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r to ensure their own from attack。 Whilst in Europe the same classes sometimes recalcitrate even against the supreme power; the American submits without a murmur to the authority of the pettiest magistrate。
This truth is exemplified by the most trivial details of national peculiarities。 In France very few pleasures are exclusively reserved for the higher classes; the poor are admitted wherever the rich are received; and they consequently behave with propriety; and respect whatever contributes to the enjoyments in which they themselves participate。 In England; where wealth has a monopoly of amusement as well as of power; complaints are made that whenever the poor happen to steal into the enclosures which are reserved for the pleasures of the rich; they commit acts of wanton mischief: can this be wondered at; since care has been taken that they should have nothing to lose? *b
'Footnote b: 'This; too; has been amended by much larger provisions for the amusements of the people in public parks; gardens; museums; etc。; and the conduct of the people in these places of amusement has improved in the same proportion。''
The government of democracy brings the notion of political rights to the level of the humblest citizens; just as the dissemination of wealth brings the notion of property within the reach of all the members of the community; and I confess that; to my mind; this is one of its greatest advantages。 I do not assert that it is easy to teach men to exercise political rights; but I maintain that; when it is possible; the effects which result from it are highly important; and I add that; if there ever was a time at which such an attempt ought to be made; that time is our own。 It is clear that the influence of religious belief is shaken; and that the notion of divine rights is declining; it is evident that public morality is vitiated; and the notion of moral rights is also disappearing: these are general symptoms of the substitution of argument for faith; and of calculation for the impulses of sentiment。 If; in the midst of this general disruption; you do not succeed in connecting the notion of rights with that of personal interest; which is the only immutable point in the human heart; what means will you have of governing the world except by fear? When I am told that; since the laws are weak and the populace is wild; since passions are excited and the authority of virtue is paralyzed; no measures must be taken to increase the rights of the democracy; I reply; that it is for these very reasons that some measures of the kind must be taken; and I am persuaded that governments are still more interested in taking them than society at large; because governments are liable to be destroyed and society cannot perish。
I am not; however; inclined to exaggerate the example which America furnishes。 In those States the people are invested with political rights at a time when they could scarcely be abused; for the citizens were few in number and simple in their manners。 As they have increased; the Americans have not augmented the power of the democracy; but they have; if I may use the expression; extended its dominions。 It cannot be doubted that the moment at which political rights are granted to a people that had before been without them is a very critical; though it be a necessary one。 A child may kill before he is aware of the value of life; and he may deprive another person of his property before he is aware that his own may be taken away from him。 The lower orders; when first they are invested with political rights; stand; in relation to those rights; in the same position as the child does to the whole of nature; and the celebrated adage may then be applied to them; Homo puer robustus。 This truth may even be perceived in America。 The States in which the citizens have enjoyed their rights longest are those in which they make the best use of them。
It cannot be repeated too often that nothing is more fertile in prodigies than the art of being free; but there is nothing more arduous than the apprenticeship of liberty。 Such is not the case with despotic institutions: despotism often promises to make amends for a thousand previous ills; it supports the right; it protects the oppressed; and it maintains public order。 The nation is lulled by the temporary prosperity which accrues to it; until it is roused to a sense of its own misery。 Liberty; on the contrary; is generally established in the midst of agitation; it is perfected by civil discord; and its benefits cannot be appreciated until it is already old。
Chapter XIV: Advantages American Society Derive From Democracy … Part II
Respect For The Law In The United States
Respect of the Americans for the law … Parental affection which they entertain for it … Personal interest of everyone to increase the authority of the law。
It is not always feasible to consult the whole people; either directly or indirectly; in the formation of the law; but it cannot be denied that; when such a measure is possible the authority of the law is very much augmented。 This popular origin; which impairs the excellence and the wisdom of legislation; contributes prodigiously to increase its power。 There is an amazing strength in the expression of the determination of a whole people; and when it declares itself the imagination of those who are most inclined to contest it is overawed by its authority。 The truth of this fact is very well known by parties; and they consequently strive to make out a majority whenever they can。 If they have not the greater number of voters on their side; they assert that the true majority abstained from voting; and if they are foiled even there; they have recourse to the body of those persons who had no votes to give。
In the United States; except slaves; servants; and paupers in the receipt of relief from the townships; there is no class of persons who do not exercise the elective franchise; and who do not indirectly contribute to make the laws。 Those who design to attack the laws must consequently either modify the opinion of the nation or trample upon its decision。
A second reason; which is still more weighty; may be further adduced; in the United States everyone is personally interested in enforcing the obedience of the whole community to the law; for as the minority may shortly rally the majority to its principles; it is interested in professing that respect for the decrees of the legislator which it may soon have occasion to claim for its own。 However irksome an enactment may be; the citizen of the United States complies with it; not only because it is the work of the majority; but because it originates in his own authority; and he regards it as a contract to which he is himself a party。
In the United States; then; that numerous and turbulent multitude does not exist which always looks upon the law as its natural enemy; and accordingly surveys it with fear and with fear and with distrust。 It is impossible; on the other hand; not to perceive that all classes display the utmost reliance upon the legislation of their country; and that they are attached to it by a kind of parental affection。
I am wrong; however; in saying all classes; for as in America the European scale of authority is inverted; the wealthy are there placed in a position analogous to that of the poor in the Old World; and it is the opulent classes which frequently look upon the law with suspicion。 I have already observed that the advantage of democracy is not; as has been sometimes asserted; that it protects the interests of the whole community; but simply that it protects those of the majority。 In the United States; where the poor rule; the rich have always some reason to dread the abuses of their power。 This natural anxiety of the rich may produce a sullen dissatisfaction; but society is not disturbed by it; for the same reason which induces the rich to withhold their confidence in the legislative authority makes them obey its mandates; their wealth; which prevents them from making the law; prevents them from withstanding it。 Amongst civilized nations revolts are rarely excited; except by such persons as have nothing to lose by them; and if the laws of a democracy are not always worthy of respect; at least they always obtain it; for those who usually infringe the laws have no excuse for not complying with the enactments they have themselves made; and by which they are themselves benefited; whilst the citizens whose interests might be promoted by the infraction of them are induced; by their character and their stations; to submit to the decisions of the legislature; whatever they may be。 Besides which; the people in America obeys the law not only because it emanates from the popular authority; but because that authority may modify it in any points which may prove vexatory; a law is observed because it is a self…imposed evil in the first place; and an evil of transient duration in the second。
Activity Which Pervades All The Branches Of The Body Politic In The United States; Influence Which It Exercises Upon Society
More difficult to conceive the political activity which pervades the United States than the freedom and equality which reign there … The great activity whic