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st. ives-第20章

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a tombstone; he told me for an example a story of its earlier 

inhabitants。  Years after it chanced that I was one day diverting 

myself with a Waverley Novel; when what should I come upon but the 

identical narrative of my green…coated gentleman upon the moors!  

In a moment the scene; the tones of his voice; his northern accent; 

and the very aspect of the earth and sky and temperature of the 

weather; flashed back into my mind with the reality of dreams。  The 

unknown in the green…coat had been the Great Unknown!  I had met 

Scott; I had heard a story from his lips; I should have been able 

to write; to claim acquaintance; to tell him that his legend still 

tingled in my ears。  But the discovery came too late; and the great 

man had already succumbed under the load of his honours and 


Presently; after giving us a cigar apiece; Scott bade us farewell 

and disappeared with his daughter over the hills。  And when I 

applied to Sim for information; his answer of 'The Shirra; man!  

A'body kens the Shirra!' told me; unfortunately; nothing。

A more considerable adventure falls to be related。  We were now 

near the border。  We had travelled for long upon the track beaten 

and browsed by a million herds; our predecessors; and had seen no 

vestige of that traffic which had created it。  It was early in the 

morning when we at last perceived; drawing near to the drove road; 

but still at a distance of about half a league; a second caravan; 

similar to but larger than our own。  The liveliest excitement was 

at once exhibited by both my comrades。  They climbed hillocks; they 

studied the approaching drove from under their hand; they consulted 

each other with an appearance of alarm that seemed to me 

extraordinary。  I had learned by this time that their stand…oft 

manners implied; at least; no active enmity; and I made bold to ask 

them what was wrong。

'Bad yins;' was Sim's emphatic answer。

All day the dogs were kept unsparingly on the alert; and the drove 

pushed forward at a very unusual and seemingly unwelcome speed。  

All day Sim and Candlish; with a more than ordinary expenditure 

both of snuff and of words; continued to debate the position。  It 

seems that they had recognised two of our neighbours on the road … 

one Faa; and another by the name of Gillies。  Whether there was an 

old feud between them still unsettled I could never learn; but Sim 

and Candlish were prepared for every degree of fraud or violence at 

their hands。  Candlish repeatedly congratulated himself on having 

left 'the watch at home with the mistress'; and Sim perpetually 

brandished his cudgel; and cursed his ill…fortune that it should be 


'I willna care a damn to gie the daashed scoon'rel a fair clout wi' 

it;' he said。  'The daashed thing micht come sindry in ma hand。'

'Well; gentlemen;' said I; 'suppose they do come on; I think we can 

give a very good account of them。'  And I made my piece of holly; 

Ronald's gift; the value of which I now appreciated; sing about my 


'Ay; man?  Are ye stench?' inquired Sim; with a gleam of approval 

in his wooden countenance。

The same evening; somewhat wearied with our day…long expedition; we 

encamped on a little verdant mound; from the midst of which there 

welled a spring of clear water scarce great enough to wash the 

hands in。  We had made our meal and lain down; but were not yet 

asleep; when a growl from one of the collies set us on the alert。  

All three sat up; and on a second impulse all lay down again; but 

now with our cudgels ready。  A man must be an alien and an outlaw; 

an old soldier and a young man in the bargain; to take adventure 

easily。  With no idea as to the rights of the quarrel or the 

probable consequences of the encounter; I was as ready to take part 

with my two drovers; as ever to fall in line on the morning of a 

battle。  Presently there leaped three men out of the heather; we 

had scarce time to get to our feet before we were assailed; and in 

a moment each one of us was engaged with an adversary whom the 

deepening twilight scarce permitted him to see。  How the battle 

sped in other quarters I am in no position to describe。  The rogue 

that fell to my share was exceedingly agile and expert with his 

weapon; had and held me at a disadvantage from the first assault; 

forced me to give ground continually; and at last; in mere self…

defence; to let him have the point。  It struck him in the throat; 

and he went down like a ninepin and moved no more。

It seemed this was the signal for the engagement to be 

discontinued。  The other combatants separated at once; our foes 

were suffered; without molestation; to lift up and bear away their 

fallen comrade; so that I perceived this sort of war to be not 

wholly without laws of chivalry; and perhaps rather to partake of 

the character of a tournament than of a battle A OUTRANCE。  There 

was no doubt; at least; that I was supposed to have pushed the 

affair too seriously。  Our friends the enemy removed their wounded 

companion with undisguised consternation; and they were no sooner 

over the top of the brae; than Sim and Candlish roused up their 

wearied drove and set forth on a night march。

'I'm thinking Faa's unco bad;' said the one。

'Ay;' said the other; 'he lookit dooms gash。'

'He did that;' said the first。

And their weary silence fell upon them again。

Presently Sim turned to me。  'Ye're unco ready with the stick;' 

said he。

'Too ready; I'm afraid;' said I。  'I am afraid Mr。 Faa (if that be 

his name) has got his gruel。'

'Weel; I wouldnae wonder;' replied Sim。

'And what is likely to happen?' I inquired。

'Aweel;' said Sim; snuffing profoundly; 'if I were to offer an 

opeenion; it would not be conscientious。  For the plain fac' is; 

Mr。 St。 Ivy; that I div not ken。  We have had crackit heids … and 

rowth of them … ere now; and we have had a broken leg or maybe twa; 

and the like of that we drover bodies make a kind of a practice 

like to keep among oursel's。  But a corp we have none of us ever 

had to deal with; and I could set nae leemit to what Gillies micht 

consider proper in the affair。  Forbye that; he would be in raither 

a hobble himsel'; if he was to gang hame wantin' Faa。  Folk are 

awfu' throng with their questions; and parteecularly when they're 

no wantit。'

'That's a fac';' said Candlish。

I considered this prospect ruefully; and then making the best of 

it; 'Upon all which accounts;' said I; 'the best will be to get 

across the border and there separate。  If you are troubled; you can 

very truly put the blame upon your late companion; and if I am 

pursued; I must just try to keep out of the way。'

'Mr。 St。 Ivy;' said Sim; with something resembling enthusiasm; 'no' 

a word mair!  I have met in wi' mony kinds o' gentry ere now; I hae 

seen o' them that was the tae thing; and I hae seen o' them that 

was the tither; but the wale of a gentleman like you I have no sae 

very frequently seen the bate of。'

Our night march was accordingly pursued with unremitting diligence。  

The stars paled; the east whitened; and we were still; both dogs 

and men; toiling after the wearied cattle。  Again and again Sim and 

Candlish lamented the necessity: it was 'fair ruin on the bestial;' 

they declared; but the thought of a judge and a scaffold hunted 

them ever forward。  I myself was not so much to be pitied。  All 

that night; and during the whole of the little that remained before 

us of our conjunct journey; I enjoyed a new pleasure; the reward of 

my prowess; in the now loosened tongue of Mr。 Sim。  Candlish was 

still obdurately taciturn: it was the man's nature; but Sim; having 

finally appraised and approved me; displayed without reticence a 

rather garrulous habit of mind and a pretty talent for narration。  

The pair were old and close companions; co…existing in these 

endless moors in a brotherhood of silence such as I have heard 

attributed to the trappers of the west。  It seems absurd to mention 

love in connection with so ugly and snuffy a couple; at least; 

their trust was absolute; and they entertained a surprising 

admiration for each other's qualities; Candlish exclaiming that Sim 

was 'grand company!' and Sim frequently assuring me in an aside 

that for 'a rale; auld; stench bitch; there was nae the bate of 

Candlish in braid Scotland。'  The two dogs appeared to be entirely 

included in this family compact; and I remarked that their exploits 

and traits of character were constantly and minutely observed by 

the two masters。  Dog stories particularly abounded with them; and 

not only the dogs of the present but those of the past contributed 

their quota。  'But that was naething;' Sim would begin: 'there was 

a herd in Manar; they ca'd him Tweedie … ye'll mind Tweedie; 

Can'lish?'  'Fine; that!' said Candlish。  'Aweel; Tweedie had
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