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of the nature of things-第37章

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For rain and water and to call at times
For winds and gales。 Ergo; if divers moods
Compel the brutes; though speechless evermore;
To send forth divers sounds; O truly then
How much more likely 'twere that mortal men
In those days could with many a different sound
Denote each separate thing。
                            And now what cause
Hath spread divinities of gods abroad
Through mighty nations; and filled the cities full
Of the high altars; and led to practices
Of solemn rites in season… rites which still
Flourish in midst of great affairs of state
And midst great centres of man's civic life;
The rites whence still a poor mortality
Is grafted that quaking awe which rears aloft
Still the new temples of gods from land to land
And drives mankind to visit them in throngs
On holy days… 'tis not so hard to give
Reason thereof in speech。 Because; in sooth;
Even in those days would the race of man
Be seeing excelling visages of gods
With mind awake; and in his sleeps; yet more…
Bodies of wondrous growth。 And; thus; to these
Would men attribute sense; because they seemed
To move their limbs and speak pronouncements high;
Befitting glorious visage and vast powers。
And men would give them an eternal life;
Because their visages forevermore
Were there before them; and their shapes remained;
And chiefly; however; because men would not think
Beings augmented with such mighty powers
Could well by any force o'ermastered be。
And men would think them in their happiness
Excelling far; because the fear of death
Vexed no one of them at all; and since
At same time in men's sleeps men saw them do
So many wonders; and yet feel therefrom
Themselves no weariness。 Besides; men marked
How in a fixed order rolled around
The systems of the sky; and changed times
Of annual seasons; nor were able then
To know thereof the causes。 Therefore 'twas
Men would take refuge in consigning all
Unto divinities; and in feigning all
Was guided by their nod。 And in the sky
They set the seats and vaults of gods; because
Across the sky night and the moon are seen
To roll along… moon; day; and night; and night's
Old awesome constellations evermore;
And the night…wandering fireballs of the sky;
And flying flames; clouds; and the sun; the rains;
Snow and the winds; the lightnings; and the hail;
And the swift rumblings; and the hollow roar
Of mighty menacings forevermore。
  O humankind unhappy!… when it ascribed
Unto divinities such awesome deeds;
And coupled thereto rigours of fierce wrath!
What groans did men on that sad day beget
Even for themselves; and O what wounds for us;
What tears for our children's children! Nor; O man;
Is thy true piety in this: with head
Under the veil; still to be seen to turn
Fronting a stone; and ever to approach
Unto all altars; nor so prone on earth
Forward to fall; to spread upturned palms
Before the shrines of gods; nor yet to dew
Altars with profuse blood of four…foot beasts;
Nor vows with vows to link。 But rather this:
To look on all things with a master eye
And mind at peace。 For when we gaze aloft
Upon the skiey vaults of yon great world
And ether; fixed high o'er twinkling stars;
And into our thought there come the journeyings
Of sun and moon; O then into our breasts;
O'erburdened already with their other ills;
Begins forthwith to rear its sudden head
One more misgiving: lest o'er us; percase;
It be the gods' immeasurable power
That rolls; with varied motion; round and round
The far white constellations。 For the lack
Of aught of reasons tries the puzzled mind:
Whether was ever a birth…time of the world;
And whether; likewise; any end shall be
How far the ramparts of the world can still
Outstand this strain of ever…roused motion;
Or whether; divinely with eternal weal
Endowed; they can through endless tracts of age
Glide on; defying the o'er…mighty powers
Of the immeasurable ages。 Lo;
What man is there whose mind with dread of gods
Cringes not close; whose limbs with terror…spell
Crouch not together; when the parched earth
Quakes with the horrible thunderbolt amain;
And across the mighty sky the rumblings run?
Do not the peoples and the nations shake;
And haughty kings do they not hug their limbs;
Strook through with fear of the divinities;
Lest for aught foully done or madly said
The heavy time be now at hand to pay?
When; too; fierce force of fury…winds at sea
Sweepeth a navy's admiral down the main
With his stout legions and his elephants;
Doth he not seek the peace of gods with vows;
And beg in prayer; a…tremble; lulled winds
And friendly gales?… in vain; since; often up…caught
In fury…cyclones; is he borne along;
For all his mouthings; to the shoals of doom。
Ah; so irrevocably some hidden power
Betramples forevermore affairs of men;
And visibly grindeth with its heel in mire
The lictors' glorious rods and axes dire;
Having them in derision! Again; when earth
From end to end is rocking under foot;
And shaken cities ruin down; or threaten
Upon the verge; what wonder is it then
That mortal generations abase themselves;
And unto gods in all affairs of earth
Assign as last resort almighty powers
And wondrous energies to govern all?
  Now for the rest: copper and gold and iron
Discovered were; and with them silver's weight
And power of lead; when with prodigious heat
The conflagrations burned the forest trees
Among the mighty mountains; by a bolt
Of lightning from the sky; or else because
Men; warring in the woodlands; on their foes
Had hurled fire to frighten and dismay;
Or yet because; by goodness of the soil
Invited; men desired to clear rich fields
And turn the countryside to pasture…lands;
Or slay the wild and thrive upon the spoils。
(For hunting by pit…fall and by fire arose
Before the art of hedging the covert round
With net or stirring it with dogs of chase。)
Howso the fact; and from what cause soever
The flamy heat with awful crack and roar
Had there devoured to their deepest roots
The forest trees and baked the earth with fire;
Then from the boiling veins began to ooze
O rivulets of silver and of gold;
Of lead and copper too; collecting soon
Into the hollow places of the ground。
And when men saw the cooled lumps anon
To shine with splendour…sheen upon the ground;
Much taken with that lustrous smooth delight;
They 'gan to pry them out; and saw how each
Had got a shape like to its earthy mould。
Then would it enter their heads how these same lumps;
If melted by heat; could into any form
Or figure of things be run; and how; again;
If hammered out; they could be nicely drawn
To sharpest points or finest edge; and thus
Yield to the forgers tools and give them power
To chop the forest down; to hew the logs;
To shave the beams and planks; besides to bore
And punch and drill。 And men began such work
At first as much with tools of silver and gold
As with the impetuous strength of the stout copper;
But vainly… since their over…mastered power
Would soon give way; unable to endure;
Like copper; such hard labour。 In those days
Copper it was that was the thing of price;
And gold lay useless; blunted with dull edge。
Now lies the copper low; and gold hath come
Unto the loftiest honours。 Thus it is
That rolling ages change the times of things:
What erst was of a price; becomes at last
A discard of no honour; whilst another
Succeeds to glory; issuing from contempt;
And day by day is sought for more and more;
And; when 'tis found; doth flower in men's praise;
Objects of wondrous honour。
                             Now; Memmius;
How nature of iron discovered was; thou mayst
Of thine own self divine。 Man's ancient arms
Were hands; and nails and teeth; stones too and boughs…
Breakage of forest trees… and flame and fire;
As soon as known。 Thereafter force of iron
And copper discovered was; and copper's use
Was known ere iron's; since more tractable
Its nature is and its abundance more。
With copper men to work the soil began;
With copper to rouse the hurly waves of war;
To straw the monstrous wounds; and seize away
Another's flocks and fields。 For unto them;
Thus armed; all things naked of defence
Readily yielded。 Then by slow degrees
The sword of iron succeeded; and the shape
Of brazen sickle into scorn was turned:
With iron to cleave the soil of earth they 'gan;
And the contentions of uncertain war
Were rendered equal。
                     And; lo; man was wont
Armed to mount upon the ribs of horse
And guide him with the rein; and play about
With right hand free; oft times before he tried
Perils of war in yoked chariot;
And yoked pairs abreast came earlier
Than yokes of four; or scythed chariots
Whereinto clomb the men…at…arms。 And next
The Punic folk did train the elephants…
Those curst Lucanian oxen; hideous;
The serpent…handed; with turrets on their bulks…
To dure the wounds of war and panic…strike
The mighty troops of Mars。 Thus Discord sad
Begat the one Thing after other; to be
The terror of the nations under arms;
And day by day to horrors of old war
She added an increase。
                      Bulls; too; they tried
In war's grim business; and essayed to send
Outrageous boars against the foes。 And some
Sent on before their ranks puissant lions
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