the history-第36章
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ki。〃 To obtain this they plant the sillicyprium (which grows wild in Greece) along the banks of the rivers and by the sides of the lakes; where it produces fruit in great abundance; but with a very disagreeable smell。 This fruit is gathered; and then bruised and pressed; or else boiled down after roasting: the liquid which comes from it is collected and is found to be unctuous; and as well suited as olive…oil for lamps; only that it gives out an unpleasant odour。 The contrivances which they use against gnats; wherewith the country swarms; are the following。 In the parts of Egypt above the marshes the inhabitants pass the night upon lofty towers; which are of great service; as the gnats are unable to fly to any height on account of the winds。 In the marsh…country; where there are no towers; each man possesses a net instead。 By day it serves him to catch fish; while at night he spreads it over the bed in which he is to rest; and creeping in; goes to sleep underneath。 The gnats; which; if he rolls himself up in his dress or in a piece of muslin; are sure to bite through the covering; do not so much as attempt to pass the net。 The vessels used in Egypt for the transport of merchandise are made of the Acantha (Thorn); a tree which in its growth is very like the Cyrenaic lotus; and from which there exudes a gum。 They cut a quantity of planks about two cubits in length from this tree; and then proceed to their ship…building; arranging the planks like bricks; and attaching them by ties to a number of long stakes or poles till the hull is complete; when they lay the cross…planks on the top from side to side。 They give the boats no ribs; but caulk the seams with papyrus on the inside。 Each has a single rudder; which is driven straight through the keel。 The mast is a piece of acantha…wood; and the sails are made of papyrus。 These boats cannot make way against the current unless there is a brisk breeze; they are; therefore; towed up…stream from the shore: down…stream they are managed as follows。 There is a raft belonging to each; made of the wood of the tamarisk; fastened together with a wattling of reeds; and also a stone bored through the middle about two talents in weight。 The raft is fastened to the vessel by a rope; and allowed to float down the stream in front; while the stone is attached by another rope astern。 The result is that the raft; hurried forward by the current; goes rapidly down the river; and drags the 〃baris〃 (for so they call this sort of boat) after it; while the stone; which is pulled along in the wake of the vessel; and lies deep in the water; keeps the boat straight。 There are a vast number of these vessels in Egypt; and some of them are of many thousand talents' burthen。 When the Nile overflows; the country is converted into a sea; and nothing appears but the cities; which look like the islands in the Egean。 At this season boats no longer keep the course of the river; but sail right across the plain。 On the voyage from Naucratis to Memphis at this season; you pass close to the pyramids; whereas the usual course is by the apex of the Delta; and the city of Cercasorus。 You can sail also from the maritime town of Canobus across the flat to Naucratis; passing by the cities of Anthylla and Archandropolis。 The former of these cities; which is a place of note; is assigned expressly to the wife of the ruler of Egypt for the time being; to keep her in shoes。 Such has been the custom ever since Egypt fell under the Persian yoke。 The other city seems to me to have got its name of Archandropolis from Archander the Phthian; son of Achaeus; and son…in…law of Danaus。 There might certainly have been another Archander; but; at any rate; the name is not Egyptian。 Thus far I have spoken of Egypt from my own observation; relating what I myself saw; the ideas that I formed; and the results of my own researches。 What follows rests on the accounts given me by the Egyptians; which shall now repeat; adding thereto some particulars which fell under by own notice。 The priests said that Min was the first king of Egypt; and that it was he who raised the dyke which protects Memphis from the inundations of the Nile。 Before his time the river flowed entirely along the sandy range of hills which skirts Egypt on the side of Libya。 He; however; by banking up the river at the bend which it forms about a hundred furlongs south of Memphis; laid the ancient channel dry; while he dug a new course for the stream halfway between the two lines of hills。 To this day; the elbow which the Nile forms at the point where it is forced aside into the new channel is guarded with the greatest care by the Persians; and strengthened every year; for if the river were to burst out at this place; and pour over the mound; there would be danger of Memphis being completely overwhelmed by the flood。 Min; the first king; having thus; by turning the river; made the tract where it used to run; dry land; proceeded in the first place to build the city now called Memphis; which lies in the narrow part of Egypt; after which he further excavated a lake outside the town; to the north and west; communicating with the river; which was itself the eastern boundary。 Besides these works; he also; the priests said; built the temple of Vulcan which stands within the city; a vast edifice; very worthy of mention。 Next; they read me from a papyrus the names of three hundred and thirty monarchs; who (they said) were his successors upon the throne。 In this number of generations there were eighteen Ethiopian kings; and one queen who was a native; all the rest were kings and Egyptians。 The queen bore the same name as the Babylonian princess; namely; Nitocris。 They said that she succeeded her brother; he had been king of Egypt; and was put to death by his subjects; who then placed her upon the throne。 Bent on avenging his death; she devised a cunning scheme by which she destroyed a vast number of Egyptians。 She constructed a spacious underground chamber; and; on pretence of inaugurating it; contrived the following:… Inviting to a banquet those of the Egyptians whom she knew to have had the chief share in the murder of her brother; she suddenly; as they were feasting; let the river in upon them by means of a secret duct of large size。 This and this only did they tell me of her; except that; when she had done as I have said; she threw herself into an apartment full of ashes; that she might escape the vengeance whereto she would otherwise have been exposed。 The other kings; they said; were personages of no note or distinction; and left no monuments of any account; with the exception of the last; who was named Moeris。 He left several memorials of his reign… the northern gateway of the temple of Vulcan; the lake excavated by his orders; whose dimensions I shall give presently; and the pyramids built by him in the lake; the size of which will be stated when I describe the lake itself wherein they stand。 Such were his works: the other kings left absolutely nothing。 Passing over these monarchs; therefore; I shall speak of the king who reigned next; whose name was Sesostris。 He; the priests said; first of all proceeded in a fleet of ships of war from the Arabian gulf along the shores of the Erythraean sea; subduing the nations as he went; until he finally reached a sea which could not be navigated by reason of the shoals。 Hence he returned to Egypt; where; they told me; he collected a vast armament; and made a progress by land across the continent; conquering every people which fell in his way。 In the countries where the natives withstood his attack; and fought gallantly for their liberties; he erected pillars; on which he inscribed his own name and country; and how that he had here reduced the inhabitants to subjection by the might of his arms: where; on the contrary; they submitted readily and without a struggle; he inscribed on the pillars; in addition to these particulars; an emblem to mark that they were a nation of women; that is; unwarlike and effeminate。 In this way he traversed the whole continent of Asia; whence he passed on into Europe; and made himself master of Scythia and of Thrace; beyond which countries I do not think that his army extended its march。 For thus far the pillars which he erected are still visible; but in the remoter regions they are no longer found。 Returning to Egypt from Thrace; he came; on his way; to the banks of the river Phasis。 Here I cannot say with any certainty what took place。 Either he of his own accord detached a body of troops from his main army and left them to colonise the country; or else a certain number of his soldiers; wearied with their long wanderings; deserted; and established themselves on the banks of this stream。 There can be no doubt that the Colchians are an Egyptian race。 Before I heard any mention of the fact from others; I had remarked it myself。 After the thought had struck me; I made inquiries on the subject both in Colchis and in Egypt; and I found that the Colchians had a more distinct recollection of the Egyptians; than the Egyptians had of them。 Still the Egyptians said that they believed the Colchians to be descended from the army of Sesostris。 My own conjectures were founded; first; on the fact that they are
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