the history-第9章
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e luxuries or delights of life。 The Cappadocians are known to the Greeks by the name of Syrians。 Before the rise of the Persian power; they had been subject to the Medes; but at the present time they were within the empire of Cyrus; for the boundary between the Median and the Lydian empires was the river Halys。 This stream; which rises in the mountain country of Armenia; runs first through Cilicia; afterwards it flows for a while with the Matieni on the right; and the Phrygians on the left: then; when they are passed; it proceeds with a northern course; separating the Cappadocian Syrians from the Paphlagonians; who occupy the left bank; thus forming the boundary of almost the whole of Lower Asia; from the sea opposite Cyprus to the Euxine。 Just there is the neck of the peninsula; a journey of five days across for an active walker。 There were two motives which led Croesus to attack Cappadocia: firstly; he coveted the land; which he wished to add to his own dominions; but the chief reason was that he wanted to revenge on Cyrus the wrongs of Astyages; and was made confident by the oracle of being able so to do: for Astyages; son of Cyaxares and king of the Medes; who had been dethroned by Cyrus; son of Cambyses; was Croesus' brother by marriage。 This marriage had taken place under circumstances which I will now relate。 A band of Scythian nomads; who had left their own land on occasion of some disturbance; had taken refuge in Media。 Cyaxares; son of Phraortes; and grandson of Deioces; was at that time king of the country。 Recognising them as suppliants; he began by treating them with kindness; and coming presently to esteem them highly; he intrusted to their care a number of boys; whom they were to teach their language and to instruct in the use of the bow。 Time passed; and the Scythians employed themselves; day after day; in hunting; and always brought home some game; but at last it chanced that one day they took nothing。 On their return to Cyaxares with empty hands; that monarch; who was hot…tempered; as he showed upon the occasion; received them very rudely and insultingly。 In consequence of this treatment; which they did not conceive themselves to have deserved; the Scythians determined to take one of the boys whom they had in charge; cut him in pieces; and then dressing the flesh as they were wont to dress that of the wild animals; serve it up to Cyaxares as game: after which they resolved to convey themselves with all speed to Sardis; to the court of Alyattes; the son of Sadyattes。 The plan was carried out: Cyaxares and his guests ate of the flesh prepared by the Scythians; and they themselves; having accomplished their purpose; fled to Alyattes in the guise of suppliants。 Afterwards; on the refusal of Alyattes to give up his suppliants when Cyaxares sent to demand them of him; war broke out between the Lydians and the Medes; and continued for five years; with various success。 In the course of it the Medes gained many victories over the Lydians; and the Lydians also gained many victories over the Medes。 Among their other battles there was one night engagement。 As; however; the balance had not inclined in favour of either nation; another combat took place in the sixth year; in the course of which; just as the battle was growing warm; day was on a sudden changed into night。 This event had been foretold by Thales; the Milesian; who forewarned the Ionians of it; fixing for it the very year in which it actually took place。 The Medes and Lydians; when they observed the change; ceased fighting; and were alike anxious to have terms of peace agreed on。 Syennesis of Cilicia; and Labynetus of Babylon; were the persons who mediated between the parties; who hastened the taking of the oaths; and brought about the exchange of espousals。 It was they who advised that Alyattes should give his daughter Aryenis in marriage to Astyages; the son of Cyaxares; knowing; as they did; that without some sure bond of strong necessity; there is wont to be but little security in men's covenants。 Oaths are taken by these people in the same way as by the Greeks; except that they make a slight flesh wound in their arms; from which each sucks a portion of the other's blood。 Cyrus had captured this Astyages; who was his mother's father; and kept him prisoner; for a reason which I shall bring forward in another of my history。 This capture formed the ground of quarrel between Cyrus and Croesus; in consequence of which Croesus sent his servants to ask the oracle if he should attack the Persians; and when an evasive answer came; fancying it to be in his favour; carried his arms into the Persian territory。 When he reached the river Halys; he transported his army across it; as I maintain; by the bridges which exist there at the present day; but; according to the general belief of the Greeks; by the aid of Thales the Milesian。 The tale is that Croesus was in doubt how he should get his army across; as the bridges were not made at that time; and that Thales; who happened to be in the camp; divided the stream and caused it to flow on both sides of the army instead of on the left only。 This he effected thus:… Beginning some distance above the camp; he dug a deep channel; which he brought round in a semicircle; so that it might pass to rearward of the camp; and that thus the river; diverted from its natural course into the new channel at the point where this left the stream; might flow by the station of the army; and afterwards fall again into the ancient bed。 In this way the river was split into two streams; which were both easily fordable。 It is said by some that the water was entirely drained off from the natural bed of the river。 But I am of a different opinion; for I do not see how; in that case; they could have crossed it on their return。 Having passed the Halys with the forces under his command; Croesus entered the district of Cappadocia which is called Pteria。 It lies in the neighbourhood of the city of Sinope upon the Euxine; and is the strongest position in the whole country thereabouts。 Here Croesus pitched his camp; and began to ravage the fields of the Syrians。 He besieged and took the chief city of the Pterians; and reduced the inhabitants to slavery: he likewise made himself master of the surrounding villages。 Thus he brought ruin on the Syrians; who were guilty of no offence towards him。 Meanwhile; Cyrus had levied an army and marched against Croesus; increasing his numbers at every step by the forces of the nations that lay in his way。 Before beginning his march he had sent heralds to the Ionians; with an invitation to them to revolt from the Lydian king: they; however; had refused compliance。 Cyrus; notwithstanding; marched against the enemy; and encamped opposite them in the district of Pteria; where the trial of strength took place between the contending powers。 The combat was hot and bloody; and upon both sides the number of the slain was great; nor had victory declared in favour of either party; when night came down upon the battle…field。 Thus both armies fought valiantly。 Croesus laid the blame of his ill success on the number of his troops; which fell very short of the enemy; and as on the next day Cyrus did not repeat the attack; he set off on his return to Sardis; intending to collect his allies and renew the contest in the spring。 He meant to call on the Egyptians to send him aid; according to the terms of the alliance which he had concluded with Amasis; previously to his league with the Lacedaemonians。 He intended also to summon to his assistance the Babylonians; under their king Labynetus; for they too were bound to him by treaty: and further; he meant to send word to Sparta; and appoint a day for the coming of their succours。 Having got together these forces in addition to his own; he would; as soon as the winter was past and springtime come; march once more against the Persians。 With these intentions Croesus; immediately on his return; despatched heralds to his various allies; with a request that they would join him at Sardis in the course of the fifth month from the time of the departure of his messengers。 He then disbanded the army consisting of mercenary troops… which had been engaged with the Persians and had since accompanied him to his capital; and let them depart to their homes; never imagining that Cyrus; after a battle in which victory had been so evenly balanced; would venture to march upon Sardis。 While Croesus was still in this mind; all the suburbs of Sardis were found to swarm with snakes; on the appearance of which the horses left feeding in the pasture…grounds; and flocked to the suburbs to eat them。 The king; who witnessed the unusual sight; regarded it very rightly as a prodigy。 He therefore instantly sent messengers to the soothsayers of Telmessus; to consult them upon the matter; His messengers reached the city; and obtained from the Telmessians an explanation of what the prodigy portended; but fate did not allow them to inform their lord; for ere they entered Sardis on their return; Croesus was a prisoner。 What the Telmessians had declared was that Croesus must look for the entry of an army of foreign invaders into his country; and that when they came they would subdue the native inhabitants; since the s
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