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rch has been regarded as a personification of the country; and the fervor of patriotism being converted into the fervor of loyalty; they took a sympathetic pride in his conquests; and gloried in his power。 At one time; under the ancient monarchy; the French felt a sort of satisfaction in the sense of their dependence upon the arbitrary pleasure of their king; and they were wont to say with pride; 〃We are the subjects of the most powerful king in the world。〃
But; like all instinctive passions; this kind of patriotism is more apt to prompt transient exertion than to supply the motives of continuous endeavor。 It may save the State in critical circumstances; but it will not unfrequently allow the nation to decline in the midst of peace。 Whilst the manners of a people are simple and its faith unshaken; whilst society is steadily based upon traditional institutions whose legitimacy has never been contested; this instinctive patriotism is wont to endure。
But there is another species of attachment to a country which is more rational than the one we have been describing。 It is perhaps less generous and less ardent; but it is more fruitful and more lasting; it is coeval with the spread of knowledge; it is nurtured by the laws; it grows by the exercise of civil rights; and; in the end; it is confounded with the personal interest of the citizen。 A man comprehends the influence which the prosperity of his country has upon his own welfare; he is aware that the laws authorize him to contribute his assistance to that prosperity; and he labors to promote it as a portion of his interest in the first place; and as a portion of his right in the second。
But epochs sometimes occur; in the course of the existence of a nation; at which the ancient customs of a people are changed; public morality destroyed; religious belief disturbed; and the spell of tradition broken; whilst the diffusion of knowledge is yet imperfect; and the civil rights of the community are ill secured; or confined within very narrow limits。 The country then assumes a dim and dubious shape in the eyes of the citizens; they no longer behold it in the soil which they inhabit; for that soil is to them a dull inanimate clod; nor in the usages of their forefathers; which they have been taught to look upon as a debasing yoke; nor in religion; for of that they doubt; nor in the laws; which do not originate in their own authority; nor in the legislator; whom they fear and despise。 The country is lost to their senses; they can neither discover it under its own nor under borrowed features; and they entrench themselves within the dull precincts of a narrow egotism。 They are emancipated from prejudice without having acknowledged the empire of reason; they are neither animated by the instinctive patriotism of monarchical subjects nor by the thinking patriotism of republican citizens; but they have stopped halfway between the two; in the midst of confusion and of distress。
In this predicament; to retreat is impossible; for a people cannot restore the vivacity of its earlier times; any more than a man can return to the innocence and the bloom of childhood; such things may be regretted; but they cannot be renewed。 The only thing; then; which remains to be done is to proceed; and to accelerate the union of private with public interests; since the period of disinterested patriotism is gone by forever。
I am certainly very far from averring that; in order to obtain this result; the exercise of political rights should be immediately granted to all the members of the community。 But I maintain that the most powerful; and perhaps the only; means of interesting men in the welfare of their country which we still possess is to make them partakers in the Government。 At the present time civic zeal seems to me to be inseparable from the exercise of political rights; and I hold that the number of citizens will be found to augment or to decrease in Europe in proportion as those rights are extended。
In the United States the inhabitants were thrown but as yesterday upon the soil which they now occupy; and they brought neither customs nor traditions with them there; they meet each other for the first time with no previous acquaintance; in short; the instinctive love of their country can scarcely exist in their minds; but everyone takes as zealous an interest in the affairs of his township; his county; and of the whole State; as if they were his own; because everyone; in his sphere; takes an active part in the government of society。
The lower orders in the United States are alive to the perception of the influence exercised by the general prosperity upon their own welfare; and simple as this observation is; it is one which is but too rarely made by the people。 But in America the people regards this prosperity as the result of its own exertions; the citizen looks upon the fortune of the public as his private interest; and he co…operates in its success; not so much from a sense of pride or of duty; as from what I shall venture to term cupidity。
It is unnecessary to study the institutions and the history of the Americans in order to discover the truth of this remark; for their manners render it sufficiently evident。 As the American participates in all that is done in his country; he thinks himself obliged to defend whatever may be censured; for it is not only his country which is attacked upon these occasions; but it is himself。 The consequence is; that his national pride resorts to a thousand artifices; and to all the petty tricks of individual vanity。
Nothing is more embarrassing in the ordinary intercourse of life than this irritable patriotism of the Americans。 A stranger may be very well inclined to praise many of the institutions of their country; but he begs permission to blame some of the peculiarities which he observes … a permission which is; however; inexorably refused。 America is therefore a free country; in which; lest anybody should be hurt by your remarks; you are not allowed to speak freely of private individuals; or of the State; of the citizens or of the authorities; of public or of private undertakings; or; in short; of anything at all; except it be of the climate and the soil; and even then Americans will be found ready to defend either the one or the other; as if they had been contrived by the inhabitants of the country。
In our times option must be made between the patriotism of all and the government of a few; for the force and activity which the first confers are irreconcilable with the guarantees of tranquillity which the second furnishes。
Notion Of Rights In The United States
No great people without a notion of rights … How the notion of rights can be given to people … Respect of rights in the United States … Whence it arises。
After the idea of virtue; I know no higher principle than that of right; or; to speak more accurately; these two ideas are commingled in one。 The idea of right is simply that of virtue introduced into the political world。 It is the idea of right which enabled men to define anarchy and tyranny; and which taught them to remain independent without arrogance; as well as to obey without servility。 The man who submits to violence is debased by his compliance; but when he obeys the mandate of one who possesses that right of authority which he acknowledges in a fellow…creature; he rises in some measure above the person who delivers the command。 There are no great men without virtue; and there are no great nations … it may almost be added that there would be no society … without the notion of rights; for what is the condition of a mass of rational and intelligent beings who are only united together by the bond of force?
I am persuaded that the only means which we possess at the present time of inculcating the notion of rights; and of rendering it; as it were; palpable to the senses; is to invest all the members of the community with the peaceful exercise of certain rights: this is very clearly seen in children; who are men without the strength and the experience of manhood。 When a child begins to move in the midst of the objects which surround him; he is instinctively led to turn everything which he can lay his hands upon to his own purposes; he has no notion of the property of others; but as he gradually learns the value of things; and begins to perceive that he may in his turn be deprived of his possessions; he becomes more circumspect; and he observes those rights in others which he wishes to have respected in himself。 The principle which the child derives from the possession of his toys is taught to the man by the objects which he may call his own。 In America those complaints against property in general which are so frequent in Europe are never heard; because in America there are no paupers; and as everyone has property of his own to defend; everyone recognizes the principle upon which he holds it。
The same thing occurs in the political world。 In America the lowest classes have conceived a very high notion of political rights; because they exercise those rights; and they refrain from attacking those of other people; in order to ensure their own from attack。 Whilst in Europe the same classes sometimes recalcitrate even ag