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the hunchback of notre dame-第74章

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How long had she been there?  She did not know。  She had a recollection of a sentence of death pronounced somewhere; against some one; then of having been herself carried away; and of waking up in darkness and silence; chilled to the heart。  She had dragged herself along on her hands。 Then iron rings that cut her ankles; and chains had rattled。 She had recognized the fact that all around her was wall; that below her there was a pavement covered with moisture and a truss of straw; but neither lamp nor air…hole。  Then she had seated herself on that straw and; sometimes; for the sake of changing her attitude; on the last stone step in her dungeon。 For a while she had tried to count the black minutes measured off for her by the drop of water; but that melancholy labor of an ailing brain had broken off of itself in her head; and had left her in stupor。

At length; one day; or one night; (for midnight and midday were of the same color in that sepulchre); she heard above her a louder noise than was usually made by the turnkey when he brought her bread and jug of water。  She raised her head; and beheld a ray of reddish light passing through the crevices in the sort of trapdoor contrived in the roof of the ~inpace~。

At the same time; the heavy lock creaked; the trap grated on its rusty hinges; turned; and she beheld a lantern; a hand; and the lower portions of the bodies of two men; the door being too low to admit of her seeing their heads。  The light pained her so acutely that she shut her eyes。

When she opened them again the door was closed; the lantern was deposited on one of the steps of the staircase; a man alone stood before her。  A monk's black cloak fell to his feet; a cowl of the same color concealed his face。  Nothing was visible of his person; neither face nor hands。  It was a long; black shroud standing erect; and beneath which something could be felt moving。  She gazed fixedly for several minutes at this sort of spectre。  But neither he nor she spoke。  One would have pronounced them two statues confronting each other。  Two things only seemed alive in that cavern; the wick of the lantern; which sputtered on account of the dampness of the atmosphere; and the drop of water from the roof; which cut this irregular sputtering with its monotonous splash; and made the light of the lantern quiver in concentric waves on the oily water of the pool。

At last the prisoner broke the silence。

〃Who are you?〃

〃A priest。〃

The words; the accent; the sound of his voice made her tremble。

The priest continued; in a hollow voice;

〃Are you prepared?〃

〃For what?〃

〃To die。〃

〃Oh!〃 said she; 〃will it be soon?〃


Her head; which had been raised with joy; fell back upon her breast。

〃'Tis very far away yet!〃 she murmured; 〃why could they not have done it to…day?〃

〃Then you are very unhappy?〃 asked the priest; after a silence。

〃I am very cold;〃 she replied。

She took her feet in her hands; a gesture habitual with unhappy wretches who are cold; as we have already seen in the case of the recluse of the Tour…Roland; and her teeth chattered。

The priest appeared to cast his eyes around the dungeon from beneath his cowl。

〃Without light!  without fire!  in the water!  it is horrible!〃

〃Yes;〃 she replied; with the bewildered air which unhappiness had given her。  〃The day belongs to every one; why do they give me only night?〃

〃Do you know;〃 resumed the priest; after a fresh silence; 〃why you are here?〃

〃I thought I knew once;〃 she said; passing her thin fingers over her eyelids; as though to aid her memory; 〃but I know no longer。〃

All at once she began to weep like a child。

〃I should like to get away from here; sir。  I am cold; I am afraid; and there are creatures which crawl over my body。〃

〃Well; follow me。〃

So saying; the priest took her arm。  The unhappy girl was frozen to her very soul。  Yet that hand produced an impression of cold upon her。

〃Oh!〃 she murmured; 〃'tis the icy hand of death。  Who are you?〃

The priest threw back his cowl; she looked。  It was the sinister visage which had so long pursued her; that demon's head which had appeared at la Falourdel's; above the head of her adored Phoebus; that eye which she last had seen glittering beside a dagger。

This apparition; always so fatal for her; and which had thus driven her on from misfortune to misfortune; even to torture; roused her from her stupor。  It seemed to her that the sort of veil which had lain thick upon her memory was rent away。 All the details of her melancholy adventure; from the nocturnal scene at la Falourdel's to her condemnation to the Tournelle; recurred to her memory; no longer vague and confused as heretofore; but distinct; harsh; clear; palpitating; terrible。 These souvenirs; half effaced and almost obliterated by excess of suffering; were revived by the sombre figure which stood before her; as the approach of fire causes letters traced upon white paper with invisible ink; to start out perfectly fresh。  It seemed to her that all the wounds of her heart opened and bled simultaneously。

〃Hah!〃 she cried; with her hands on her eyes; and a convulsive trembling; 〃'tis the priest!〃

Then she dropped her arms in discouragement; and remained seated; with lowered head; eyes fixed on the ground; mute and still trembling。

The priest gazed at her with the eye of a hawk which has long been soaring in a circle from the heights of heaven over a poor lark cowering in the wheat; and has long been silently contracting the formidable circles of his flight; and has suddenly swooped down upon his prey like a flash of lightning; and holds it panting in his talons。

She began to murmur in a low voice;

〃Finish! finish! the last blow!〃 and she drew her head down in terror between her shoulders; like the lamb awaiting the blow of the butcher's axe。

〃So I inspire you with horror?〃 he said at length。

She made no reply。

〃Do I inspire you with horror?〃 he repeated。

Her lips contracted; as though with a smile。

〃Yes;〃 said she; 〃the headsman scoffs at the condemned。 Here he has been pursuing me; threatening me; terrifying me for months!  Had it not been for him; my God; how happy it should have been!  It was he who cast me into this abyss! Oh heavens!  it was he who killed him!  my Phoebus!〃

Here; bursting into sobs; and raising her eyes to the priest;

〃Oh! wretch; who are you?  What have I done to you? Do you then; hate me so?  Alas! what have you against me?〃

〃I love thee!〃 cried the priest。

Her tears suddenly ceased; she gazed at him with the look of an idiot。  He had fallen on his knees and was devouring her with eyes of flame。

〃Dost thou understand?  I love thee!〃 he cried again。

〃What love!〃 said the unhappy girl with a shudder。

He resumed;

〃The love of a damned soul。〃

Both remained silent for several minutes; crushed beneath the weight of their emotions; he maddened; she stupefied。

〃Listen;〃 said the priest at last; and a singular calm had come over him; 〃you shall know all I am about to tell you that which I have hitherto hardly dared to say to myself; when furtively interrogating my conscience at those deep hours of the night when it is so dark that it seems as though God no longer saw us。  Listen。  Before I knew you; young girl; I was happy。〃

〃So was I!〃 she sighed feebly。

〃Do not interrupt me。  Yes; I was happy; at least I believed myself to be so。  I was pure; my soul was filled with limpid light。  No head was raised more proudly and more radiantly than mine。  Priests consulted me on chastity; doctors; on doctrines。  Yes; science was all in all to me; it was a sister to me; and a sister sufficed。  Not but that with age other ideas came to me。  More than once my flesh had been moved as a woman's form passed by。  That force of sex and blood which; in the madness of youth; I had imagined that I had stifled forever had; more than once; convulsively raised the chain of iron vows which bind me; a miserable wretch; to the cold stones of the altar。  But fasting; prayer; study; the mortifications of the cloister; rendered my soul mistress of my body once more; and then I avoided women。  Moreover; I had but to open a book; and all the impure mists of my brain vanished before the splendors of science。  In a few moments; I felt the gross things of earth flee far away; and I found myself once more calm; quieted; and serene; in the presence of the tranquil radiance of eternal truth。  As long as the demon sent to attack me only vague shadows of women who passed occasionally before my eyes in church; in the streets; in the fields; and who hardly recurred to my dreams; I easily vanquished him。  Alas!  if the victory has not remained with me; it is the fault of God; who has not created man and the demon of equal force。  Listen。  One day

Here the priest paused; and the prisoner heard sighs of anguish break from his breast with a sound of the death rattle。

He resumed;

〃One day I was leaning on the window of my cell。  What book was I reading then?  Oh! all that is a whirlwind in my head。  I was reading。  The window opened upon a Square。  I heard a sound of tambourine and music。  Annoyed at being thus disturbed in my revery; I glanced into the Square。  What I beheld;
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