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st. ives-第2章

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the picture I must present by Sunday evening!  And Saturday; which 

was almost as bad; was the great day for visitors。

Those who came to our market were of all qualities; men and women; 

the lean and the stout; the plain and the fairly pretty。  Sure; if 

people at all understood the power of beauty; there would be no 

prayers addressed except to Venus; and the mere privilege of 

beholding a comely woman is worth paying for。  Our visitors; upon 

the whole; were not much to boast of; and yet; sitting in a corner 

and very much ashamed of myself and my absurd appearance; I have 

again and again tasted the finest; the rarest; and the most 

ethereal pleasures in a glance of an eye that I should never see 

again … and never wanted to。  The flower of the hedgerow and the 

star in heaven satisfy and delight us: how much more the look of 

that exquisite being who was created to bear and rear; to madden 

and rejoice; mankind!

There was one young lady in particular; about eighteen or nineteen; 

tall; of a gallant carriage; and with a profusion of hair in which 

the sun found threads of gold。  As soon as she came in the 

courtyard (and she was a rather frequent visitor) it seemed I was 

aware of it。  She had an air of angelic candour; yet of a high 

spirit; she stepped like a Diana; every movement was noble and 

free。  One day there was a strong east wind; the banner was 

straining at the flagstaff; below us the smoke of the city chimneys 

blew hither and thither in a thousand crazy variations; and away 

out on the Forth we could see the ships lying down to it and 

scudding。  I was thinking what a vile day it was; when she 

appeared。  Her hair blew in the wind with changes of colour; her 

garments moulded her with the accuracy of sculpture; the ends of 

her shawl fluttered about her ear and were caught in again with an 

inimitable deftness。  You have seen a pool on a gusty day; how it 

suddenly sparkles and flashes like a thing alive?  So this lady's 

face had become animated and coloured; and as I saw her standing; 

somewhat inclined; her lips parted; a divine trouble in her eyes; I 

could have clapped my hands in applause; and was ready to acclaim 

her a genuine daughter of the winds。  What put it in my head; I 

know not: perhaps because it was a Thursday and I was new from the 

razor; but I determined to engage her attention no later than that 

day。  She was approaching that part of the court in which I sat 

with my merchandise; when I observed her handkerchief to escape 

from her hands and fall to the ground; the next moment the wind had 

taken it up and carried it within my reach。  I was on foot at once: 

I had forgot my mustard…coloured clothes; I had forgot the private 

soldier and his salute。  Bowing deeply; I offered her the slip of 


'Madam;' said I; 'your handkerchief。  The wind brought it me。'

I met her eyes fully。

'I thank you; sir;' said she。

'The wind brought it me;' I repeated。  'May I not take it for an 

omen?  You have an English proverb; 〃It's an ill wind that blows 

nobody good。〃'

'Well;' she said; with a smile; '〃One good turn deserves another。〃  

I will see what you have。'

She followed me to where my wares were spread out under lee of a 

piece of cannon。

'Alas; mademoiselle!' said I; 'I am no very perfect craftsman。  

This is supposed to be a house; and you see the chimneys are awry。  

You may call this a box if you are very indulgent; but see where my 

tool slipped!  Yes; I am afraid you may go from one to another; and 

find a flaw in everything。  FAILURES FOR SALE should be on my 

signboard。  I do not keep a shop; I keep a Humorous Museum。'  I 

cast a smiling glance about my display; and then at her; and 

instantly became grave。  'Strange; is it not;' I added; 'that a 

grown man and a soldier should be engaged upon such trash; and a 

sad heart produce anything so funny to look at?'

An unpleasant voice summoned her at this moment by the name of 

Flora; and she made a hasty purchase and rejoined her party。

A few days after she came again。  But I must first tell you how she 

came to be so frequent。  Her aunt was one of those terrible British 

old maids; of which the world has heard much; and having nothing 

whatever to do; and a word or two of French; she had taken what she 

called an INTEREST IN THE FRENCH PRISONERS。  A big; bustling; bold 

old lady; she flounced about our market…place with insufferable 

airs of patronage and condescension。  She bought; indeed; with 

liberality; but her manner of studying us through a quizzing…glass; 

and playing cicerone to her followers; acquitted us of any 

gratitude。  She had a tail behind her of heavy; obsequious old 

gentlemen; or dull; giggling misses; to whom she appeared to be an 

oracle。  'This one can really carve prettily: is he not a quiz with 

his big whiskers?' she would say。  'And this one;' indicating 

myself with her gold eye…glass; 'is; I assure you; quite an 

oddity。'  The oddity; you may be certain; ground his teeth。  She 

had a way of standing in our midst; nodding around; and addressing 

us in what she imagined to be French: 'BIENNE; HOMMES!  CA VA 

BIENNE?'  I took the freedom to reply in the same lingo: BIENNE; 


when we had all laughed with a little more heartiness than was 

entirely civil; 'I told you he was quite an oddity!' says she in 

triumph。  Needless to say; these passages were before I had 

remarked the niece。

The aunt came on the day in question with a following rather more 

than usually large; which she manoeuvred to and fro about the 

market and lectured to at rather more than usual length; and with 

rather less than her accustomed tact。  I kept my eyes down; but 

they were ever fixed in the same direction; quite in vain。  The 

aunt came and went; and pulled us out; and showed us off; like 

caged monkeys; but the niece kept herself on the outskirts of the 

crowd and on the opposite side of the courtyard; and departed at 

last as she had come; without a sign。  Closely as I had watched 

her; I could not say her eyes had ever rested on me for an instant; 

and my heart was overwhelmed with bitterness and blackness。  I tore 

out her detested image; I felt I was done with her for ever; I 

laughed at myself savagely; because I had thought to please; when I 

lay down at night sleep forsook me; and I lay; and rolled; and 

gloated on her charms; and cursed her insensibility; for half the 

night。  How trivial I thought her! and how trivial her sex!  A man 

might be an angel or an Apollo; and a mustard…coloured coat would 

wholly blind them to his merits。  I was a prisoner; a slave; a 

contemned and despicable being; the butt of her sniggering 

countrymen。  I would take the lesson: no proud daughter of my foes 

should have the chance to mock at me again; none in the future 

should have the chance to think I had looked at her with 

admiration。  You cannot imagine any one of a more resolute and 

independent spirit; or whose bosom was more wholly mailed with 

patriotic arrogance; than I。  Before I dropped asleep; I had 

remembered all the infamies of Britain; and debited them in an 

overwhelming column to Flora。

The next day; as I sat in my place; I became conscious there was 

some one standing near; and behold; it was herself!  I kept my 

seat; at first in the confusion of my mind; later on from policy; 

and she stood; and leaned a little over me; as in pity。  She was 

very still and timid; her voice was low。  Did I suffer in my 

captivity? she asked me。  Had I to complain of any hardship?

'Mademoiselle; I have not learned to complain;' said I。  'I am a 

soldier of Napoleon。'

She sighed。  'At least you must regret LA FRANCE;' said she; and 

coloured a little as she pronounced the words; which she did with a 

pretty strangeness of accent。

'What am I to say?' I replied。  'If you were carried from this 

country; for which you seem so wholly suited; where the very rains 

and winds seem to become you like ornaments; would you regret; do 

you think?  We must surely all regret! the son to his mother; the 

man to his country; these are native feelings。'

'You have a mother?' she asked。

'In heaven; mademoiselle;' I answered。  'She; and my father also; 

went by the same road to heaven as so many others of the fair and 

brave: they followed their queen upon the scaffold。  So; you see; I 

am not so much to be pitied in my prison;' I continued: 'there are 

none to wait for me; I am alone in the world。  'Tis a different 

case; for instance; with yon poor fellow in the cloth cap。  His bed 

is next to mine; and in the night I hear him sobbing to himself。  

He has a tender character; full of tender and pretty sentiments; 

and in the dark at night; and sometimes by day when he can get me 

apart with him; he laments a mother a
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