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hooted over the old chimneys; the cart had already drawn up at the
front…door steps; and the driver was already in earnest discourse
with Mr。 Burchell Fenn。 He was standing with his hands behind his
back … a man of a gross; misbegotten face and body; dewlapped like
a bull and red as a harvest moon; and in his jockey cap; blue coat
and top boots; he had much the air of a good; solid tenant…farmer。
The pair continued to speak as I came up the approach; but received
me at last in a sort of goggling silence。 I had my hat in my hand。
'I have the pleasure of addressing Mr。 Burchell Fenn?' said I。
'The same; sir;' replied Mr。 Fenn; taking off his jockey cap in
answer to my civility; but with the distant look and the tardy
movements of one who continues to think of something else。 'And
who may you be?' he asked。
'I shall tell you afterwards;' said I。 'Suffice it; in the
meantime; that I come on business。'
He seemed to digest my answer laboriously; his mouth gaping; his
little eyes never straying from my face。
'Suffer me to point out to you; sir;' I resumed; 'that this is a
devil of a wet morning; and that the chimney corner; and possibly a
glass of something hot; are clearly indicated。'
Indeed; the rain was now grown to be a deluge; the gutters of the
house roared; the air was filled with the continuous; strident
crash。 The stolidity of his face; on which the rain streamed; was
far from reassuring me。 On the contrary; I was aware of a distinct
qualm of apprehension; which was not at all lessened by a view of
the driver; craning from his perch to observe us with the
expression of a fascinated bird。 So we stood silent; when the
prisoner again began to sneeze from the body of the cart; and at
the sound; prompt as a transformation; the driver had whipped up
his horses and was shambling off round the corner of the house; and
Mr。 Fenn; recovering his wits with a gulp; had turned to the door
behind him。
'Come in; come in; sir;' he said。 'I beg your pardon; sir; the
lock goes a trifle hard。'
Indeed; it took him a surprising time to open the door; which was
not only locked on the outside; but the lock seemed rebellious from
disuse; and when at last he stood back and motioned me to enter
before him; I was greeted on the threshold by that peculiar and
convincing sound of the rain echoing over empty chambers。 The
entrance…hall; in which I now found myself; was of a good size and
good proportions; potted plants occupied the corners; the paved
floor was soiled with muddy footprints and encumbered with straw;
on a mahogany hall…table; which was the only furniture; a candle
had been stuck and suffered to burn down … plainly a long while
ago; for the gutterings were green with mould。 My mind; under
these new impressions; worked with unusual vivacity。 I was here
shut off with Fenn and his hireling in a deserted house; a
neglected garden; and a wood of evergreens: the most eligible
theatre for a deed of darkness。 There came to me a vision of two
flagstones raised in the hall…floor; and the driver putting in the
rainy afternoon over my grave; and the prospect displeased me
extremely。 I felt I had carried my pleasantry as far as was safe;
I must lose no time in declaring my true character; and I was even
choosing the words in which I was to begin; when the hall…door was
slammed…to behind me with a bang; and I turned; dropping my stick
as I did so; in time … and not any more than time … to save my
The surprise of the onslaught and the huge weight of my assailant
gave him the advantage。 He had a pistol in his right hand of a
portentous size; which it took me all my strength to keep
deflected。 With his left arm he strained me to his bosom; so that
I thought I must be crushed or stifled。 His mouth was open; his
face crimson; and he panted aloud with hard animal sounds。 The
affair was as brief as it was hot and sudden。 The potations which
had swelled and bloated his carcase had already weakened the
springs of energy。 One more huge effort; that came near to
overpower me; and in which the pistol happily exploded; and I felt
his grasp slacken and weakness come on his joints; his legs
succumbed under his weight; and he grovelled on his knees on the
stone floor。 'Spare me!' he gasped。
I had not only been abominably frightened; I was shocked besides:
my delicacy was in arms; like a lady to whom violence should have
been offered by a similar monster。 I plucked myself from his
horrid contact; I snatched the pistol … even discharged; it was a
formidable weapon … and menaced him with the butt。 'Spare you!' I
cried; 'you beast!'
His voice died in his fat inwards; but his lips still vehemently
framed the same words of supplication。 My anger began to pass off;
but not all my repugnance; the picture he made revolted me; and I
was impatient to be spared the further view of it。
'Here;' said I; 'stop this performance: it sickens me。 I am not
going to kill you; do you hear? I have need of you。'
A look of relief; that I could almost have called beautiful; dawned
on his countenance。 'Anything … anything you wish;' said he。
Anything is a big word; and his use of it brought me for a moment
to a stand。 'Why; what do you mean?' I asked。 'Do you mean that
you will blow the gaff on the whole business?'
He answered me Yes with eager asseverations。
'I know Monsieur de Saint…Yves is in it; it was through his papers
we traced you;' I said。 'Do you consent to make a clean breast of
the others?'
'I do … I will!' he cried。 'The 'ole crew of 'em; there's good
names among 'em。 I'll be king's evidence。'
'So that all shall hang except yourself? You damned villain!' I
broke out。 'Understand at once that I am no spy or thief…taker。 I
am a kinsman of Monsieur de St。 Yves … here in his interest。 Upon
my word; you have put your foot in it prettily; Mr。 Burchell Fenn!
Come; stand up; don't grovel there。 Stand up; you lump of
He scrambled to his feet。 He was utterly unmanned; or it might
have gone hard with me yet; and I considered him hesitating; as;
indeed; there was cause。 The man was a double…dyed traitor: he had
tried to murder me; and I had first baffled his endeavours and then
exposed and insulted him。 Was it wise to place myself any longer
at his mercy? With his help I should doubtless travel more
quickly; doubtless also far less agreeably; and there was
everything to show that it would be at a greater risk。 In short; I
should have washed my hands of him on the spot; but for the
temptation of the French officers; whom I knew to be so near; and
for whose society I felt so great and natural an impatience。 If I
was to see anything of my countrymen; it was clear I had first of
all to make my peace with Mr。 Fenn; and that was no easy matter。
To make friends with any one implies concessions on both sides; and
what could I concede? What could I say of him; but that he had
proved himself a villain and a fool; and the worse man?
'Well;' said I; 'here has been rather a poor piece of business;
which I dare say you can have no pleasure in calling to mind; and;
to say truth; I would as readily forget it myself。 Suppose we try。
Take back your pistol; which smells very ill; put it in your pocket
or wherever you had it concealed。 There! Now let us meet for the
first time。 … Give you good morning; Mr。 Fenn! I hope you do very
well。 I come on the recommendation of my kinsman; the Vicomte de
St。 Yves。'
'Do you mean it?' he cried。 'Do you mean you will pass over our
little scrimmage?'
'Why; certainly!' said I。 'It shows you are a bold fellow; who may
be trusted to forget the business when it comes to the point。
There is nothing against you in the little scrimmage; unless that
your courage is greater than your strength。 You are not so young
as you once were; that is all。'
'And I beg of you; sir; don't betray me to the Vis…count;' he
pleaded。 'I'll not deny but what my 'eart failed me a trifle; but
it was only a word; sir; what anybody might have said in the 'eat
of the moment; and over with it。'
'Certainly;' said I。 'That is quite my own opinion。'
'The way I came to be anxious about the Vis…count;' he continued;
'is that I believe he might be induced to form an 'asty judgment。
And the business; in a pecuniary point of view; is all that I could
ask; only trying; sir … very trying。 It's making an old man of me
before my time。 You might have observed yourself; sir; that I
'aven't got the knees I once 'ad。 The knees and the breathing;
there's where it takes me。 But I'm very sure; sir; I address a
gentleman as would be the last to make trouble between friends。'
'I am sure you do me no more than justice;' said I;