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the hunchback of notre dame-第44章

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lle; equerry; had figured beside his at the head of the register of the salary list of the provostship of Paris。  A rare and notable favor indeed!  It is true that Robert d'Estouteville was a good soldier; that he had loyally raised his pennon against 〃the league of public good;〃 and that he had presented to the queen a very marvellous stag in confectionery on the day of her entrance to Paris in 14。。。 Moreover; he possessed the good friendship of Messire Tristan l'Hermite; provost of the marshals of the king's household。 Hence a very sweet and pleasant existence was that of Messire Robert。  In the first place; very good wages; to which were attached; and from which hung; like extra bunches of grapes on his vine; the revenues of the civil and criminal registries of the provostship; plus the civil and criminal revenues of the tribunals of Embas of the Chatelet; without reckoning some little toll from the bridges of Mantes and of Corbeil; and the profits on the craft of Shagreen…makers of Paris; on the corders of firewood and the measurers of salt。 Add to this the pleasure of displaying himself in rides about the city; and of making his fine military costume; which you may still admire sculptured on his tomb in the abbey of Valmont in Normandy; and his morion; all embossed at Montlhéry; stand out a contrast against the parti…colored red and tawny robes of the aldermen and police。  And then; was it nothing to wield absolute supremacy over the sergeants of the police; the porter and watch of the Chatelet; the two auditors of the Chatelet; ~auditores castelleti~; the sixteen commissioners of the sixteen quarters; the jailer of the Chatelet; the four enfeoffed sergeants; the hundred and twenty mounted sergeants; with maces; the chevalier of the watch with his watch; his sub…watch; his counter…watch and his rear…watch? Was it nothing to exercise high and low justice; the right to interrogate; to hang and to draw; without reckoning petty jurisdiction in the first resort (~in prima instantia~; as the charters say); on that viscomty of Paris; so nobly appanaged with seven noble bailiwicks?  Can anything sweeter be imagined than rendering judgments and decisions; as Messire Robert d'Estouteville daily did in the Grand Chatelet; under the large and flattened arches of Philip Augustus? and going; as he was wont to do every evening; to that charming house situated in the Rue Galilee; in the enclosure of the royal palace; which he held in right of his wife; Madame Ambroise de Lore; to repose after the fatigue of having sent some poor wretch to pass the night in 〃that little cell of the Rue de Escorcherie; which the provosts and aldermen of Paris used to make their prison; the same being eleven feet long; seven feet and four inches wide; and eleven feet high?〃*

*  Comptes du domaine; 1383。

And not only had Messire Robert d'Estouteville his special court as provost and vicomte of Paris; but in addition he had a share; both for eye and tooth; in the grand court of the king。  There was no head in the least elevated which had not passed through his hands before it came to the headsman。  It was he who went to seek M。 de Nemours at the Bastille Saint Antoine; in order to conduct him to the Halles; and to conduct to the Grève M。 de Saint…Pol; who clamored and resisted; to the great joy of the provost; who did not love monsieur the constable。

Here; assuredly; is more than sufficient to render a life happy and illustrious; and to deserve some day a notable page in that interesting history of the provosts of Paris; where one learns that Oudard de Villeneuve had a house in the Rue des Boucheries; that Guillaume de Hangest purchased the great and the little Savoy; that Guillaume Thiboust gave the nuns of Sainte…Geneviève his houses in the Rue Clopin; that Hugues Aubriot lived in the H?tel du Pore…Epic; and other domestic facts。

Nevertheless; with so many reasons for taking life patiently and joyously; Messire Robert d'Estouteville woke up on the morning of the seventh of January; 1482; in a very surly and peevish mood。  Whence came this ill temper?  He could not have told himself。  Was it because the sky was gray? or was the buckle of his old belt of Montlhéry badly fastened; so that it confined his provostal portliness too closely? had he beheld ribald fellows; marching in bands of four; beneath his window; and setting him at defiance; in doublets but no shirts; hats without crowns; with wallet and bottle at their side? Was it a vague presentiment of the three hundred and seventy livres; sixteen sous; eight farthings; which the future King Charles VII。 was to cut off from the provostship in the following year?  The reader can take his choice; we; for our part; are much inclined to believe that he was in a bad humor; simply because he was in a bad humor。

Moreover; it was the day after a festival; a tiresome day for every one; and above all for the magistrate who is charged with sweeping away all the filth; properly and figuratively speaking; which a festival day produces in Paris。  And then he had to hold a sitting at the Grand Chatelet。  Now; we have noticed that judges in general so arrange matters that their day of audience shall also be their day of bad humor; so that they may always have some one upon whom to vent it conveniently; in the name of the king; law; and justice。

However; the audience had begun without him。  His lieutenants; civil; criminal; and private; were doing his work; according to usage; and from eight o'clock in the morning; some scores of bourgeois and ~bourgeoises~; heaped and crowded into an obscure corner of the audience chamber of Embas du Chatelet; between a stout oaken barrier and the wall; had been gazing blissfully at the varied and cheerful spectacle of civil and criminal justice dispensed by Master Florian Barbedienne;

auditor of the Chatelet; lieutenant of monsieur the provost; in a somewhat confused and utterly haphazard manner。

The hall was small; low; vaulted。  A table studded with fleurs…de…lis stood at one end; with a large arm…chair of carved oak; which belonged to the provost and was empty; and a stool on the left for the auditor; Master Florian。  Below sat the clerk of the court; scribbling; opposite was the populace; and in front of the door; and in front of the table were many sergeants of the provostship in sleeveless jackets of violet camlet; with white crosses。  Two sergeants of the Parloir… aux…Bourgeois; clothed in their jackets of Toussaint; half red; half blue; were posted as sentinels before a low; closed door; which was visible at the extremity of the hall; behind the table。  A single pointed window; narrowly encased in the thick wall; illuminated with a pale ray of January sun two grotesque figures;the capricious demon of stone carved as a tail…piece in the keystone of the vaulted ceiling; and the judge seated at the end of the hall on the fleurs…de…lis。

Imagine; in fact; at the provost's table; leaning upon his elbows between two bundles of documents of cases; with his foot on the train of his robe of plain brown cloth; his face buried in his hood of white lamb's skin; of which his brows seemed to be of a piece; red; crabbed; winking; bearing majestically the load of fat on his cheeks which met under his chin; Master Florian Barbedienne; auditor of the Chatelet。

Now; the auditor was deaf。  A slight defect in an auditor。 Master Florian delivered judgment; none the less; without appeal and very suitably。  It is certainly quite sufficient for a judge to have the 。air of listening; and the venerable auditor fulfilled this condition; the sole one in justice; all the better because his attention could not be distracted by any noise。

Moreover; he had in the audience; a pitiless censor of his deeds and gestures; in the person of our friend Jehan Frollo du Moulin; that little student of yesterday; that 〃stroller;〃 whom one was sure of encountering all over Paris; anywhere except before the rostrums of the professors。

〃Stay;〃 he said in a low tone to his companion; Robin Poussepain; who was grinning at his side; while he was making his comments on the scenes which were being unfolded before his eyes; 〃yonder is Jehanneton du Buisson。  The beautiful daughter of the lazy dog at the Marché…Neuf!Upon my soul; he is condemning her; the old rascal! he has no more eyes than ears。  Fifteen sous; four farthings; parisian; for having worn two rosaries!  'Tis somewhat dear。  ~Lex duri carminis~。  Who's that?  Robin Chief…de…Ville; hauberkmaker。  For having been passed and received master of the said trade!  That's his entrance money。  He! two gentlemen among these knaves!  Aiglet de Soins; Hutin de Mailly Two equerries; ~Corpus Christi~!  Ah! they have been playing at dice。  When shall I see our rector here?  A hundred livres parisian; fine to the king!  That Barbedienne strikes like a deaf man;as he is!  I'll be my brother the archdeacon; if that keeps me from gaming; gaming by day; gaming by night; living at play; dying at play; and gaming away my soul after my shirt。  Holy Virgin; what damsels!  One after the other my lambs。  Ambroise Lécuyere; Isabeau la Paynette; Bérarde Gironin!  I know them all; by Heavens!  A fine! a fine! That's what will teach you to wear gilded girdles! ten s
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