the history-第121章
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History。 (ix。) The Ionians furnished a hundred ships; and were armed like the Greeks。 Now these Ionians; during the time that they dwelt in the Peloponnese and inhabited the land now called Achaea (which was before the arrival of Danaus and Xuthus in the Peloponnese); were called; according to the Greek account; Aegialean Pelasgi; or 〃Pelasgi of the Sea…shore〃; but afterwards; from Ion the son of Xuthus; they were called Ionians。 The Islanders furnished seventeen ships; and wore arms like the Greeks。 They too were a Pelasgian race; who in later times took the; name of Ionians for the same reason me reason as those who inhabited the twelve cities founded from Athens。 The Aeolians furnished sixty ships; and were equipped in the Grecian fashion。 They too were anciently called Pelasgians; as the Greeks declare。 The Hellespontians from the Pontus; who are colonists of the Ionians and Dorians; furnished a hundred ships; the crews of which wore the Grecian armour。 This did not include the Abydenians; who stayed in their own country; because the king had assigned them the special duty of guarding the bridges。 On board of every ship was a band of soldiers; Persians; Medes; or Sacans。 The Phoenician ships were the best sailers in the fleet; and the Sidonian the best among the Phoenicians。 The contingent of each nation; whether to the fleet or to the land army; had at its head a native leader; but the names of these leaders I shall not mention; as it is not necessary for the course of my History。 For the leaders of some nations were not worthy to have their names recorded; and besides; there were in each nation as many leaders as there were cities。 And it was not really as commanders that they accompanied the army; but as mere slaves; like the rest of the host。 For I have already mentioned the Persian generals who had the actual command; and were at the head of the several nations which composed the army。 The fleet was commanded by the following… Ariabignes; the son of Darius; Prexaspes; the son of Aspathines; Megabazus; the son of Megabates; and Achaemenes; the son of Darius。 Ariabignes; who was the child of Darius by a daughter of Gobryas; was leader of the Ionian and Carian ships; Achaemenes; who was own brother to Xerxes; of the Egyptian; the rest of the fleet was commanded by the other two。 Besides the triremes; there was an assemblage of thirty…oared and fifty…oared galleys; of cercuri; and transports for conveying horses; amounting in all to three thousand。 Next to the commanders; the following were the most renowned of those who sailed aboard the fleet:… Tetramnestus; the son of Anysus; the Sidonian; Mapen; the son of Sirom; the Tyrian; Merbal; the son of Agbal; the Aradian; Syennesis; the son of Oromedon; the Cilician; Cyberniscus; the son of Sicas; the Lycian; Gorgus; the son of Chersis; and Timonax; the son of Timagoras; the Cyprians; and Histiaeus; the son of Timnes; Pigres; the son of Seldomus; and Damasithymus; the son of Candaules; the Carians。 Of the other lower officers I shall make no mention; since no necessity is laid on me; but I must speak of a certain leader named Artemisia; whose participation in the attack upon Greece; notwithstanding that she was a woman; moves my special wonder。 She had obtained the sovereign power after the death of her husband; and; though she had now a son grown up; yet her brave spirit and manly daring sent her forth to the war; when no need required her to adventure。 Her name; as I said; was Artemisia; and she was the daughter of Lygdamis; by race she was on his side a Halicarnassian; though by her mother a Cretan。 She ruled over the Halicarnassians; the men of Cos; of Nisyrus; and of Calydna; and the five triremes which she furnished to the Persians were; next to the Sidonian; the most famous ships in the fleet。 She likewise gave to Xerxes sounder counsel than any of his other allies。 Now the cities over which I have mentioned that she bore sway were one and all Dorian; for the Halicarnassians were colonists from Troezen; while the remainder were from Epidaurus。 Thus much concerning the sea…force。 Now when the numbering and marshalling of the host was ended; Xerxes conceived a wish to go himself throughout the forces; and with his own eyes behold everything。 Accordingly he traversed the ranks seated in his chariot; and; going from nation to nation; made manifold inquiries; while his scribes wrote down the answers; till at last he had passed from end to end of the whole land army; both the horsemen and likewise the foot。 This done; he exchanged his chariot for a Sidonian galley; and; seated beneath a golden awning; sailed along the prows of all his vessels (the vessels having now been hauled down and launched into the sea); while he made inquiries again; as he had done when he reviewed the land…force; and caused the answers to be recorded by his scribes。 The captains took their ships to the distance of about four hundred feet from the shore; and there lay to; with their vessels in a single row; the prows facing the land; and with the fighting…men upon the decks accoutred as if for war; while the king sailed along in the open space between the ships and the shore; and so reviewed the fleet。 Now after Xerxes had sailed down the whole line and was gone ashore; he sent for Demaratus the son of Ariston; who had accompanied him in his march upon Greece; and bespake him thus:… 〃Demaratus; it is my pleasure at this time to ask thee certain things which I wish to know。 Thou art a Greek; and; as I hear from the other Greeks with whom I converse; no less than from thine own lips; thou art a native of a city which is not the meanest or the weakest in their land。 Tell me; therefore; what thinkest thou? Will the Greeks lift a hand against us? Mine own judgment is; that even if all the Greeks and all the barbarians of the West were gathered together in one place; they would not be able to abide my onset; not being really of one mind。 But I would fain know what thou thinkest hereon。〃 Thus Xerxes questioned; and the other replied in his turn;… 〃O king! is it thy will that I give thee a true answer; or dost thou wish for a pleasant one?〃 Then the king bade him speak the plain truth; and promised that he would not on that account hold him in less favour than heretofore。 So Demaratus; when he heard the promise; spake as follows:… 〃O king! since thou biddest me at all risks speak the truth; and not say what will one day prove me to have lied to thee; thus I answer。 Want has at all times been a fellow…dweller with us in our land; while Valour is an ally whom we have gained by dint of wisdom and strict laws。 Her aid enables us to drive out want and escape thraldom。 Brave are all the Greeks who dwell in any Dorian land; but what I am about to say does not concern all; but only the Lacedaemonians。 First then; come what may; they will never accept thy terms; which would reduce Greece to slavery; and further; they are sure to join battle with thee; though all the rest of the Greeks should submit to thy will。 As for their numbers; do not ask how many they are; that their resistance should be a possible thing; for if a thousand of them should take the field; they will meet thee in battle; and so will any number; be it less than this; or be it more。〃 When Xerxes heard this answer of Demaratus; he laughed and answered:… 〃What wild words; Demaratus! A thousand men join battle with such an army as this! Come then; wilt thou… who wert once; as thou sayest; their king… engage to fight this very day with ten men? I trow not。 And yet; if all thy fellow…citizens be indeed such as thou sayest they are; thou oughtest; as their king; by thine own country's usages; to be ready to fight with twice the number。 If then each one of them be a match for ten of my soldiers; I may well call upon thee to be a match for twenty。 So wouldest thou assure the truth of what thou hast now said。 If; however; you Greeks; who vaunt yourselves so much; are of a truth men like those whom I have seen about my court; as thyself; Demaratus; and the others with whom I am wont to converse… if; I say; you are really men of this sort and size; how is the speech that thou hast uttered more than a mere empty boast? For; to go to the very verge of likelihood… how could a thousand men; or ten thousand; or even fifty thousand; particularly if they were all alike free; and not under one lord… how could such a force; I say; stand against an army like mine? Let them be five thousand; and we shall have more than a thousand men to each one of theirs。 If; indeed; like our troops; they had a single master; their fear of him might make them courageous beyond their natural bent; or they might be urged by lashes against an enemy which far outnumbered them。 But left to their own free choice; assuredly they will act differently。 For mine own part; I believe; that if the Greeks had to contend with the Persians only; and the numbers were equal on both sides; the Greeks would find it hard to stand their ground。 We too have among us such men as those of whom thou spakest… not many indeed; but still we possess a few。 For instance; some of my bodyguard would be willing to engage singly with three Greeks。 But this thou didst
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