enshackled in the gruesome bonds of doom;
As prey and booty for the rest; until
Nature reduced that stock to utter death。
  But Centaurs ne'er have been; nor can there be
Creatures of twofold stock and double frame;
Compact of members alien in kind;
Yet formed with equal function; equal force
In every bodily part… a fact thou mayst;
However dull thy wits; well learn from this:
The horse; when his three years have rolled away;
Flowers in his prime of vigour; but the boy
Not so; for oft even then he gropes in sleep
After the milky nipples of the breasts;
An infant still。 And later; when at last
The lusty powers of horses and stout limbs;
Now weak through lapsing life; do fail with age;
Lo; only then doth youth with flowering years
Begin for boys; and clothe their ruddy cheeks
With the soft down。 So never deem; percase;
That from a man and from the seed of horse;
The beast of draft; can Centaurs be composed
Or e'er exist alive; nor Scyllas be…
The half…fish bodies girdled with mad dogs…
Nor others of this sort; in whom we mark
Members discordant each with each; for ne'er
At one same time they reach their flower of age
Or gain and lose full vigour of their frame;
And never burn with one same lust of love;
And never in their habits they agree;
Nor find the same foods equally delightsome…
Sooth; as one oft may see the bearded goats
Batten upon the hemlock which to man
Is violent poison。 Once again; since flame
Is wont to scorch and burn the tawny bulks
Of the great lions as much as other kinds
Of flesh and blood existing in the lands;
How could it be that she; Chimaera lone;
With triple body… fore; a lion she;
And aft; a dragon; and betwixt; a goat…
Might at the mouth from out the body belch
Infuriate flame? Wherefore; the man who feigns
Such beings could have been engendered
When earth was new and the young sky was fresh
(Basing his empty argument on new)
May babble with like reason many whims
Into our ears: he'll say; perhaps; that then
Rivers of gold through every landscape flowed;
That trees were wont with precious stones to flower;
Or that in those far aeons man was born
With such gigantic length and lift of limbs
As to be able; based upon his feet;
Deep oceans to bestride or with his hands
To whirl the firmament around his head。
For though in earth were many seeds of things
In the old time when this telluric world
First poured the breeds of animals abroad;
Still that is nothing of a sign that then
Such hybrid creatures could have been begot
And limbs of all beasts heterogeneous
Have been together knit; because; indeed;
The divers kinds of grasses and the grains
And the delightsome trees… which even now
Spring up abounding from within the earth…
Can still ne'er be begotten with their stems
Begrafted into one; but each sole thing
Proceeds according to its proper wont
And all conserve their own distinctions based
In nature's fixed decree。


                            But mortal man
Was then far hardier in the old champaign;
As well he should be; since a hardier earth
Had him begotten; builded too was he
Of bigger and more solid bones within;
And knit with stalwart sinews through the flesh;
Nor easily seized by either heat or cold;
Or alien food or any ail or irk。
And whilst so many lustrums of the sun
Rolled on across the sky; men led a life
After the roving habit of wild beasts。
Not then were sturdy guiders of curved ploughs;
And none knew then to work the fields with iron;
Or plant young shoots in holes of delved loam;
Or lop with hooked knives from off high trees
The boughs of yester…year。 What sun and rains
To them had given; what earth of own accord
Created then; was boon enough to glad
Their simple hearts。 Mid acorn…laden oaks
Would they refresh their bodies for the nonce;
And the wild berries of the arbute…tree;
Which now thou seest to ripen purple…red
In winter time; the old telluric soil
Would bear then more abundant and more big。
And many coarse foods; too; in long ago
The blooming freshness of the rank young world
Produced; enough for those poor wretches there。
And rivers and springs would summon them of old
To slake the thirst; as now from the great hills
The water's down…rush calls aloud and far
The thirsty generations of the wild。
So; too; they sought the grottos of the Nymphs…
The woodland haunts discovered as they ranged…
From forth of which they knew that gliding rills
With gush and splash abounding laved the rocks;
The dripping rocks; and trickled from above
Over the verdant moss; and here and there
Welled up and burst across the open flats。
As yet they knew not to enkindle fire
Against the cold; nor hairy pelts to use
And clothe their bodies with the spoils of beasts;
But huddled in groves; and mountain…caves; and woods;
And 'mongst the thickets hid their squalid backs;
When driven to flee the lashings of the winds
And the big rains。 Nor could they then regard
The general good; nor did they know to use
In common any customs; any laws:
Whatever of booty fortune unto each
Had proffered; each alone would bear away;
By instinct trained for self to thrive and live。
And Venus in the forests then would link
The lovers' bodies; for the woman yielded
Either from mutual flame; or from the man's
Impetuous fury and insatiate lust;
Or from a bribe… as acorn…nuts; choice pears;
Or the wild berries of the arbute…tree。
And trusting wondrous strength of hands and legs;
They'd chase the forest…wanderers; the beasts;
And many they'd conquer; but some few they fled;
A…skulk into their hiding…places。。。
       。     。     。     。     。     。
With the flung stones and with the ponderous heft
Of gnarled branch。 And by the time of night
O'ertaken; they would throw; like bristly boars;
Their wildman's limbs naked upon the earth;
Rolling themselves in leaves and fronded boughs。
Nor would they call with lamentations loud
Around the fields for daylight and the sun;
Quaking and wand'ring in shadows of the night;
But; silent and buried in a sleep; they'd wait
Until the sun with rosy flambeau brought
The glory to the sky。 From childhood wont
Ever to see the dark and day begot
In times alternate; never might they be
Wildered by wild misgiving; lest a night
Eternal should possess the lands; with light
Of sun withdrawn forever。 But their care
Was rather that the clans of savage beasts
Would often make their sleep…time horrible
For those poor wretches; and; from home y…driven;
They'd flee their rocky shelters at approach
Of boar; the spumy…lipped; or lion strong;
And in the midnight yield with terror up
To those fierce guests their beds of out…spread leaves。
  And yet in those days not much more than now
Would generations of mortality
Leave the sweet light of fading life behind。
Indeed; in those days here and there a man;
More oftener snatched upon; and gulped by fangs;
Afforded the beasts a food that roared alive;
Echoing through groves and hills and forest…trees;
Even as he viewed his living flesh entombed
Within a living grave; whilst those whom flight
Had saved; with bone and body bitten; shrieked;
Pressing their quivering palms to loathsome sores;
With horrible voices for eternal death…
Until; forlorn of help; and witless what
Might medicine their wounds; the writhing pangs
Took them from life。 But not in those far times
Would one lone day give over unto doom
A soldiery in thousands marching on
Beneath the battle…banners; nor would then
The ramping breakers of the main seas dash
Whole argosies and crews upon the rocks。
But ocean uprisen would often rave in vain;
Without all end or outcome; and give up
Its empty menacings as lightly too;
Nor soft seductions of a serene sea
Could lure by laughing billows any man
Out to disaster: for the science bold
Of ship…sailing lay dark in 
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