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the querist-第12章

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And whether; in different circumstances; the same ends are not
obtained by different means?

571 If we are a poor nation; abounding with very poor people;
will it not follow that a far greater proportion of our stock
should be in the smallest and lowest species than would suit with

572 Whether; therefore; it would not be highly expedient if our
money were coined of peculiar values; best fitted to the
circumstances and uses of our own country; and whether any other
people could take umbrage at our consulting our own convenience;
in an affair entirely domestic; and that lies within ourselves?

573 Whether every man doth not know; and hath not long known;
that the want of a mint causeth many other wants in this kingdom?

574 What harm did England sustain about three centuries ago; when
silver was coined in this kingdom?

575 What harm was it to Spain that her provinces of Naples and
Sicily had all along mints of their own?

576 Whether it may not be presumed that our not having a
privilege which every other kingdom in the world enjoys; be not
owing to our want of diligence and unanimity in soliciting for

577 Whether it be not the interest of England that we should
cultivate a domestic commerce among ourselves? And whether it
could give them any possible jealousy; if our small sum of cash
was contrived to go a little further; if there was a little more
life in our markets; a little more buying and selling in our
shops; a little better provision for the backs and bellies of so
many forlorn wretches throughout the towns and villages of this

578 Whether Great Britain ought not to promote the prosperity of
her Colonies; by all methods consistent with her own? And whether
the Colonies themselves ought to wish or aim at it by others?

579 Whether the remotest parts from the metropolis; and the
lowest of the people; are not to be regarded as the extremities
and capillaries of the political body?

580 Whether; although the capillary vessels are small; yet
obstructions in them do not produce great chronical diseases?

581 Whether faculties are not enlarged and improved by exercise?

582 Whether the sum of the faculties put into act; or; in other
words; the united action of a whole people; doth not constitute
the momentum of a State?

583 Whether such momentum be not the real stock or wealth of a
State; and whether its credit be not proportional thereunto?

584 Whether in every wise State the faculties of the mind are not
most considered?

585 Whether the momentum of a State doth not imply the whole
exertion of its faculties; intellectual and corporeal; and
whether the latter without the former could act in concert?

586 Whether the divided force of men; acting singly; would not be
a rope of sand?

587 Whether the particular motions of the members of a State; in
opposite directions; will not destroy each other; and lessen the
momentum of the whole; but whether they must not conspire to
produce a great effect?

588 Whether the ready means to put spirit into this State; to
fortify and increase its momentum; would not be a national bank;
and plenty of small cash?

589 Whether that which employs and exerts the force of a
community deserves not to be well considered and well understood?

590 Whether the immediate mover; the blood and spirits; be not
money; paper; or metal; and whether the soul or will of the
community; which is the prime mover that governs and directs the
whole; be not the legislature?

591 Supposing the inhabitants of a country quite sunk in sloth;
or even fast asleep; whether; upon the gradual awakening and
exertion; first of the sensitive and locomotive faculties; next
of reason and reflexion; then of justice and piety; the momentum
of such country or State would not; in proportion thereunto;
become still more and more considerable?

592 Whether that which in the growth is last attained; and is the
finishing perfection of a people; be not the first thing lost in
their declension?

593 Whether force be not of consequence; as it is exerted; and
whether great force without great wisdom may not be a nuisance?

594 Whether the force of a child; applied with art; may not
produce greater effects than that of a giant? And whether a small
stock in the hands of a wise State may not go further; and
produce more considerable effects; than immense sums in the hands
of a foolish one?

595 Whose fault is it if poor Ireland still continues poor?


Part I

29 Whether; nevertheless; the damage would be very considerable;
if by degrees our money were brought back to the English value
there to rest for ever?

30 Whether the English crown did not formerly pass with us for
six shillings? And what inconvenience ensued to the public upon
its reduction to the present value; and whether what hath been
may not be?

52 Whether it be not a bull to call that making an interest;
whereby a man spendeth much and gaineth nothing?

55 Whether cunning be not one thing and good sense another? and
whether a cunning tradesman doth not stand in his own light?

62 Whether; consequently; the fine gentlemen; whose employment is
only to dress; drink; and play; be not a pubic nuisance?

73 Whether those specimens of our own manufacture; hung up in a
certain public place; do not sufficiently declare such our
ignorance? and whether for the honour of the nation they ought
not to be removed?

201 Whether any nation ever was in greater want of such an
expedient than Ireland?

209 Whether the public may not as well save the interest which it
now pays?

210 What would happen if two of our banks should break at once?
And whether it be wise to neglect providing against an event
which experience hath shewn us not to be impossible?

211 Whether such an accident would not particularly affect the
bankers? And therefore whether a national bank would not be a
security even to private bankers?

212 Whether we may not easily avoid the inconveniencies attending
the paper…money of New England; which were incurred by their
issuing too great a quantity of notes; by their having no silver
in bank to exchange for notes; by their not insisting upon
repayment of the loans at the time prefixed; and especially by
their want of manufactures to answer their imports from Europe?

213 Whether a combination of bankers might not do wonders; and
whether bankers know their own strength?

214 Whether a bank in private hands might not even overturn a
government? and whether this was not the case of the Bank of St。
George in Genoa?

215 Whether we may not easily prevent the ill effects of such a
bank as Mr Law proposed for Scotland; which was faulty in not
limiting the quantum of bills; and permitting all persons to take
out what bills they pleased; upon the mortgage of lands; whence
by a glut of paper; the prices of things must rise? Whence also
the fortunes of men must increase in denomination; though not in
value; whence pride; idleness; and beggary?

216 Whether such banks as those of England and Scotland might not
be attended with great inconveniences; as lodging too much power
in the hands of private men; and giving handle for monopolies;
stock…jobbing; and destructive schemes?

217 Whether the national bank; projected by an anonymous writer
in the latter end of Queen Anne's reign; might not on the other
hand be attended with as great inconveniencies by lodging too
much power in the Government?

218 Whether the bank projected by Murray; though it partake; in
many useful particulars; with that of Amsterdam; yet; as it
placeth too great power in the hands of a private society; might
not be dangerous to the public?

221 Whether those effects could have happened had there been no
stock…jobbing? And whether stock…jobbing could at first have been
set on foot; without an imaginary foundation of some improvement
to the stock by trade? Whether; therefore; when there are no such
prospects; or cheats; or private schemes proposed; the same
effects can be justly feared?

222 Whether by a national bank; be not properly understood a
bank; not only established by public authority as the Bank of
England; but a bank in the hands of the public; wherein there are
no shares: whereof the public alone is proprietor; and reaps all
the benefit?

223 Whether; having considered the conveniencies of banking and
paper…credit in some countries; and the inconveniencies thereof
in others; we may not contrive to adopt the former; and avoid the

224 Whether great evils; to which other schemes are liable; may
not be prevented; by excluding the managers of the bank from a
share in the legislature?

226 Whether the bank proposed to be established in Ireland; under
the notion of a national bank; by the voluntary subscription of
three hundred thousand pounds; to pay off the national debt; the
interest of which sum to be paid the subscribers; subject to
certain terms of redemption; be not in reality a private bank; as
those of England and Scotland; which are national only in name;
being in the hands of particular persons; and making dividends on
the money paid in by subscribers?

228 Whether it
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