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the history-第29章

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in strong eddies; and a regurgitation; owing to the force wherewith the water dashes against the mountains; and hence a Sounding…line cannot be got to reach the bottom of the spring。     No other information on this head could I obtain from any quarter。 All that I succeeded in learning further of the more distant portions of the Nile; by ascending myself as high as Elephantine and making inquiries concerning the parts beyond; was the following:… As one advances beyond Elephantine; the land rises。 Hence it is necessary in this part of the river to attach a rope to the boat on each side; as men harness an ox; and so proceed on the journey。 If the rope snaps; the vessel is borne away down stream by the force of the current。 The navigation continues the same for four days; the river winding greatly; like the Maeander; and the distance traversed amounting to twelve schoenes。 Here you come upon a smooth and level plain; where the Nile flows in two branches; round an island called Tachompso。 The country above Elephantine is inhabited by the Ethiopians; who possess one…half of this island; the Egyptians occupying the other。 Above the island there is a great lake; the shores of which are inhabited by Ethiopian nomads; after passing it; you come again to the stream of the Nile; which runs into the lake。 Here you land; and travel for forty days along the banks of the river; since it is impossible to proceed further in a boat on account of the sharp peaks which jut out from the water; and the sunken rocks which abound in that part of the stream。 When you have passed this portion of the river in the space of forty days; you go on board another boat and proceed by water for twelve days more; at the end of which time you reach a great city called Meroe; which is said to be the capital of the other Ethiopians。 The only gods worshipped by the inhabitants are Jupiter and Bacchus; to whom great honours are paid。 There is an oracle of Jupiter in the city; which directs the warlike expeditions of the Ethiopians; when it commands they go to war; and in whatever direction it bids them march; thither straightway they carry their arms。     On leaving this city; and again mounting the stream; in the same space of time which it took you to reach the capital from Elephantine; you come to the Deserters; who bear the name of Asmach。 This word; translated into our language; means 〃the men who stand on the left hand of the king。〃 These Deserters are Egyptians of the warrior caste; who; to the number of two hundred and forty thousand; went over to the Ethiopians in the reign of king Psammetichus。 The cause of their desertion was the following:… Three garrisons were maintained in Egypt at that time; one in the city of Elephantine against the Ethiopians; another in the Pelusiac Daphnae; against the Syrians and Arabians; and a third; against the Libyans; in Marea。 (The very same posts are to this day occupied by the Persians; whose forces are in garrison both in Daphnae and in Elephantine。) Now it happened; that on one occasion the garrisons were not relieved during the space of three years; the soldiers; therefore; at the end of that time; consulted together; and having determined by common consent to revolt; marched away towards Ethiopia。 Psammetichus; informed of the movement; set out in pursuit; and coming up with them; besought them with many words not to desert the gods of their country; nor abandon their wives and children。 〃Nay; but;〃 said one of the deserters with an unseemly gesture; 〃wherever we go; we are sure enough of finding wives and children。〃 Arrived in Ethiopia; they placed themselves at the disposal of the king。 In return; he made them a present of a tract of land which belonged to certain Ethiopians with whom he was at feud; bidding them expel the inhabitants and take possession of their territory。 From the time that this settlement was formed; their acquaintance with Egyptian manners has tended to civilise the Ethiopians。     Thus the course of the Nile is known; not only throughout Egypt; but to the extent of four months' journey either by land or water above the Egyptian boundary; for on calculation it will be found that it takes that length of time to travel from Elephantine to the country of the Deserters。 There the direction of the river is from west to east。 Beyond; no one has any certain knowledge of its course; since the country is uninhabited by reason of the excessive heat。     I did hear; indeed; what I will now relate; from certain natives of Cyrene。 Once upon a time; they said; they were on a visit to the oracular shrine of Ammon; when it chanced that in the course of conversation with Etearchus; the Ammonian king; the talk fell upon the Nile; how that its sources were unknown to all men。 Etearchus upon this mentioned that some Nasamonians had once come to his court; and when asked if they could give any information concerning the uninhabited parts of Libya; had told the following tale。 (The Nasamonians are a Libyan race who occupy the Syrtis; and a tract of no great size towards the east。) They said there had grown up among them some wild young men; the sons of certain chiefs; who; when they came to man's estate; indulged in all manner of extravagancies; and among other things drew lots for five of their number to go and explore the desert parts of Libya; and try if they could not penetrate further than any had done previously。 The coast of Libya along the sea which washes it to the north; throughout its entire length from Egypt to Cape Soloeis; which is its furthest point; is inhabited by Libyans of many distinct tribes who possess the whole tract except certain portions which belong to the Phoenicians and the Greeks。 Above the coast…line and the country inhabited by the maritime tribes; Libya is full of wild beasts; while beyond the wild beast region there is a tract which is wholly sand; very scant of water; and utterly and entirely a desert。 The young men therefore; despatched on this errand by their comrades with a plentiful supply of water and provisions; travelled at first through the inhabited region; passing which they came to the wild beast tract; whence they finally entered upon the desert; which they proceeded to cross in a direction from east to west。 After journeying for many days over a wide extent of sand; they came at last to a plain where they observed trees growing; approaching them; and seeing fruit on them; they proceeded to gather it。 While they were thus engaged; there came upon them some dwarfish men; under the middle height; who seized them and carried them off。 The Nasamonians could not understand a word of their language; nor had they any acquaintance with the language of the Nasamonians。 They were led across extensive marshes; and finally came to a town; where all the men were of the height of their conductors; and black…complexioned。 A great river flowed by the town; running from west to east; and containing crocodiles。     Here let me dismiss Etearchus the Ammonian; and his story; only adding that (according to the Cyrenaeans) he declared that the Nasamonians got safe back to their country; and that the men whose city they had reached were a nation of sorcerers。 With respect to the river which ran by their town; Etearchus conjectured it to be the Nile; and reason favours that view。 For the Nile certainly flows out of Libya; dividing it down the middle; and as I conceive; judging the unknown from the known; rises at the same distance from its mouth as the Ister。 This latter river has its source in the country of the Celts near the city Pyrene; and runs through the middle of Europe; dividing it into two portions。 The Celts live beyond the pillars of Hercules; and border on the Cynesians; who dwell at the extreme west of Europe。 Thus the Ister flows through the whole of Europe before it finally empties itself into the Euxine at Istria; one of the colonies of the Milesians。     Now as this river flows through regions that are inhabited; its course is perfectly well known; but of the sources of the Nile no one can give any account; since Libya; the country through which it passes; is desert and without inhabitants。 As far as it was possible to get information by inquiry; I have given a description of the stream。 It enters Egypt from the parts beyond。 Egypt lies almost exactly opposite the mountainous portion of Cilicia; whence a lightly…equipped traveller may reach Sinope on the Euxine in five days by the direct route。 Sinope lies opposite the place where the Ister falls into the sea。 My opinion therefore is that the Nile; as it traverses the whole of Libya; is of equal length with the Ister。 And here I take my leave of this subject。     Concerning Egypt itself I shall extend my remarks to a great length; because there is no country that possesses so many wonders; nor any that has such a number of works which defy description。 Not only is the climate different from that of the rest of the world; and the rivers unlike any other rivers; but the people also; in most of their manners and customs; exactly reverse the common practice of mankind。 The women attend the markets and trade; while the men sit at home at the loom; and here; while the rest of the world works the woof up the warp; the Egyptians work it down; the 
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