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a confession(忏悔录)-第12章

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these people accepted illness and sorrow without any perplexity or

opposition; and with a quiet and firm conviction that all is good。 

In contradistinction to us; who the wiser we are the less we

understand the meaning of life; and see some evil irony in the fact

that we suffer and die; these folk live and suffer; and they

approach death and suffering with tranquillity and in most cases

gladly。  In contrast to the fact that a tranquil death; a death

without horror and despair; is a very rare exception in our circle;

a troubled; rebellious; and unhappy death is the rarest exception

among the people。  and such people; lacking all that for us and for

Solomon is the only good of life and yet experiencing the greatest

happiness; are a great multitude。  I looked more widely around me。 

I considered the life of the enormous mass of the people in the

past and the present。  And of such people; understanding the

meaning of life and able to live and to die; I saw not two or

three; or tens; but hundreds; thousands; and millions。  and they

all  endlessly different in their manners; minds; education; and

position; as they were  all alike; in complete contrast to my

ignorance; knew the meaning of life and death; laboured quietly;

endured deprivations and sufferings; and lived and died seeing

therein not vanity but good。

     And I learnt to love these people。  The more I came to know

their life; the life of those who are living and of others who are

dead of whom I read and heard; the more I loved them and the easier

it became for me to live。  So I went on for about two years; and a

change took place in me which had long been preparing and the

promise of which had always been in me。  It came about that the

life of our circle; the rich and learned; not merely became

distasteful to me; but lost all meaning in my eyes。  All our

actions; discussions; science and art; presented itself to me in a

new light。  I understood that it is all merely self…indulgence; and

the to find a meaning in it is impossible; while the life of the

whole labouring people; the whole of mankind who produce life;

appeared to me in its true significance。  I understood that *that*

is life itself; and that the meaning given to that life is true:

and I accepted it。


     And remembering how those very beliefs had repelled me and had

seemed meaningless when professed by people whose lives conflicted

with them; and how these same beliefs attracted me and seemed

reasonable when I saw that people lived in accord with them; I

understood why I had then rejected those beliefs and found them

meaningless; yet now accepted them and found them full of meaning。 

I understood that I had erred; and why I erred。  I had erred not so

much because I thought incorrectly as because I lived badly。  I

understood that it was not an error in my thought that had hid

truth from me as much as my life itself in the exceptional

conditions of epicurean gratification of desires in which I passed

it。  I understood that my question as to what my life is; and the

answer  and evil  was quite correct。  The only mistake was that

the answer referred only to my life; while I had referred it to

life in general。  I asked myself what my life is; and got the

reply: An evil and an absurdity。  and really my life  a life of

indulgence of desires  was senseless and evil; and therefore the

reply; 〃Life is evil and an absurdity〃; referred only to my life;

but not to human life in general。  I understood the truth which I

afterwards found in the Gospels; 〃that men loved darkness rather

than the light; for their works were evil。  For everyone that doeth

ill hateth the light; and cometh not to the light; lest his works

should be reproved。〃  I perceived that to understand the meaning of

life it is necessary first that life should not be meaningless and

evil; then we can apply reason to explain it。  I understood why I

had so long wandered round so evident a truth; and that if one is

to think and speak of the life of mankind; one must think and speak

of that life and not of the life of some of life's parasites。  That

truth was always as true as that two and two are four; but I had

not acknowledged it; because on admitting two and two to be four I

had also to admit that I was bad; and to feel myself to be good was

for me more important and necessary than for two and two to be

four。  I came to love good people; hated myself; and confessed the

truth。  Now all became clear to me。

     What if an executioner passing his whole life in torturing

people and cutting off their heads; or a hopeless drunkard; or a

madman settled for life in a dark room which he has fouled and

imagines that he would perish if he left  what if he asked

himself: 〃What is life?〃  Evidently he could not other reply to

that question than that life is the greatest evil; and the madman's

answer would be perfectly correct; but only as applied to himself。 

What if I am such a madman?  What if all we rich and leisured

people are such madmen? and I understood that we really are such

madmen。  I at any rate was certainly such。

     And indeed a bird is so made that it must fly; collect food;

and build a nest; and when I see that a bird does this I have

pleasure in its joy。  A goat; a hare; and a wolf are so made that

they must feed themselves; and must breed and feed their family;

and when they do so I feel firmly assured that they are happy and

that their life is a reasonable one。  then what should a man do? 

He too should produce his living as the animals do; but with this

difference; that he will perish if he does it alone; he must obtain

it not for himself but for all。  And when he does that; I have a

firm assurance that he is happy and that his life is reasonable。 

But what had I done during the whole thirty years of my responsible

life?  Far from producing sustenance for all; I did not even

produce it for myself。  I lived as a parasite; and on asking

myself; what is the use of my life? I got the reply: 〃No use。〃  If

the meaning of human life lies in supporting it; how could I  who

for thirty years had been engaged not on supporting life but on

destroying it in myself and in others  how could I obtain any

other answer than that my life was senseless and an evil? 。。。 It

was both senseless and evil。

     The life of the world endures by someone's will  by the life

of the whole world and by our lives someone fulfills his purpose。 

To hope to understand the meaning of that will one must first

perform it by doing what is wanted of us。  But if I will not do

what is wanted of me; I shall never understand what is wanted of

me; and still less what is wanted of us all and of the whole world。

     If a naked; hungry beggar has been taken from the cross…roads;

brought into a building belonging to a beautiful establishment;

fed; supplied with drink; and obliged to move a handle up and down;

evidently; before discussing why he was taken; why he should move

the handle; and whether the whole establishment is reasonably

arranged  the begger should first of all move the handle。  If he

moves the handle he will understand that it works a pump; that the

pump draws water and that the water irrigates the garden beds; then

he will be taken from the pumping station to another place where he

will gather fruits and will enter into the joy of his master; and;

passing from lower to higher work; will understand more and more of

the arrangements of the establishment; and taking part in it will

never think of asking why he is there; and will certainly not

reproach the master。

     So those who do his will; the simple; unlearned working folk;

whom we regard as cattle; do not reproach the master; but we; the

wise; eat the master's food but do not do what the master wishes;

and instead of doing it sit in a circle and discuss: 〃Why should

that handle be moved?  Isn't it stupid?〃  So we have decided。  We

have decided that the master is stupid; or does not exist; and that

we are wise; only we feel that we are quite useless and that we

must somehow do away with ourselves。


     The consciousness of the error in reasonable knowledge helped

me to free myself from the temptation of idle ratiocination。  the

conviction that knowledge of truth can only be found by living led

me to doubt the rightness of my life; but I was saved only by the

fact that I was able to tear myself from my exclusiveness and to

see the real life of the plain working people; and to understand

that it alone is real life。  I understood that if I wish to

understand life and its meaning; I must not live the life of a

parasite; but must live a real life; and  taking the meaning

given to live by real humanity and merging myself in that life 

verify it。

     During that time this is what happened to me。  During that

whole year; when I was asking mys
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