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Such I found to be the truth。 A great room had been prepared for
me; through the mullioned windows the last flicker of the winter
sunset interchanged with the reverberation of a royal fire; the bed
was open; a suit of evening clothes was airing before the blaze;
and from the far corner a boy came forward with deprecatory smiles。
The dream in which I had been moving seemed to have reached its
pitch。 I might have quitted this house and room only the night
before; it was my own place that I had come to; and for the first
time in my life I understood the force of the words home and
'This will be all as you would want; sir?' said Mr。 Dawson。 'This
'ere boy; Rowley; we place entirely at your disposition。 'E's not
exactly a trained vallet; but Mossho Powl; the Viscount's
gentleman; 'ave give him the benefick of a few lessons; and it is
'oped that he may give sitisfection。 Hanythink that you may
require; if you will be so good as to mention the same to Rowley; I
will make it my business myself; sir; to see you sitisfied。'
So saying; the eminent and already detested Mr。 Dawson took his
departure; and I was left alone with Rowley。 A man who may be said
to have wakened to consciousness in the prison of the Abbaye; among
those ever graceful and ever tragic figures of the brave and fair;
awaiting the hour of the guillotine and denuded of every comfort; I
had never known the luxuries or the amenities of my rank in life。
To be attended on by servants I had only been accustomed to in
inns。 My toilet had long been military; to a moment; at the note
of a bugle; too often at a ditch…side。 And it need not be wondered
at if I looked on my new valet with a certain diffidence。 But I
remembered that if he was my first experience of a valet; I was his
first trial as a master。 Cheered by which consideration; I
demanded my bath in a style of good assurance。 There was a
bathroom contiguous; in an incredibly short space of time the hot
water was ready; and soon after; arrayed in a shawl dressing…gown;
and in a luxury of contentment and comfort; I was reclined in an
easy…chair before the mirror; while Rowley; with a mixture of pride
and anxiety which I could well understand; laid out his razors。
'Hey; Rowley?' I asked; not quite resigned to go under fire with
such an inexperienced commander。 'It's all right; is it? You feel
pretty sure of your weapons?'
'Yes; my lord;' he replied。 'It's all right; I assure your
'I beg your pardon; Mr。 Rowley; 'but for the sake of shortness;
would you mind not belording me in private?' said I。 'It will do
very well if you call me Mr。 Anne。 It is the way of my country; as
I dare say you know。'
Mr。 Rowley looked blank。
'But you're just as much a Viscount as Mr。 Powl's; are you not?' he
'As Mr。 Powl's Viscount?' said I; laughing。 'Oh; keep your mind
easy; Mr。 Rowley's is every bit as good。 Only; you see; as I am of
the younger line; I bear my Christian name along with the title。
Alain is the VISCOUNT; I am the VISCOUNT ANNE。 And in giving me
the name of Mr。 Anne; I assure you you will be quite regular。'
'Yes; Mr。 Anne;' said the docile youth。 'But about the shaving;
sir; you need be under no alarm。 Mr。 Powl says I 'ave excellent
'Mr。 Powl?' said I。 'That doesn't seem to me very like a French
'No; sir; indeed; my lord;' said he; with a burst of confidence。
'No; indeed; Mr。 Anne; and it do not surely。 I should say now; it
was more like Mr。 Pole。'
'And Mr。 Powl is the Viscount's man?'
'Yes; Mr。 Anne;' said he。 'He 'ave a hard billet; he do。 The
Viscount is a very particular gentleman。 I don't think as you'll
be; Mr。 Anne?' he added; with a confidential smile in the mirror。
He was about sixteen; well set up; with a pleasant; merry; freckled
face; and a pair of dancing eyes。 There was an air at once
deprecatory and insinuating about the rascal that I thought I
recognised。 There came to me from my own boyhood memories of
certain passionate admirations long passed away; and the objects of
them long ago discredited or dead。 I remembered how anxious I had
been to serve those fleeting heroes; how readily I told myself I
would have died for THEM; how much greater and handsomer than life
they had appeared。 And looking in the mirror; it seemed to me that
I read the face of Rowley; like an echo or a ghost; by the light of
my own youth。 I have always contended (somewhat against the
opinion of my friends) that I am first of all an economist; and the
last thing that I would care to throw away is that very valuable
piece of property … a boy's hero…worship。
'Why;' said I; 'you shave like an angel; Mr。 Rowley!'
'Thank you; my lord;' says he。 'Mr。 Powl had no fear of me。 You
may be sure; sir; I should never 'ave had this berth if I 'adn't
'ave been up to Dick。 We been expecting of you this month back。
My eye! I never see such preparations。 Every day the fires has
been kep' up; the bed made; and all! As soon as it was known you
were coming; sir; I got the appointment; and I've been up and down
since then like a Jack…in…the…box。 A wheel couldn't sound in the
avenue but what I was at the window! I've had a many
disappointments; but to…night; as soon as you stepped out of the
shay; I knew it was my … it was you。 Oh; you had been expected!
Why; when I go down to supper; I'll be the 'ero of the servants'
'all: the 'ole of the staff is that curious!'
'Well;' said I; 'I hope you may be able to give a fair account of
me … sober; steady; industrious; good…tempered; and with a first…
rate character from my last place?'
He laughed an embarrassed laugh。 'Your hair curls beautiful;' he
said; by way of changing the subject。 'The Viscount's the boy for
curls; though; and the richness of it is; Mr。 Powl tells me his
don't curl no more than that much twine … by nature。 Gettin' old;
the Viscount is。 He 'AVE gone the pace; 'aven't 'e; sir?'
'The fact is;' said I; 'that I know very little about him。 Our
family has been much divided; and I have been a soldier from a
'A soldier; Mr。 Anne; sir?' cried Rowley; with a sudden feverish
animation。 'Was you ever wounded?'
It is contrary to my principles to discourage admiration for
myself; and; slipping back the shoulder of the dressing…gown; I
silently exhibited the scar which I had received in Edinburgh
Castle。 He looked at it with awe。
'Ah; well!' he continued; 'there's where the difference comes in!
It's in the training。 The other Viscount have been horse…racing;
and dicing; and carrying on all his life。 All right enough; no
doubt; but what I do say is; that it don't lead to nothink。
Whereas … '
'Whereas Mr。 Rowley's?' I put in。
'My Viscount?' said he。 'Well; sir; I DID say it; and now that
I've seen you; I say it again!'
I could not refrain from smiling at this outburst; and the rascal
caught me in the mirror and smiled to me again。
'I'd say it again; Mr。 Hanne;' he said。 'I know which side my
bread's buttered。 I know when a gen'leman's a gen'leman。 Mr。 Powl
can go to Putney with his one! Beg your pardon; Mr。 Anne; for
being so familiar;' said he; blushing suddenly scarlet。 'I was
especially warned against it by Mr。 Powl。'
'Discipline before all;' said I。 'Follow your front…rank man。
With that; we began to turn our attention to the clothes。 I was
amazed to find them fit so well: not A LA DIABLE; in the haphazard
manner of a soldier's uniform or a ready…made suit; but with
nicety; as a trained artist might rejoice to make them for a
favourite subject。
''Tis extraordinary;' cried I: 'these things fit me perfectly。'
'Indeed; Mr。 Anne; you two be very much of a shape;' said Rowley。
'Who? What two?' said I。
'The Viscount;' he said。
'Damnation! Have I the man's clothes on me; too?' cried I。
But Rowley hastened to reassure me。 On the first word of my
coming; the Count had put the matter of my wardrobe in the hands of
his own and my cousin's tailors; and on the rumour of our
resemblance; my clothes had been made to Alain's measure。
'But they were all made for you express; Mr。 Anne。 You may be
certain the Count would never do nothing by 'alf: fires kep'
burning; the finest of clothes ordered; I'm sure; and a body…
servant being trained a…purpose。'
'Well;' said I; 'it's a good fire; and a good set…out of clothes;
and what a valet; Mr。 Rowley! And there's one thing to be said for
my cousin … I mean for Mr。 Powl's Viscount … he has a very fair
'Oh; don't you be took in; Mr。 Anne;' quoth the faithless Rowley:
'he has to be hyked into a pair of stays to get them things on!'
'Come; come; Mr。 Rowley;' said I; 'this is te