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mary stuart-第43章

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and to perform the necessary charities。

〃This Wednesday; two hours after midnight

Your affectionate and good sister;

〃MARY; R。。。。〃

Of all these recommendations; the will and the letters; the queen at

once had copies made which she signed; so that; if some should be

seized by the English; the others might reach their destination。

Bourgoin pointed out to her that she was wrong to be in such a hurry

to close them; and that perhaps in two or three hours she would

remember that she had left something out。  But the queen paid no

attention; saying she was sure she had not forgotten anything; and

that if she had; she had only time now to pray and to look to her

conscience。  So she shut up all the several articles in the drawers

of a piece of furniture and gave the key to Bourgoin; then sending

for a foot…bath; in which she stayed for about ten minutes; she lay

down in bed; where she was not seen to sleep; but constantly to

repeat prayers or to remain in meditation。

Towards four o'clock in the morning; the queen; who was accustomed;

after evening prayers; to have the story of some male or female saint

read aloud to her; did not wish to depart from this habit; and; after

having hesitated among several for this solemn occasion; she chose

the greatest sinner of all; the penitent thief; saying humbly

〃If; great sinner as he was; he has yet sinned less than I; I desire

to beg of him; in remembrance of the passion of Jesus Christ; to;

have pity on me in the hour of my death; as Our Lord had pity on


Then; when the reading was over; she had all her handkerchiefs

brought; and chose the finest; which was of delicate cambric all

embroidered in gold; to bandage her eyes with。

At daybreak; reflecting that she had only two hours to live; she rose

and began dressing; but before she had finished; Bourgoin came into

her room; and; afraid lest the absent servants might murmur against

the queen; if by chance they were discontented at the will; and might

accuse those who had been present of having taken away from their

share to add to their own; he begged Mary to send for them all and to

read it in their presence; to which Mary agreed; and consented to do

so at once。

All the servants were then summoned; and the queen read her

testament; saying that it was done of her own free; full and entire

will; written and signed with her own hand; and that accordingly she

begged those present to give all the help in their power in seeing it

carried out without change or omission; then; having read it over;

and having received a promise from all; she gave it to Bourgoin;

charging him to send it to M。  de Guise; her chief executor; and at

the same time to forward her letters to the king and her principal

papers and memorandums: after this; she had the casket brought in

which she had put the purses which we mentioned before; she opened

them one after another; and seeing by the ticket within for whom each

was intended; she distributed them with her own hand; none of the

recipients being aware of their contents。  These gifts varied from

twenty to three hundred crowns; and to these sums she added seven

hundred livres for the poor; namely; two hundred for the poor of

England and five hundred for the poor of France; then she gave to

each man in her suite two rose nobles to be distributed in alms for

her sake; and finally one hundred and fifty crowns to Bourgoin to be

divided among them all when they should separate; and thus twenty…six

or twenty…seven people had money legacies。

The queen performed all this with great composure and calmness; with

no apparent change of countenance; so that it seemed as if she were

only preparing for a journey or change of dwelling; then she again

bade her servants farewell; consoling them and exhorting them to live

in peace; all this while finishing dressing as well and as elegantly

as she could。

Her toilet ended; the queen went from her reception…room to her ante…

room; where there was an altar set up and arranged; at which; before

he had been taken from her; her chaplain used to say mass; and

kneeling on the steps; surrounded by all her servants; she began the

communion prayers; and when they were ended; drawing from a golden

box a host consecrated by Pius V; which she had always scrupulously

preserved for the occasion of her death; she told Bourgoin to take

it; and; as he was the senior; to take the priest's place; old age

being holy and sacred; and in this manner in spite of all the

precautions taken to deprive her of it; the queen received the holy

sacrament of the eucharist。

This pious ceremony ended; Bourgoin told the queen that in her will

she had forgotten three peopleMesdemoiselles Beauregard; de

Montbrun; and her chaplain。  The queen was greatly astonished at this

oversight; which was quite involuntary; and; taking back her will;

she wrote her wishes with respect to them in the first empty margin;

then she kneeled down again in prayer; but after a moment; as she

suffered too much in this position; she rose; and Bourgoin having had

brought her a little bread and wine; she ate and drank; and when she

had finished; gave him her hand and thanked him for having been

present to help her at her last meal as he was accustomed; and

feeling stronger; she kneeled down and began to pray again。

Scarcely had she done so; than there was a knocking at the door: the

queen understood what was required of her; but as she had not

finished praying; she begged those who were come to fetch her to wait

a moment; and in a few minutes' she would be ready。

The Earls of Kent and Shrewsbury; remembering the resistance she had

made when she had had to go down to the commissioners and appear

before the lawyers; mounted some guards in the ante…room where they

were waiting themselves; so that they could take her away by force if

necessary; should she refuse to come willingly; or should her

servants want to defend her; but it is untrue that the two barons

entered her room; as some have said。  They only set foot there once;

on the occasion which we have related; when they came to apprise her

of her sentence。

They waited some minutes; nevertheless; as the queen had begged them;

then; about eight o'clock; they knocked again; accompanied by the

guards; but to their great surprise the door was opened immediately;

and they found Mary on her knees in prayer。  Upon this; Sir Thomas

Andrew; who was at the time sheriff of the county of Nottingham;

entered alone; a white wand in his hand; and as everyone stayed on

their knees praying; he crossed the room with a slow step and stood

behind the queen: he waited a moment there; and as Mary Stuart did

not seem to see him

〃Madam;〃 said he; 〃the earls have sent me to you。〃

At these words the queen turned round; and at once rising in the

middle of her prayer; 〃Let us go;〃 she replied; and she made ready to

follow him; then Bourgoin; taking the cross of black wood with an

ivory Christ which was over the altar; said

〃Madam; would you not like to take this little cross?〃

〃Thank you for having reminded me;〃 Mary answered; 〃I had intended

to; but I forgot〃。  Then; giving it to Annibal Stewart; her footman;

that he might present it when she should ask for it; she began to

move to the door; and on account of the great pain in her limbs;

leaning on Bourgoin; who; as they drew near; suddenly let her go;


〃Madam; your Majesty knows if we love you; and all; such as we are;

are ready to obey you; should you command us to die for you; but I;

I have not the strength to lead you farther; besides; it is not

becoming that we; who should be defending you to the last drop of our

blood; should seem to be betraying you in giving you thus into the

hands of these infamous English。〃

〃You are right; Bourgoin;〃 said the queen; 〃moreover; my death would

be a sad sight for you; which I ought to spare your age and your

friendship。  Mr。 Sheriff;〃 added she; 〃call someone to support me;

for you see that I cannot walk。〃

The sheriff bowed; and signed to two guards whom he had kept hidden

behind the door to lend him assistance in case the queen should

resist; to approach and support her; which they at once did; and Mary

Stuart went on her way; preceded and followed by her servants weeping

and wringing their hands。  But at the second door other guards

stopped them; telling them they must go no farther。  They all cried

out against such a prohibition: they said that for the nineteen years

they had been shut up with the queen they had always accompanied her

wherever she went; that it was frightful to deprive their mistress of

their services at the last moment; and that such an order had

doubtless been given because they wanted to practise some shocking

cruelty on her; of which they desired no witnesses。  Bourgoin; who

was at their head; seeing that he could obtain noth
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