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direct … like themselves。  I wonder only that they didn't hit upon
this system sooner。  In the early days of the States General; at
Versailles; it might have had a better effect。  Now; it comes a
little late。〃

〃But they mean to make up for lost time … sacred name!〃 cried
Danton。  〃Challenges are flying right and left between these
bully…swordsmen; these spadassinicides; and poor devils of the robe
who have never learnt to fence with anything but a quill。  It's
just  murder。  Yet if I were to go amongst messieurs les nobles
and crunch an addled head or two with this stick of mine; snap a
few aristocratic necks between these fingers which the good God has
given me for the purpose; the law would send me to atone upon the
gallows。  This in a land that is striving after liberty。  Why; Dieu
me damne!  I am not even allowed to keep my hat on in the theatre。
But they … these s!〃

〃He is right;〃 said Le Chapelier。  〃The thing has become unendurable;
insufferable。  Two days ago M。 d'Ambly threatened Mirabeau with his
cane before the whole Assembly。  Yesterday M。 de Faussigny leapt up
and harangued his order by inviting murder。  'Why don't we fall on
these scoundrels; sword in hand?' he asked。  Those were his very
words: 'Why don't we fall on these scoundrels; sword in hand。'〃

〃It is so much simpler than lawmaking;〃 said Andre…Louis。

〃Lagron; the deputy from Ancenis in the Loire; said something that
we did not hear in answer。  As he was leaving the Manege one of
these bullies grossly insulted him。  Lagron no more than used his
elbow to push past when the fellow cried out that he had been
struck; and issued his challenge。  They fought this morning early
in the Champs Elysees; and Lagron was killed; run through the
stomach deliberately by a man who fought like a fencing…master;
and poor Lagron did not even own a sword。  He had to borrow one to
go to the assignation。〃

Andre…Louis … his mind ever on Vilmorin; whose case was here
repeated; even to the details … was swept by a gust of passion。
He clenched his hands; and his jaws set。  Danton's little eyes
observed him keenly。

〃Well?  And what do you think of that?  Noblesse oblige; eh?  The
thing is we must oblige them too; these s。  We must pay them back
in the same coin; meet them with the same weapons。  Abolish them;
tumble these assassinateurs into the abyss of nothingness by the
same means。

〃But how?〃

〃How?  Name of God!  haven't I said it?〃

〃That is where we require your help;〃 Le Chapelier put in。  〃There
must be men of patriotic feeling among the more advanced of your
pupils。  M。 Danton's idea is that a little band of these … say a
half…dozen; with yourself at their head … might read these bullies
a sharp lesson。〃

Andre…Louis frowned。

〃And how; precisely; had M。 Danton thought that this might be done?〃

M。 Danton spoke for himself; vehemently。

〃Why; thus: We post you in the Manege; at the hour when the Assembly
is rising。  We point out the six leading phlebotomists; and let you
loose to insult them before they have time to insult any of the
representatives。  Then to…morrow morning; six  phlebotomists
themselves phlebotomized secundum artem。  That will give the others
something to think about。  It will give them a great deal to think
about; by !  If necessary the dose may be repeated to ensure a
cure。  If you kill the s; so much the better。〃

He paused; his sallow face flushed with the enthusiasm of his idea。
Andre…Louis stared at him inscrutably。

〃Well; what do you say to that?〃

〃That it is most ingenious。〃 And Andre…Louis turned aside to look
out of the window。

〃And is that all you think of it?〃

〃I will not tell you what else I think of it because you probably
would not understand。  For you; M。 Danton; there is at least this
excuse that you did not know me。  But you; Isaac … to bring this
gentleman here with such a proposal!〃

Le Chapelier was overwhelmed in confusion。  〃I confess I hesitated;〃
he apologized。  〃But M。 Danton would not take my word for it that
the proposal might not be to your taste。〃

〃I would not!〃 Danton broke in; bellowing。  He swung upon Le
Chapelier; brandishing his great arms。  〃You told me monsieur was
a patriot。  Patriotism knows no scruples。  You call this mincing
dancing…master a patriot?〃

〃Would you; monsieur; out of patriotism consent to become an

〃Of course I would。  haven't I told you so?  haven't I told you
that I would gladly go among them with my club; and crack them
like so many … fleas?〃

〃Why not; then?〃

〃Why not?  Because I should get myself hanged。  Haven't I said so?〃

〃But what of that…being a patriot?  Why not; like another Curtius;
jump into the gulf; since you believe that your country would
benefit by your death?〃

M。 Danton showed signs of exasperation。  〃Because my country will
benefit more by my life。〃

〃Permit me; monsieur; to suffer from a similar vanity。〃

〃You?  But where would be the danger to you?  You would do your
work under the cloak of duelling … as they do。〃

〃Have you reflected; monsieur; that the law will hardly regard a
fencing…master who kills his opponent as an ordinary combatant;
particularly if it can be shown that the fencing…master himself
provoked the attack?〃

〃So!  Name of a name!〃  M。 Danton blew out his cheeks and delivered
himself with withering scorn。  〃It comes to this; then: you are

〃You may think so if you choose … that I am afraid to do slyly and
treacherously that which a thrasonical patriot like yourself is
afraid of doing frankly and openly。  I have other reasons。  But that
one should suffice you。〃

Danton gasped。  Then he swore more amazingly and variedly than ever。

〃By !  you are right;〃 he admitted; to Andre…Louis' amazement。
〃You are right; and I am wrong。  I am as bad a patriot as you are;
and I am a coward as well。〃  And he invoked the whole Pantheon to
witness his self…denunciation。  〃Only; you see; I count for
something: and if they take me and hang me; why; there it is!
Monsieur; we must find some other way。  Forgive the intrusion。
Adieu!〃  He held out his enormous hand。。

Le Chapelier stood hesitating; crestfallen。
〃You understand; Andre?  I am sorry that。。。 〃

〃Say no more; please。  Come and see me soon again。  I would press
you to remain; but it is striking nine; and the first of my pupils
is about to arrive。〃

〃Nor would I permit it;〃。  said Danton。  〃Between us we must resolve
the riddle of how to extinguish M。 de La Tour d'Azyr and his friends。〃


Sharp as a pistol…shot came that question; as Danton was turning
away。  The tone of it brought him up short。  He turned again; Le
Chapelier with him。

〃I said M。 de La Tour d'Azyr。〃

〃What has he to do with the proposal you were making me?〃

〃He?  Why; he is the phlebotomist in chief。〃

And Le Chapelier added。  〃It is he who killed Lagron。〃

〃Not a friend of yours; is he?〃 wondered Danton。

〃And it is La Tour d'Azyr you desire me to kill?〃 asked Andre…Louis
very slowly; after the manner of one whose thoughts are meanwhile
pondering the subject。

〃That's it;〃 said Danton。  〃And not a job for a prentice hand; I
can assure you。

〃Ah; but this alters things;〃 said Andre…Louis; thinking aloud。
〃It offers a great temptation。〃

〃Why; then。。。 ?〃  The Colossus took a step towards him again。

〃Wait!〃  He put up his hand。  Then with chin sunk on his breast;
he paced away to the window; musing。

Le Chapelier and Danton exchanged glances; then watched him;
waiting; what time he considered。

At first he almost wondered why he should not of his own accord
have decided upon some such course as this to settle that
long…standing account of M。 de La Tour d'Azyr。  What was the use
of this great skill in fence that he had come to acquire; unless
he could turn it to account to avenge Vilmorin; and to make Aline
safe from the lure of her own ambition?  It would be an easy thing
to seek out La Tour d'Azyr; put a mortal affront upon him; and
thus bring him to the point。  To…day this would be murder; murder
as treacherous as that which La Tour d'Azyr had done upon Philippe
de Vilmorin; for to…day the old positions were reversed; and it
was Andre…Louis who might go to such an assignation without a doubt
of the issue。  It was a moral obstacle of which he made short work。
But there remained the legal obstacle he had expounded to Danton。
There was still a law in France; the same law which he had found it
impossible to move against La Tour d'Azyr; but which would move
briskly enough against himself in like case。  And then; suddenly;
as if by inspiration; he saw the way … a way which if adopted would
probably bring La Tour d'Azyr to a poetic justice; bring him;
insolent; confident; to thrust himself upon Andre…Louis' sword;
with all the odium of provocation on his own side。

He turned to them again; and they saw that he was very pale; that
his great dark eyes glowed oddly。

〃There will probably be some difficulty in finding a suppleant for
this poor Lagron;〃 he said。  〃Our fellow…countrymen will be none so
eager to offer themselves to the swords of Privilege。

〃True enough;〃 said Le Chapelier gloom
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