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the hunchback of notre dame-第51章

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and along her legs nearly to her feet; she presented; at the first glance; only a strange form outlined against the dark background of the cell; a sort of dusky triangle; which the ray of daylight falling through the opening; cut roughly into two shades; the one sombre; the other illuminated。  It was one of those spectres; half light; half shadow; such as one beholds in dreams and in the extraordinary work of Goya; pale; motionless; sinister; crouching over a tomb; or leaning against the grating of a prison cell。

It was neither a woman; nor a man; nor a living being; nor a definite form; it was a figure; a sort of vision; in which the real and the fantastic intersected each other; like darkness and day。  It was with difficulty that one distinguished; beneath her hair which spread to the ground; a gaunt and severe profile; her dress barely allowed the extremity of a bare foot to escape; which contracted on the hard; cold pavement。 The little of human form of which one caught a sight beneath this envelope of mourning; caused a shudder。

That figure; which one might have supposed to be riveted to the flagstones; appeared to possess neither movement; nor thought; nor breath。  Lying; in January; in that thin; linen sack; lying on a granite floor; without fire; in the gloom of a cell whose oblique air…hole allowed only the cold breeze; but never the sun; to enter from without; she did not appear to suffer or even to think。  One would have said that she had turned to stone with the cell; ice with the season。  Her hands were clasped; her eyes fixed。  At first sight one took her for a spectre; at the second; for a statue。

Nevertheless; at intervals; her blue lips half opened to admit a breath; and trembled; but as dead and as mechanical as the leaves which the wind sweeps aside。

Nevertheless; from her dull eyes there escaped a look; an ineffable look; a profound; lugubrious; imperturbable look; incessantly fixed upon a corner of the cell which could not be seen from without; a gaze which seemed to fix all the sombre thoughts of that soul in distress upon some mysterious object。

Such was the creature who had received; from her habitation; the name of the 〃recluse〃; and; from her garment; the name of 〃the sacked nun。〃

The three women; for Gervaise had rejoined Mahiette and Oudarde; gazed through the window。  Their heads intercepted the feeble light in the cell; without the wretched being whom they thus deprived of it seeming to pay any attention to them。  〃Do not let us trouble her;〃 said Oudarde; in a low voice; 〃she is in her ecstasy; she is praying。〃

Meanwhile; Mahiette was gazing with ever…increasing anxiety at that wan; withered; dishevelled head; and her eyes filled with tears。  〃This is very singular;〃 she murmured。

She thrust her head through the bars; and succeeded in casting a glance at the corner where the gaze of the unhappy woman was immovably riveted。

When she withdrew her head from the window; her countenance was inundated with tears。

〃What do you call that woman?〃 she asked Oudarde。

Oudarde replied;

〃We call her Sister Gudule。〃

〃And I;〃 returned Mahiette; 〃call her Paquette la Chantefleurie。〃

Then; laying her finger on her lips; she motioned to the astounded Oudarde to thrust her head through the window and look。

Oudarde looked and beheld; in the corner where the eyes of the recluse were fixed in that sombre ecstasy; a tiny shoe of pink satin; embroidered with a thousand fanciful designs in gold and silver。

Gervaise looked after Oudarde; and then the three women; gazing upon the unhappy mother; began to weep。

But neither their looks nor their tears disturbed the recluse。 Her hands remained clasped; her lips mute; her eyes fixed; and that little shoe; thus gazed at; broke the heart of any one who knew her history。

The three women had not yet uttered a single word; they dared not speak; even in a low voice。  This deep silence; this deep grief; this profound oblivion in which everything had disappeared except one thing; produced upon them the effect of the grand altar at Christmas or Easter。  They remained silent; they meditated; they were ready to kneel。  It seemed to them that they were ready to enter a church on the day of Tenebrae。

At length Gervaise; the most curious of the three; and consequently the least sensitive; tried to make the recluse speak:

〃Sister!  Sister Gudule!〃

She repeated this call three times; raising her voice each time。  The recluse did not move; not a word; not a glance; not a sigh; not a sign of life。

Oudarde; in her turn; in a sweeter; more caressing voice;〃Sister!〃 said she; 〃Sister Sainte…Gudule!〃

The same silence; the same immobility。

〃A singular woman!〃 exclaimed Gervaise; 〃and one not to be moved by a catapult!〃

〃Perchance she is deaf;〃 said Oudarde。

〃Perhaps she is blind;〃 added Gervaise。

〃Dead; perchance;〃 returned Mahiette。

It is certain that if the soul had not already quitted this inert; sluggish; lethargic body; it had at least retreated and concealed itself in depths whither the perceptions of the exterior organs no longer penetrated。

〃Then we must leave the cake on the window;〃 said Oudarde; 〃some scamp will take it。  What shall we do to rouse her?〃

Eustache; who; up to that moment had been diverted by a little carriage drawn by a large dog; which had just passed; suddenly perceived that his three conductresses were gazing at something through the window; and; curiosity taking possession of him in his turn; he climbed upon a stone post; elevated himself on tiptoe; and applied his fat; red face to the opening; shouting; 〃Mother; let me see too!〃

At the sound of this clear; fresh; ringing child's voice; the recluse trembled; she turned her head with the sharp; abrupt movement of a steel spring; her long; fleshless hands cast aside the hair from her brow; and she fixed upon the child; bitter; astonished; desperate eyes。  This glance was but a lightning flash。

〃Oh my God!〃 she suddenly exclaimed; hiding her head on her knees; and it seemed as though her hoarse voice tore her chest as it passed from it; 〃do not show me those of others!〃

〃Good day; madam;〃 said the child; gravely。

Nevertheless; this shock had; so to speak; awakened the recluse。  A long shiver traversed her frame from head to foot; her teeth chattered; she half raised her head and said; pressing her elbows against her hips; and clasping her feet in her hands as though to warm them;

〃Oh; how cold it is!〃

〃Poor woman!〃 said Oudarde; with great compassion; 〃would you like a little fire?〃

She shook her head in token of refusal。

〃Well;〃 resumed Oudarde; presenting her with a flagon; 〃here is some hippocras which will warm you; drink it。〃

Again she shook her head; looked at Oudarde fixedly and replied; 〃Water。〃

Oudarde persisted;〃No; sister; that is no beverage for January。  You must drink a little hippocras and eat this leavened cake of maize; which we have baked for you。〃

She refused the cake which Mahiette offered to her; and said; 〃Black bread。〃

〃Come;〃 said Gervaise; seized in her turn with an impulse of charity; and unfastening her woolen cloak; 〃here is a cloak which is a little warmer than yours。〃

She refused the cloak as she had refused the flagon and the cake; and replied; 〃A sack。〃

〃But;〃 resumed the good Oudarde; 〃you must have perceived to some extent; that yesterday was a festival。〃

〃I do perceive it;〃 said the recluse; 〃'tis two days now since I have had any water in my crock。〃

She added; after a silence; 〃'Tis a festival; I am forgotten。 People do well。  Why should the world think of me; when I do not think of it?  Cold charcoal makes cold ashes。〃

And as though fatigued with having said so much; she dropped her head on her knees again。  The simple and charitable Oudarde; who fancied that she understood from her last words that she was complaining of the cold; replied innocently; 〃Then you would like a little fire?〃

〃Fire!〃 said the sacked nun; with a strange accent; 〃and will you also make a little for the poor little one who has been beneath the sod for these fifteen years?〃

Every limb was trembling; her voice quivered; her eyes flashed; she had raised herself upon her knees; suddenly she extended her thin; white hand towards the child; who was regarding her with a look of astonishment。  〃Take away that child!〃 she cried。  〃The Egyptian woman is about to pass by。〃

Then she fell face downward on the earth; and her forehead struck the stone; with the sound of one stone against another stone。  The three women thought her dead。  A moment later; however; she moved; and they beheld her drag herself; on her knees and elbows; to the corner where the little shoe was。 Then they dared not look; they no longer saw her; but they heard a thousand kisses and a thousand sighs; mingled with heartrending cries; and dull blows like those of a head in contact with a wall。  Then; after one of these blows; so violent that all three of them staggered; they heard no more。

〃Can she have killed herself?〃 said Gervaise; venturing to pass her head through the air…hole。  〃Sister!  Sister Gudule!〃

〃Sister Gudule!〃 repeated Oudarde。

〃Ah! good heavens! she no longer moves!〃 resumed Gervaise; 〃is she de
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