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a confession(忏悔录)-第3章

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my heart and I。  Another instance of a realization that the

superstitious belief in progress is insufficient as a guide to

life; was my brother's death。  Wise; good; serious; he fell ill

while still a young man; suffered for more than a year; and died

painfully; not understanding why he had lived and still less why he

had to die。  No theories could give me; or him; any reply to these

questions during his slow and painful dying。  But these were only

rare instances of doubt; and I actually continued to live

professing a faith only in progress。  〃Everything evolves and I

evolve with it:  and why it is that I evolve with all things will

be known some day。〃  So I ought to have formulated my faith at that


     On returning from abroad I settled in the country and chanced

to occupy myself with peasant schools。  This work was particularly

to my taste because in it I had not to face the falsity which had

become obvious to me and stared me in the face when I tried to

teach people by literary means。  Here also I acted in the name of

progress; but I already regarded progress itself critically。  I

said to myself:  〃In some of its developments progress has

proceeded wrongly; and with primitive peasant children one must

deal in a spirit of perfect freedom; letting them choose what path

of progress they please。〃  In reality I was ever revolving round

one and the same insoluble problem; which was:  How to teach

without knowing what to teach。  In the higher spheres of literary

activity I had realized that one could not teach without knowing

what; for I saw that people all taught differently; and by

quarrelling among themselves only succeeded in hiding their

ignorance from one another。  But here; with peasant children; I

thought to evade this difficulty by letting them learn what they

liked。  It amuses me now when I remember how I shuffled in trying

to satisfy my desire to teach; while in the depth of my soul I knew

very well that I could not teach anything needful for I did not

know what was needful。  After spending a year at school work I went

abroad a second time to discover how to teach others while myself

knowing nothing。

     And it seemed to me that I had learnt this aborad; and in the

year of the peasants' emancipation (1861) I returned to Russia

armed with all this wisdom; and having become an Arbiter 'Footnote:

To keep peace between peasants and owners。A。M。' I began to teach;

both the uneducated peasants in schools and the educated classes

through a magazine I published。  Things appeared to be going well;

but I felt I was not quite sound mentally and that matters could

not long continue in that way。  And I should perhaps then have come

to the state of despair I reached fifteen years later had there not

been one side of life still unexplored by me which promised me

happiness:  that was my marriage。

     For a year I busied myself with arbitration work; the schools;

and the magazine; and I became so worn out  as a result

especially of my mental confusion  and so hard was my struggle as

Arbiter; so obscure the results of my activity in the schools; so

repulsive my shuffling in the magazine (which always amounted to

one and the same thing:  a desire to teach everybody and to hide

the fact that I did not know what to teach); that I fell ill;

mentally rather than physically; threw up everything; and went away

to the Bashkirs in the steppes; to breathe fresh air; drink kumys

'Footnote: A fermented drink prepared from mare's milk。A。 M。';

and live a merely animal life。

     Returning from there I married。  The new conditions of happy

family life completely diverted me from all search for the general

meaning of life。  My whole life was centred at that time in my

family; wife and children; and therefore in care to increase our

means of livelihood。  My striving after self…perfection; for which

I had already substituted a striving for perfection in general;

i。e。 progress; was now again replaced by the effort simply to

secure the best possible conditions for myself and my family。

     So another fifteen years passed。

     In spite of the fact that I now regarded authorship as of no

importance  the temptation of immense monetary rewards and

applause for my insignificant work  and I devoted myself to it as

a means of improving my material position and of stifling in my

soul all questions as to the meaning of my own life or life in


     I wrote:  teaching what was for me the only truth; namely;

that one should live so as to have the best for oneself and one's


     So I lived; but five years ago something very strange began to

happen to me。  At first I experienced moments of perplexity and

arrest of life; and though I did not know what to do or how to

live; and I felt lost and became dejected。  But this passed and I

went on living as before。  Then these moments of perplexity began

to recur oftener and oftener; and always in the same form。  They

were always expressed by the questions:  What is it for?  What does

it lead to?

     At first it seemed to me that these were aimless and

irrelevant questions。  I thought that it was all well known; and

that if I should ever wish to deal with the solution it would not

cost me much effort; just at present I had no time for it; but when

I wanted to I should be able to find the answer。  The questions

however began to repeat themselves frequently; and to demand

replies more and more insistently; and like drops of ink always

falling on one place they ran together into one black blot。

     Then occurred what happens to everyone sickening with a mortal

internal disease。  At first trivial signs of indisposition appear

to which the sick man pays no attention; then these signs reappear

more and more often and merge into one uninterrupted period of

suffering。  The suffering increases; and before the sick man can

look round; what he took for a mere indisposition has already

become more important to him than anything else in the world  it

is death!

     That is what happened to me。  I understood that it was no

casual indisposition but something very important; and that if

these questions constantly repeated themselves they would have to

be answered。  And I tried to answer them。  The questions seemed

such stupid; simple; childish ones; but as soon as I touched them

and tried to solve them I at once became convinced; first; that

they are not childish and stupid but the most important and

profound of life's questions; and secondly that; occupying myself

with my Samara estate; the education of my son; or the writing of

a book; I had to know *why* I was doing it。  As long as I did not

know why; I could do nothing and could not live。  Amid the thoughts

of estate management which greatly occupied me at that time; the

question would suddenly occur:  〃Well; you will have 6;000

desyatinas 'Footnote: The desyatina is about 2。75 acres。A。M。' of

land in Samara Government and 300 horses; and what then?〃 。。。 And

I was quite disconcerted and did not know what to think。  Or when

considering plans for the education of my children; I would say to

myself:  〃What for?〃  Or when considering how the peasants might

become prosperous; I would suddenly say to myself:  〃But what does

it matter to me?〃  Or when thinking of the fame my works would

bring me; I would say to myself; 〃Very well; you will be more

famous than Gogol or Pushkin or Shakespeare or Moliere; or than all

the writers in the world  and what of it?〃  And I could find no

reply at all。  The questions would not wait; they had to be

answered at once; and if I did not answer them it was impossible to

live。  But there was no answer。

     I felt that what I had been standing on had collapsed and that

I had nothing left under my feet。  What I had lived on no longer

existed; and there was nothing left。


     My life came to a standstill。  I could breathe; eat; drink;

and sleep; and I could not help doing these things; but there was

no life; for there were no wishes the fulfillment of which I could

consider reasonable。  If I desired anything; I knew in advance that

whether I satisfied my desire or not; nothing would come of it。 

Had a fairy come and offered to fulfil my desires I should not have

know what to ask。  If in moments of intoxication I felt something

which; though not a wish; was a habit left by former wishes; in

sober moments I knew this to be a delusion and that there was

really nothing to wish for。  I could not even wish to know the

truth; for I guessed of what it consisted。  The truth was that life

is meaningless。  I had as it were lived; lived; and walked; walked;

till I had come to a precipice and saw clearly that there was

nothing ahead of me but destruction。  It was impossible to stop;

impossible to go back; and impossible to close my eyes or avoid

seeing that there was nothing ahead but suffering and r
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