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me? I say he's a French prisoner; and he answers that he can box!
What has that to do with it? I would not wonder but what he can
dance; too … they're all dancing masters over there。 I say; and I
stick to it; that he's a Frenchy。 He says he isn't。 Well then;
let him out with his papers; if he has them! If he had; would he
not show them? If he had; would he not jump at the idea of going
to Squire Merton; a man you all know? Now; you are all plain;
straightforward Bedfordshire men; and I wouldn't ask a better lot
to appeal to。 You're not the kind to be talked over with any
French gammon; and he's plenty of that。 But let me tell him; he
can take his pigs to another market; they'll never do here; they'll
never go down in Bedfordshire。 Why! look at the man! Look at his
feet! Has anybody got a foot in the room like that? See how he
stands! do any of you fellows stand like that? Does the landlord;
there? Why; he has Frenchman wrote all over him; as big as a sign…
This was all very well; and in a different scene I might even have
been gratified by his remarks; but I saw clearly; if I were to
allow him to talk; he might turn the tables on me altogether。 He
might not be much of a hand at boxing; but I was much mistaken; or
he had studied forensic eloquence in a good school。 In this
predicament I could think of nothing more ingenious than to burst
out of the house; under the pretext of an ungovernable rage。 It
was certainly not very ingenious … it was elementary; but I had no
'You white…livered dog!' I broke out。 'Do you dare to tell me
you're an Englishman; and won't fight? But I'll stand no more of
this! I leave this place; where I've been insulted! Here! what's
to pay? Pay yourself!' I went on; offering the landlord a handful
of silver; 'and give me back my bank…note!'
The landlord; following his usual policy of obliging everybody;
offered no opposition to my design。 The position of my adversary
was now thoroughly bad。 He had lost my two companions。 He was on
the point of losing me also。 There was plainly no hope of arousing
the company to help; and watching him with a corner of my eye; I
saw him hesitate for a moment。 The next; he had taken down his hat
and his wig; which was of black horsehair; and I saw him draw from
behind the settle a vast hooded great…coat and a small valise。
'The devil!' thought I: 'is the rascal going to follow me?'
I was scarce clear of the inn before the limb of the law was at my
heels。 I saw his face plain in the moonlight; and the most
resolute purpose showed in it; along with an unmoved composure。 A
chill went over me。 'This is no common adventure;' thinks I to
myself。 'You have got hold of a man of character; St。 Ives! A
bite…hard; a bull…dog; a weasel is on your trail; and how are you
to throw him off?' Who was he? By some of his expressions I
judged he was a hanger…on of courts。 But in what character had he
followed the assizes? As a simple spectator; as a lawyer's clerk;
as a criminal himself; or … last and worst supposition … as a Bow…
street 'runner'?
The cart would wait for me; perhaps; half a mile down our onward
road; which I was already following。 And I told myself that in a
few minutes' walking; Bow…street runner or not; I should have him
at my mercy。 And then reflection came to me in time。 Of all
things; one was out of the question。 Upon no account must this
obtrusive fellow see the cart。 Until I had killed or shook him
off; I was quite divorced from my companions … alone; in the midst
of England; on a frosty by…way leading whither I knew not; with a
sleuth…hound at my heels; and never a friend but the holly…stick!
We came at the same time to a crossing of lanes。 The branch to the
left was overhung with trees; deeply sunken and dark。 Not a ray of
moonlight penetrated its recesses; and I took it at a venture。 The
wretch followed my example in silence; and for some time we
crunched together over frozen pools without a word。 Then he found
his voice; with a chuckle。
'This is not the way to Mr。 Merton's;' said he。
'No?' said I。 'It is mine; however。'
'And therefore mine;' said he。
Again we fell silent; and we may thus have covered half a mile
before the lane; taking a sudden turn; brought us forth again into
the moonshine。 With his hooded great…coat on his back; his valise
in his hand; his black wig adjusted; and footing it on the ice with
a sort of sober doggedness of manner; my enemy was changed almost
beyond recognition: changed in everything but a certain dry;
polemical; pedantic air; that spoke of a sedentary occupation and
high stools。 I observed; too; that his valise was heavy; and;
putting this and that together; hit upon a plan。
'A seasonable night; sir;' said I。 'What do you say to a bit of
running? The frost has me by the toes。'
'With all the pleasure in life;' says he。
His voice seemed well assured; which pleased me little。 However;
there was nothing else to try; except violence; for which it would
always be too soon。 I took to my heels accordingly; he after me;
and for some time the slapping of our feet on the hard road might
have been heard a mile away。 He had started a pace behind me; and
he finished in the same position。 For all his extra years and the
weight of his valise; he had not lost a hair's breadth。 The devil
might race him for me … I had enough of it!
And; besides; to run so fast was contrary to my interests。 We
could not run long without arriving somewhere。 At any moment we
might turn a corner and find ourselves at the lodge…gate of some
Squire Merton; in the midst of a village whose constable was sober;
or in the hands of a patrol。 There was no help for it … I must
finish with him on the spot; as long as it was possible。 I looked
about me; and the place seemed suitable; never a light; never a
house … nothing but stubble…fields; fallows; and a few stunted
trees。 I stopped and eyed him in the moonlight with an angry
'Enough of this foolery!' said I。
He had tamed; and now faced me full; very pale; but with no sign of
'I am quite of your opinion;' said he。 'You have tried me at the
running; you can try me next at the high jump。 It will be all the
same。 It must end the one way。'
I made my holly whistle about my head。
'I believe you know what way!' said I。 'We are alone; it is night;
and I am wholly resolved。 Are you not frightened?'
'No;' he said; 'not in the smallest。 I do not box; sir; but I am
not a coward; as you may have supposed。 Perhaps it will simplify
our relations if I tell you at the outset that I walk armed。'
Quick as lightning I made a feint at his head; as quickly he gave
ground; and at the same time I saw a pistol glitter in his hand。
'No more of that; Mr。 French…Prisoner!' he said。 'It will do me no
good to have your death at my door。'
'Faith; nor me either!' said I; and I lowered my stick and
considered the man; not without a twinkle of admiration。 'You
see;' I said; 'there is one consideration that you appear to
overlook: there are a great many chances that your pistol may miss
'I have a pair;' he returned。 'Never travel without a brace of
'I make you my compliment;' said I。 'You are able to take care of
yourself; and that is a good trait。 But; my good man! let us look
at this matter dispassionately。 You are not a coward; and no more
am I; we are both men of excellent sense; I have good reason;
whatever it may be; to keep my concerns to myself and to walk
alone。 Now I put it to you pointedly; am I likely to stand it? Am
I likely to put up with your continued and … excuse me … highly
impudent INGERENCE into my private affairs?'
'Another French word;' says he composedly。
'Oh! damn your French words!' cried I。 'You seem to be a Frenchman
'I have had many opportunities by which I have profited;' he
explained。 'Few men are better acquainted with the similarities
and differences; whether of idiom or accent; of the two languages。'
'You are a pompous fellow; too!' said I。
'Oh; I can make distinctions; sir;' says he。 'I can talk with
Bedfordshire peasants; and I can express myself becomingly; I hope;
in the company of a gentleman of education like yourself。'
'If you set up to be a gentleman … ' I began。
'Pardon me;' he interrupted: 'I make no such claim。 I only see the
nobility and gentry in the way of business。 I am quite a plain
'For the Lord's sake;' I exclaimed; 'set my mind at rest upon one
point。 In the name of mystery; who and what are you?'
'I have no cause to be ashamed of my name; sir;' said he; 'nor yet
my trade。 I am Thomas Dudgeon; at your se