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s very dark。 Paris which; so to speak was not lighted at that epoch; presented to the eye a confused collection of black masses; cut here and there by the whitish curve of the Seine。 Quasimodo no longer saw any light with the exception of one window in a distant edifice; whose vague and sombre profile was outlined well above the roofs; in the direction of the Porte Sainte…Antoine。 There also; there was some one awake。
As the only eye of the bellringer peered into that horizon of mist and night; he felt within him an inexpressible uneasiness。 For several days he had been upon his guard。 He had perceived men of sinister mien; who never took their eyes from the young girl's asylum; prowling constantly about the church。 He fancied that some plot might be in process of formation against the unhappy refugee。 He imagined that there existed a popular hatred against her; as against himself; and that it was very possible that something might happen soon。 Hence he remained upon his tower on the watch; 〃dreaming in his dream…place;〃 as Rabelais says; with his eye directed alternately on the cell and on Paris; keeping faithful guard; like a good dog; with a thousand suspicions in his mind。
All at once; while he was scrutinizing the great city with that eye which nature; by a sort of compensation; had made so piercing that it could almost supply the other organs which Quasimodo lacked; it seemed to him that there was something singular about the Quay de la Vieille…Pelleterie; that there was a movement at that point; that the line of the parapet; standing out blackly against the whiteness of the water was not straight and tranquil; like that of the other quays; but that it undulated to the eye; like the waves of a river; or like the heads of a crowd in motion。
This struck him as strange。 He redoubled his attention。 The movement seemed to be advancing towards the City。 There was no light。 It lasted for some time on the quay; then it gradually ceased; as though that which was passing were entering the interior of the island; then it stopped altogether; and the line of the quay became straight and motionless again。
At the moment when Quasimodo was lost in conjectures; it seemed to him that the movement had re…appeared in the Rue du Parvis; which is prolonged into the city perpendicularly to the fa?ade of Notre…Dame。 At length; dense as was the darkness; he beheld the head of a column debouch from that street; and in an instant a crowdof which nothing could be distinguished in the gloom except that it was a crowdspread over the Place。
This spectacle had a terror of its own。 It is probable that this singular procession; which seemed so desirous of concealing itself under profound darkness; maintained a silence no less profound。 Nevertheless; some noise must have escaped it; were it only a trampling。 But this noise did not even reach our deaf man; and this great multitude; of which he saw hardly anything; and of which he heard nothing; though it was marching and moving so near him; produced upon him the effect of a rabble of dead men; mute; impalpable; lost in a smoke。 It seemed to him; that he beheld advancing towards him a fog of men; and that he saw shadows moving in the shadow。
Then his fears returned to him; the idea of an attempt against the gypsy presented itself once more to his mind。 He was conscious; in a confused way; that a violent crisis was approaching。 At that critical moment he took counsel with himself; with better and prompter reasoning than one would have expected from so badly organized a brain。 Ought he to awaken the gypsy? to make her escape? Whither? The streets were invested; the church backed on the river。 No boat; no issue!There was but one thing to be done; to allow himself to be killed on the threshold of Notre…Dame; to resist at least until succor arrived; if it should arrive; and not to trouble la Esmeralda's sleep。 This resolution once taken; he set to examining the enemy with more tranquillity。
The throng seemed to increase every moment in the church square。 Only; he presumed that it must be making very little noise; since the windows on the Place remained closed。 All at once; a flame flashed up; and in an instant seven or eight lighted torches passed over the heads of the crowd; shaking their tufts of flame in the deep shade。 Quasimodo then beheld distinctly surging in the Parvis a frightful herd of men and women in rags; armed with scythes; pikes; billhooks and partisans; whose thousand points glittered。 Here and there black pitchforks formed horns to the hideous faces。 He vaguely recalled this populace; and thought that he recognized all the heads who had saluted him as Pope of the Fools some months previously。 One man who held a torch in one hand and a club in the other; mounted a stone post and seemed to be haranguing them。 At the same time the strange army executed several evolutions; as though it were taking up its post around the church。 Quasimodo picked up his lantern and descended to the platform between the towers; in order to get a nearer view; and to spy out a means of defence。
Clopin Trouillefou; on arriving in front of the lofty portal of Notre…Dame had; in fact; ranged his troops in order of battle。 Although he expected no resistance; he wished; like a prudent general; to preserve an order which would permit him to face; at need; a sudden attack of the watch or the police。 He had accordingly stationed his brigade in such a manner that; viewed from above and from a distance; one would have pronounced it the Roman triangle of the battle of Ecnomus; the boar's head of Alexander or the famous wedge of Gustavus Adolphus。 The base of this triangle rested on the back of the Place in such a manner as to bar the entrance of the Rue du Parvis; one of its sides faced H?tel…Dieu; the other the Rue Saint…Pierre…aux…Boeufs。 Clopin Trouillefou had placed himself at the apex with the Duke of Egypt; our friend Jehan; and the most daring of the scavengers。
An enterprise like that which the vagabonds were now undertaking against Notre…Dame was not a very rare thing in the cities of the Middle Ages。 What we now call the 〃police〃 did not exist then。 In populous cities; especially in capitals; there existed no single; central; regulating power。 Feudalism had constructed these great communities in a singular manner。 A city was an assembly of a thousand seigneuries; which divided it into compartments of all shapes and sizes。 Hence; a thousand conflicting establishments of police; that is to say; no police at all。 In Paris; for example; independently of the hundred and forty…one lords who laid claim to a manor; there were five and twenty who laid claim to a manor and to administering justice; from the Bishop of Paris; who had five hundred streets; to the Prior of Notre… Dame des Champs; who had four。 All these feudal justices recognized the suzerain authority of the king only in name。 All possessed the right of control over the roads。 All were at home。 Louis XI。; that indefatigable worker; who so largely began the demolition of the feudal edifice; continued by Richelieu and Louis XIV。 for the profit of royalty; and finished by Mirabeau for the benefit of the people;Louis XI。 had certainly made an effort to break this network of seignories which covered Paris; by throwing violently across them all two or three troops of general police。 Thus; in 1465; an order to the inhabitants to light candles in their windows at nightfall; and to shut up their dogs under penalty of death; in the same year; an order to close the streets in the evening with iron chains; and a prohibition to wear daggers or weapons of offence in the streets at night。 But in a very short time; all these efforts at communal legislation fell into abeyance。 The bourgeois permitted the wind to blow out their candles in the windows; and their dogs to stray; the iron chains were stretched only in a state of siege; the prohibition to wear daggers wrought no other changes than from the name of the Rue Coupe…Gueule to the name of the Rue…Coupe…Gorge* which is an evident progress。 The old scaffolding of feudal jurisdictions remained standing; an immense aggregation of bailiwicks and seignories crossing each other all over the city; interfering with each other; entangled in one another; enmeshing each other; trespassing on each other; a useless thicket of watches; sub…watches and counter…watches; over which; with armed force; passed brigandage; rapine; and sedition。 Hence; in this disorder; deeds of violence on the part of the populace directed against a palace; a hotel; or house in the most thickly populated quarters; were not unheard…of occurrences。 In the majority of such cases; the neighbors did not meddle with the matter unless the pillaging extended to themselves。 They stopped up their ears to the musket shots; closed their shutters; barricaded their doors; allowed the matter to be concluded with or without the watch; and the next day it was said in Paris; 〃Etienne Barbette was broken open last night。 The Marshal de Clermont was seized last night; etc。〃 Hence; not only the royal habitations; the Louvre; the Palace; the Bastille; the Tournelles; but simply seignorial residences; the Petit…Bourbon; the H?tel