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the hunchback of notre dame-第29章

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From the tower where we are placed; the H?tel Saint…Pol; almost half hidden by the four great houses of which we have just spoken; was still very considerable and very marvellous to see。  One could there distinguish; very well; though cleverly united with the principal building by long galleries; decked with painted glass and slender columns; the three H?tels which Charles V。 had amalgamated with his palace: the H?tel du Petit…Muce; with the airy balustrade; which formed a graceful border to its roof; the H?tel of the Abbe de Saint…Maur; having the vanity of a stronghold; a great tower; machicolations; loopholes; iron gratings; and over the large Saxon door; the armorial bearings of the abbé; between the two mortises of the drawbridge; the H?tel of the Comte d' Etampes; whose donjon keep; ruined at its summit; was rounded and notched like a cock's comb; here and there; three or four ancient oaks; forming a tuft together like enormous cauliflowers; gambols of swans; in the clear water of the fishponds; all in folds of light and shade; many courtyards of which one beheld picturesque bits; the H?tel of the Lions; with its low; pointed arches on short; Saxon pillars; its iron gratings and its perpetual roar; shooting up above the whole; the scale… ornamented spire of the Ave…Maria; on the left; the house of the Provost of Paris; flanked by four small towers; delicately grooved; in the middle; at the extremity; the H?tel Saint…Pol; properly speaking; with its multiplied fa?ades; its successive enrichments from the time of Charles V。; the hybrid excrescences; with which the fancy of the architects had loaded it during the last two centuries; with all the apses of its chapels; all the gables of its galleries; a thousand weathercocks for the four winds; and its two lofty contiguous towers; whose conical roof; surrounded by battlements at its base; looked like those pointed caps which have their edges turned up。

Continuing to mount the stories of this amphitheatre of palaces spread out afar upon the ground; after crossing a deep ravine hollowed out of the roofs in the Town; which marked the passage of the Rue Saint…Antoine; the eye reached the house of Angoulême; a vast construction of many epochs; where there were perfectly new and very white parts; which melted no better into the whole than a red patch on a blue doublet。  Nevertheless; the remarkably pointed and lofty roof of the modern palace; bristling with carved eaves; covered with sheets of lead; where coiled a thousand fantastic arabesques of sparkling incrustations of gilded bronze; that roof; so curiously damascened; darted upwards gracefully from the midst of the brown ruins of the ancient edifice; whose huge and ancient towers; rounded by age like casks; sinking together with old age; and rending themselves from top to bottom; resembled great bellies unbuttoned。  Behind rose the forest of spires of the Palais des Tournelles。  Not a view in the world; either at Chambord or at the Alhambra; is more magic; more aerial; more enchanting; than that thicket of spires; tiny bell towers; chimneys; weather…vanes; winding staircases; lanterns through which the daylight makes its way; which seem cut out at a blow; pavilions; spindle…shaped turrets; or; as they were then called; 〃tournelles;〃 all differing in form; in height; and attitude。  One would have pronounced it a gigantic stone chess…board。

To the right of the Tournelles; that truss of enormous towers; black as ink; running into each other and tied; as it were; by a circular moat; that donjon keep; much more pierced with loopholes than with windows; that drawbridge; always raised; that portcullis; always lowered;is the Bastille。 Those sorts of black beaks which project from between the battlements; and which you take from a distance to be cave spouts; are cannons。

Beneath them; at the foot of the formidable edifice; behold the Porte Sainte…Antoine; buried between its two towers。

Beyond the Tournelles; as far as the wall of Charles V。; spread out; with rich compartments of verdure and of flowers; a velvet carpet of cultivated land and royal parks; in the midst of which one recognized; by its labyrinth of trees and alleys; the famous Daedalus garden which Louis XI。 had given to Coictier。  The doctor's observatory rose above the labyrinth like a great isolated column; with a tiny house for a capital。  Terrible astrologies took place in that laboratory。

There to…day is the Place Royale。

As we have just said; the quarter of the palace; of which we have just endeavored to give the reader some idea by indicating only the chief points; filled the angle which Charles V。's wall made with the Seine on the east。  The centre of the Town was occupied by a pile of houses for the populace。 It was there; in fact; that the three bridges disgorged upon the right bank; and bridges lead to the building of houses rather than palaces。  That congregation of bourgeois habitations; pressed together like the cells in a hive; had a beauty of its own。  It is with the roofs of a capital as with the waves of the sea;they are grand。  First the streets; crossed and entangled; forming a hundred amusing figures in the block; around the market…place; it was like a star with a thousand rays。

The Rues Saint…Denis and Saint…Martin; with their innumerable ramifications; rose one after the other; like trees intertwining their branches; and then the tortuous lines; the Rues de la Platrerie; de la Verrerie; de la Tixeranderie; etc。; meandered over all。  There were also fine edifices which pierced the petrified undulations of that sea of gables。  At the head of the Pont aux Changeurs; behind which one beheld the Seine foaming beneath the wheels of the Pont aux Meuniers; there was the Chalelet; no longer a Roman tower; as under Julian the Apostate; but a feudal tower of the thirteenth century; and of a stone so hard that the pickaxe could not break away so much as the thickness of the fist in a space of three hours; there was the rich square bell tower of Saint… Jacques de la Boucherie; with its angles all frothing with carvings; already admirable; although it was not finished in the fifteenth century。  (It lacked; in particular; the four monsters; which; still perched to…day on the corners of its roof; have the air of so many sphinxes who are propounding to new Paris the riddle of the ancient Paris。  Rault; the sculptor; only placed them in position in 1526; and received twenty francs for his pains。) There was the Maison…aux…Piliers; the Pillar House; opening upon that Place de Grève of which we have given the reader some idea; there was Saint…Gervais; which a front 〃in good taste〃 has since spoiled; Saint…Méry; whose ancient pointed arches were still almost round arches; Saint…Jean; whose magnificent spire was proverbial; there were twenty other monuments; which did not disdain to bury their wonders in that chaos of black; deep; narrow streets。 Add the crosses of carved stone; more lavishly scattered through the squares than even the gibbets; the cemetery of the Innocents; whose architectural wall could be seen in the distance above the roofs; the pillory of the Markets; whose top was visible between two chimneys of the Rue de la Cossonnerie; the ladder of the Croix…du…Trahoir; in its square always black with people; the circular buildings of the wheat mart; the fragments of Philip Augustus's ancient wall; which could be made out here and there; drowned among the houses; its towers gnawed by ivy; its gates in ruins; with crumbling and deformed stretches of wall; the quay with its thousand shops; and its bloody knacker's yards; the Seine encumbered with boats; from the Port au Foin to Port…l'Evêque; and you will have a confused picture of what the central trapezium of the Town was like in 1482。

With these two quarters; one of H?tels; the other of houses; the third feature of aspect presented by the city was a long zone of abbeys; which bordered it in nearly the whole of its circumference; from the rising to the setting sun; and; behind the circle of fortifications which hemmed in Paris; formed a second interior enclosure of convents and chapels。  Thus; immediately adjoining the park des Tournelles; between the Rue Saint…Antoine and the Vielle Rue du Temple; there stood Sainte…Catherine; with its immense cultivated lands; which were terminated only by the wall of Paris。  Between the old and the new Rue du Temple; there was the Temple; a sinister group of towers; lofty; erect; and isolated in the middle of a vast; battlemented enclosure。  Between the Rue Neuve…du… Temple and the Rue Saint…Martin; there was the Abbey of Saint…Martin; in the midst of its gardens; a superb fortified church; whose girdle of towers; whose diadem of bell towers; yielded in force and splendor only to Saint…Germain des Prés。  Between the Rue Saint…Martin and the Rue Saint… Denis; spread the enclosure of the Trinité。

Lastly; between the Rue Saint…Denis; and the Rue Montorgueil; stood the Filles…Dieu。  On one side; the rotting roofs and unpaved enclosure of the Cour des Miracles could be descried。  It was the sole profane ring which was linked to that devout chain of convents。

Finally; the fourth compartment; which stretched itself out in the agglomeration of the roofs on t
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