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the hunchback of notre dame-第116章

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 crest of a gentle; almost imperceptible eminence; but sufficiently elevated to be seen for several leagues round about; an edifice of strange form; bearing considerable resemblance to a Celtic cromlech; and where also human sacrifices were offered。

Let the reader picture to himself; crowning a limestone hillock; an oblong mass of masonry fifteen feet in height; thirty wide; forty long; with a gate; an external railing and a platform; on this platform sixteen enormous pillars of rough hewn stone; thirty feet in height; arranged in a colonnade round three of the four sides of the mass which support them; bound together at their summits by heavy beams; whence hung chains at intervals; on all these chains; skeletons; in the vicinity; on the plain; a stone cross and two gibbets of secondary importance; which seemed to have sprung up as shoots around the central gallows; above all this; in the sky; a perpetual flock of crows; that was Montfau?on。

At the end of the fifteenth century; the formidable gibbet which dated from 1328; was already very much dilapidated; the beams were wormeaten; the chains rusted; the pillars green with mould; the layers of hewn stone were all cracked at their joints; and grass was growing on that platform which no feet touched。  The monument made a horrible profile against the sky; especially at night when there was a little moonlight on those white skulls; or when the breeze of evening brushed the chains and the skeletons; and swayed all these in the darkness。  The presence of this gibbet sufficed to render gloomy all the surrounding places。

The mass of masonry which served as foundation to the odious edifice was hollow。  A huge cellar had been constructed there; closed by an old iron grating; which was out of order; into which were cast not only the human remains; which were taken from the chains of Montfau?on; but also the bodies of all the unfortunates executed on the other permanent gibbets of Paris。  To that deep charnel…house; where so many human remains and so many crimes have rotted in company; many great ones of this world; many innocent people; have contributed their bones; from Enguerrand de Marigni; the first victim; and a just man; to Admiral de Coligni; who was its last; and who was also a just man。

As for the mysterious disappearance of Quasimodo; this is all that we have been able to discover。

About eighteen months or two years after the events which terminate this story; when search was made in that cavern for the body of Olivier le Daim; who had been hanged two days previously; and to whom Charles VIII。 had granted the favor of being buried in Saint Laurent; in better company; they found among all those hideous carcasses two skeletons; one of which held the other in its embrace。  One of these skeletons; which was that of a woman; still had a few strips of a garment which had once been white; and around her neck was to be seen a string of adrézarach beads with a little silk bag ornamented with green glass; which was open and empty。 These objects were of so little value that the executioner had probably not cared for them。  The other; which held this one in a close embrace; was the skeleton of a man。  It was noticed that his spinal column was crooked; his head seated on his shoulder blades; and that one leg was shorter than the other。 Moreover; there was no fracture of the vertebrae at the nape of the neck; and it was evident that he had not been hanged。 Hence; the man to whom it had belonged had come thither and had died there。  When they tried to detach the skeleton which he held in his embrace; he fell to dust。



It is by mistake that this edition was announced as augmented by many new chapters。  The word should have been unpublished。  In fact; if by new; newly made is to be understood; the chapters added to this edition are not new。 They were written at the same time as the rest of the work; they date from the same epoch; and sprang from the same thought; they have always formed a part of the manuscript of 〃Notre…Dame…de…Paris。〃 Moreover; the author cannot comprehend how fresh developments could be added to a work of this character after its completion。  This is not to be done at will。  According to his idea; a romance is born in a manner that is; in some sort; necessary; with all its chapters; a drama is born with all its scenes。  Think not that there is anything arbitrary in the numbers of parts of which that whole; that mysterious microcosm which you call a drama or a romance; is composed。  Grafting and soldering take badly on works of this nature; which should gush forth in a single stream and so remain。  The thing once done; do not change your mind; do not touch it up。  The book once published; the sex of the work; whether virile or not; has been recognized and proclaimed; when the child has once uttered his first cry he is born; there he is; he is made so; neither father nor mother can do anything; he belongs to the air and to the sun; let him live or die; such as he is。  Has your book been a failure? So much the worse。  Add no chapters to an unsuccessful book。  Is it incomplete?  You should have completed it when you conceived it。  Is your tree crooked?  You cannot straighten it up。  Is your romance consumptive?  Is your romance not capable of living?  You cannot supply it with the breath which it lacks。  Has your drama been born lame? Take my advice; and do not provide it with a wooden leg。

Hence the author attaches particular importance to the public knowing for a certainty that the chapters here added have not been made expressly for this reprint。  They were not published in the preceding editions of the book for a very simple reason。  At the time when 〃Notre…Dame…de…Paris〃 was printed the first time; the manuscript of these three chapters had been mislaid。  It was necessary to rewrite them or to dispense with them。  The author considered that the only two of these chapters which were in the least important; owing to their extent; were chapters on art and history which in no way interfered with the groundwork of the drama and the romance; that the public would not notice their loss; and that he; the author; would alone be in possession of the secret。  He decided to omit them; and then; if the whole truth must be confessed; his indolence shrunk from the task of rewriting the three lost chapters。  He would have found it a shorter matter to make a new romance。

Now the chapters have been found; and he avails himself of the first opportunity to restore them to their place。

This now; is his entire work; such as he dreamed it; such as he made it; good or bad; durable or fragile; but such as he wishes it。

These recovered chapters will possess no doubt; but little value in the eyes of persons; otherwise very judicious; who have sought in 〃Notre…Dame…de…Paris〃 only the drama; the romance。  But there are perchance; other readers; who have not found it useless to study the aesthetic and philosophic thought concealed in this book; and who have taken pleasure; while reading 〃Notre…Dame…de…Paris;〃 in unravelling beneath the romance something else than the romance; and in following (may we be pardoned these rather ambitious expressions); the system of the historian and the aim of the artist through the creation of the poet。

For such people especially; the chapters added to this edition will complete 〃Notre…Dame…de…Paris;〃 if we admit that 〃Notre…Dame…de…Paris〃 was worth the trouble of completing。

In one of these chapters on the present decadence of architecture; and on the death (in his mind almost inevitable) of that king of arts; the author expresses and develops an opinion unfortunately well rooted in him; and well thought out。  But he feels it necessary to say here that he earnestly desires that the future may; some day; put him in the wrong。  He knows that art in all its forms has everything to hope from the new generations whose genius; still in the germ; can be heard gushing forth in our studios。  The grain is in the furrow; the harvest will certainly be fine。  He merely fears; and the reason may be seen in the second volume of this edition; that the sap may have been withdrawn from that ancient soil of architecture which has been for so many centuries the best field for art。

Nevertheless; there are to…day in the artistic youth so much life; power; and; so to speak; predestination; that in our schools of architecture in particular; at the present time; the professors; who are detestable; produce; not only unconsciously but even in spite of themselves; excellent pupils; quite the reverse of that potter mentioned by Horace; who dreamed amphorae and produced pots。  ~Currit rota; urcens exit~。

But; in any case; whatever may be the future of architecture; in whatever manner our young architects may one day solve the question of their art; let us; while waiting for new monument; preserve the ancient monuments。  Let us; if possible; inspire the nation with a love for national architecture。  That; the author declares; is one of the principal aims of this book; it is one of the principal aims of his life。

〃Notre…Dame…de…Paris〃 has; perhaps opened some true perspectives on the art of the Middle Ages; on that m
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