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the hunchback of notre dame-第33章

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On the other hand; he was assiduous at the great and the small schools of the Rue Saint Jean de Beauvais。  The first pupil whom the Abbé de Saint Pierre de Val; at the moment of beginning his reading on canon law; always perceived; glued to a pillar of the school Saint…Vendregesile; opposite his rostrum; was Claude Frollo; armed with his horn ink…bottle; biting his pen; scribbling on his threadbare knee; and; in winter; blowing on his fingers。  The first auditor whom Messire Miles d'Isliers; doctor in decretals; saw arrive every Monday morning; all breathless; at the opening of the gates of the school of the Chef…Saint…Denis; was Claude Frollo。  Thus; at sixteen years of age; the young clerk might have held his own; in mystical theology; against a father of the church; in canonical theology; against a father of the councils; in scholastic theology; against a doctor of Sorbonne。

Theology conquered; he had plunged into decretals。  From the 〃Master of Sentences;〃 he had passed to the 〃Capitularies of Charlemagne;〃 and he had devoured in succession; in his appetite for science; decretals upon decretals; those of Theodore; Bishop of Hispalus; those of Bouchard; Bishop of Worms; those of Yves; Bishop of Chartres; next the decretal of Gratian; which succeeded the capitularies of Charlemagne; then the collection of Gregory IX。; then the Epistle of ~Superspecula~; of Honorius III。  He rendered clear and familiar to himself that vast and tumultuous period of civil law and canon law in conflict and at strife with each other; in the chaos of the Middle Ages;a period which Bishop Theodore opens in 618; and which Pope Gregory closes in 1227。

Decretals digested; he flung himself upon medicine; on the liberal arts。  He studied the science of herbs; the science of unguents; he became an expert in fevers and in contusions; in sprains and abcesses。  Jacques d' Espars would have received him as a physician; Richard Hellain; as a surgeon。 He also passed through all the degrees of licentiate; master; and doctor of arts。  He studied the languages; Latin; Greek; Hebrew; a triple sanctuary then very little frequented。  His was a veritable fever for acquiring and hoarding; in the matter of science。  At the age of eighteen; he had made his way through the four faculties; it seemed to the young man that life had but one sole object: learning。

It was towards this epoch; that the excessive heat of the summer of 1466 caused that grand outburst of the plague which carried off more than forty thousand souls in the vicomty of Paris; and among others; as Jean de Troyes states; 〃Master Arnoul; astrologer to the king; who was a very fine man; both wise and pleasant。〃 The rumor spread in the University that the Rue Tirechappe was especially devastated by the malady。  It was there that Claude's parents resided; in the midst of their fief。  The young scholar rushed in great alarm to the paternal mansion。  When he entered it; he found that both father and mother had died on the preceding day。 A very young brother of his; who was in swaddling clothes; was still alive and crying abandoned in his cradle。  This was all that remained to Claude of his family; the young man took the child under his arm and went off in a pensive mood。 Up to that moment; he had lived only in science; he now began to live in life。

This catastrophe was a crisis in Claude's existence。 Orphaned; the eldest; head of the family at the age of nineteen; he felt himself rudely recalled from the reveries of school to the realities of this world。  Then; moved with pity; he was seized with passion and devotion towards that child; his brother; a sweet and strange thing was a human affection to him; who had hitherto loved his books alone。

This affection developed to a singular point; in a soul so new; it was like a first love。  Separated since infancy from his parents; whom he had hardly known; cloistered and immured; as it were; in his books; eager above all things to study and to learn; exclusively attentive up to that time; to his intelligence which broadened in science; to his imagination; which expanded in letters;the poor scholar had not yet had time to feel the place of his heart。

This young brother; without mother or father; this little child which had fallen abruptly from heaven into his arms; made a new man of him。  He perceived that there was something else in the world besides the speculations of the Sorbonne; and the verses of Homer; that man needed affections; that life without tenderness and without love was only a set of dry; shrieking; and rending wheels。  Only; he imagined; for he was at the age when illusions are as yet replaced only by illusions; that the affections of blood and family were the sole ones necessary; and that a little brother to love sufficed to fill an entire existence。

He threw himself; therefore; into the love for his little Jehan with the passion of a character already profound; ardent; concentrated; that poor frail creature; pretty; fair… haired; rosy; and curly;that orphan with another orphan for his only support; touched him to the bottom of his heart; and grave thinker as he was; he set to meditating upon Jehan with an infinite compassion。  He kept watch and ward over him as over something very fragile; and very worthy of care。 He was more than a brother to the child; he became a mother to him。

Little Jehan had lost his mother while he was still at the breast; Claude gave him to a nurse。  Besides the fief of Tirechappe; he had inherited from his father the fief of Moulin; which was a dependency of the square tower of Gentilly; it was a mill on a hill; near the chateau of Winchestre (Bicêtre)。  There was a miller's wife there who was nursing a fine child; it was not far from the university; and Claude carried the little Jehan to her in his own arms。

From that time forth; feeling that he had a burden to bear; he took life very seriously。  The thought of his little brother became not only his recreation; but the object of his studies。 He resolved to consecrate himself entirely to a future for which he was responsible in the sight of God; and never to have any other wife; any other child than the happiness and fortune of his brother。  Therefore; he attached himself more closely than ever to the clerical profession。  His merits; his learning; his quality of immediate vassal of the Bishop of Paris; threw the doors of the church wide open to him。  At the age of twenty; by special dispensation of the Holy See; he was a priest; and served as the youngest of the chaplains of Notre…Dame the altar which is called; because of the late mass which is said there; ~altare pigrorum~。

There; plunged more deeply than ever in his dear books; which he quitted only to run for an hour to the fief of Moulin; this mixture of learning and austerity; so rare at his age; had promptly acquired for him the respect and admiration of the monastery。  From the cloister; his reputation as a learned man had passed to the people; among whom it had changed a little; a frequent occurrence at that time; into reputation as a sorcerer。

It was at the moment when he was returning; on Quasimodo day; from saying his mass at the Altar of the Lazy; which was by the side of the door leading to the nave on the right; near the image of the Virgin; that his attention had been attracted by the group of old women chattering around the bed for foundlings。

Then it was that he approached the unhappy little creature; which was so hated and so menaced。  That distress; that deformity; that abandonment; the thought of his young brother; the idea which suddenly occurred to him; that if he were to die; his dear little Jehan might also be flung miserably on the plank for foundlings;all this had gone to his heart simultaneously; a great pity had moved in him; and he had carried off the child。

When he removed the child from the sack; he found it greatly deformed; in very sooth。  The poor little wretch had a wart on his left eye; his head placed directly on his shoulders; his spinal column was crooked; his breast bone prominent; and his legs bowed; but he appeared to be lively; and although it was impossible to say in what language he lisped; his cry indicated considerable force and health。  Claude's compassion increased at the sight of this ugliness; and he made a vow in his heart to rear the child for the love of his brother; in order that; whatever might be the future faults of the little Jehan; he should have beside him that charity done for his sake。  It was a sort of investment of good works; which he was effecting in the name of his young brother; it was a stock of good works which he wished to amass in advance for him; in case the little rogue should some day find himself short of that coin; the only sort which is received at the toll…bar of paradise。

He baptized his adopted child; and gave him the name of Quasimodo; either because he desired thereby to mark the day; when he had found him; or because he wished to designate by that name to what a degree the poor little creature was incomplete; and hardly sketched out。  In fact; Quasimodo; blind; hunchbacked; knock…kneed; was only an 〃almost。〃



Now; in 1482; Q
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