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st. ives-第14章

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rising in the midst two storeys high; with a steep…pitched roof; 

and sending out upon all hands (as it were chapter…houses; chapels; 

and transepts) one…storeyed and dwarfish projections。  To add to 

this appearance; it was grotesquely decorated with crockets and 

gargoyles; ravished from some medieval church。  The place seemed 

hidden away; being not only concealed in the trees of the garden; 

but; on the side on which I approached it; buried as high as the 

eaves by the rising of the ground。  About the walls of the garden 

there went a line of well…grown elms and beeches; the first 

entirely bare; the last still pretty well covered with red leaves; 

and the centre was occupied with a thicket of laurel and holly; in 

which I could see arches cut and paths winding。

I was now within hail of my friends; and not much the better。  The 

house appeared asleep; yet if I attempted to wake any one; I had no 

guarantee it might not prove either the aunt with the gold 

eyeglasses (whom I could only remember with trembling); or some ass 

of a servant…maid who should burst out screaming at sight of me。  

Higher up I could hear and see a shepherd shouting to his dogs and 

striding on the rough sides of the mountain; and it was clear I 

must get to cover without loss of time。  No doubt the holly 

thickets would have proved a very suitable retreat; but there was 

mounted on the wall a sort of signboard not uncommon in the country 

of Great Britain; and very damping to the adventurous: SPRING GUNS 

AND MAN…TRAPS was the legend that it bore。  I have learned since 

that these advertisements; three times out of four; were in the 

nature of Quaker guns on a disarmed battery; but I had not learned 

it then; and even so; the odds would not have been good enough。  

For a choice; I would a hundred times sooner be returned to 

Edinburgh Castle and my corner in the bastion; than to leave my 

foot in a steel trap or have to digest the contents of an automatic 

blunderbuss。  There was but one chance left … that Ronald or Flora 

might be the first to come abroad; and in order to profit by this 

chance if it occurred; I got me on the cope of the wall in a place 

where it was screened by the thick branches of a beech; and sat 

there waiting。

As the day wore on; the sun came very pleasantly out。  I had been 

awake all night; I had undergone the most violent agitations of 

mind and body; and it is not so much to be wondered at; as it was 

exceedingly unwise and foolhardy; that I should have dropped into a 

doze。  From this I awakened to the characteristic sound of digging; 

looked down; and saw immediately below me the back view of a 

gardener in a stable waistcoat。  Now he would appear steadily 

immersed in his business; anon; to my more immediate terror; he 

would straighten his back; stretch his arms; gaze about the 

otherwise deserted garden; and relish a deep pinch of snuff。  It 

was my first thought to drop from the wall upon the other side。  A 

glance sufficed to show me that even the way by which I had come 

was now cut off; and the field behind me already occupied by a 

couple of shepherds' assistants and a score or two of sheep。  I 

have named the talismans on which I habitually depend; but here was 

a conjuncture in which both were wholly useless。  The copestone of 

a wall arrayed with broken bottles is no favourable rostrum; and I 

might be as eloquent as Pitt; and as fascinating as Richelieu; and 

neither the gardener nor the shepherd lads would care a halfpenny。  

In short; there was no escape possible from my absurd position: 

there I must continue to sit until one or other of my neighbours 

should raise his eyes and give the signal for my capture。

The part of the wall on which (for my sins) I was posted could be 

scarce less than twelve feet high on the inside; the leaves of the 

beech which made a fashion of sheltering me were already partly 

fallen; and I was thus not only perilously exposed myself; but 

enabled to command some part of the garden walks and (under an 

evergreen arch) the front lawn and windows of the cottage。  For 

long nothing stirred except my friend with the spade; then I heard 

the opening of a sash; and presently after saw Miss Flora appear in 

a morning wrapper and come strolling hitherward between the 

borders; pausing and visiting her flowers … herself as fair。  THERE 

was a friend; HERE; immediately beneath me; an unknown quantity … 

the gardener: how to communicate with the one and not attract the 

notice of the other?  To make a noise was out of the question; I 

dared scarce to breathe。  I held myself ready to make a gesture as 

soon as she should look; and she looked in every possible direction 

but the one。  She was interested in the vilest tuft of chickweed; 

she gazed at the summit of the mountain; she came even immediately 

below me and conversed on the most fastidious topics with the 

gardener; but to the top of that wall she would not dedicate a 

glance!  At last she began to retrace her steps in the direction of 

the cottage; whereupon; becoming quite desperate; I broke off a 

piece of plaster; took a happy aim; and hit her with it in the nape 

of the neck。  She clapped her hand to the place; turned about; 

looked on all sides for an explanation; and spying me (as indeed I 

was parting the branches to make it the more easy); half uttered 

and half swallowed down again a cry of surprise。

The infernal gardener was erect upon the instant。  'What's your 

wull; miss?' said he。

Her readiness amazed me。  She had already turned and was gazing in 

the opposite direction。  'There's a child among the artichokes;' 

she said。

'The Plagues of Egyp'!  I'LL see to them!' cried the gardener 

truculently; and with a hurried waddle disappeared among the 


That moment she turned; she came running towards me; her arms 

stretched out; her face incarnadined for the one moment with 

heavenly blushes; the next pale as death。  'Monsieur de。 Saint…

Yves!' she said。

'My dear young lady;' I said; 'this is the damnedest liberty … I 

know it!  But what else was I to do?'

'You have escaped?' said she。

'If you call this escape;' I replied。

'But you cannot possibly stop there!' she cried。

'I know it;' said I。  'And where am I to go?'

She struck her hands together。  'I have it!' she exclaimed。  'Come 

down by the beech trunk … you must leave no footprint in the border 

… quickly; before Robie can get back!  I am the hen…wife here: I 

keep the key; you must go into the hen…house … for the moment。'

I was by her side at once。  Both cast a hasty glance at the blank 

windows of the cottage and so much as was visible of the garden 

alleys; it seemed there was none to observe us。  She caught me by 

the sleeve and ran。  It was no time for compliments; hurry breathed 

upon our necks; and I ran along with her to the next corner of the 

garden; where a wired court and a board hovel standing in a grove 

of trees advertised my place of refuge。  She thrust me in without a 

word; the bulk of the fowls were at the same time emitted; and I 

found myself the next moment locked in alone with half a dozen 

sitting hens。  In the twilight of the place all fixed their eyes on 

me severely; and seemed to upbraid me with some crying impropriety。  

Doubtless the hen has always a puritanic appearance; although (in 

its own behaviour) I could never observe it to be more particular 

than its neighbours。  But conceive a British hen!


I WAS half an hour at least in the society of these distressing 

bipeds; and alone with my own reflections and necessities。  I was 

in great pain of my flayed hands; and had nothing to treat them 

with; I was hungry and thirsty; and had nothing to eat or to drink; 

I was thoroughly tired; and there was no place for me to sit。  To 

be sure there was the floor; but nothing could be imagined less 


At the sound of approaching footsteps; my good…humour was restored。  

The key rattled in the lock; and Master Ronald entered; closed the 

door behind him; and leaned his back to it。

'I say; you know!' he said; and shook a sullen young head。

'I know it's a liberty;' said I。

'It's infernally awkward: my position is infernally embarrassing;' 

said he。

'Well;' said I; 'and what do you think of mine?'

This seemed to pose him entirely; and he remained gazing upon me 

with a convincing air of youth and innocence。  I could have 

laughed; but I was not so inhumane。

'I am in your hands;' said I; with a little gesture。  'You must do 

with me what you think right。'

'Ah; yes!' he cried: 'if I knew!'

'You see;' said I; 'it would be different if you had received your 

commission。  Properly speaking; you are not yet a combatant; I have 

ceased to be one; and I think it arguable that we are just
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