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than smallpox。
Whatever it may have been; the queen; in the presence of the danger
her husband ran; appeared to forget her resentment; and at the risk
of what might prove troublesome to herself; she went to Darnley;
after sending her doctor in advance。 It is true that if one is to
believe in the following letters; dated from Glasgow; which Mary is
accused of having written to Bothwell; she knew the illness with
which he was attacked too well to fear infection。 As these letters
are little known; and seem to us very singular we transcribe them
here; later we shall tell how they fell into the power of the
Confederate lords; and from their hands passed into Elizabeth's; who;
quite delighted; cried on receiving them; 〃God's death; then I hold
her life and honour in my hands!〃
〃When I set out from the place where I had left my heart; judge in
what a condition I was; poor body without a soul: besides; during the
whole of dinner I have not spoken to anyone; and no one has dared to
approach me; for it was easy to see that there was something amiss。
When I arrived within a league of the town; the Earl of Lennox sent
me one of his gentlemen to make me his compliments; and to excuse
himself for not having come in person; he has caused me to be
informed; moreover; that he did not dare to present himself before me
after the reprimand that I gave Cunningham。 This gentleman begged
me; as if of his own accord; to examine his master's conduct; to
ascertain if my suspicions were well founded。 I have replied to him
that fear was an incurable disease; that the Earl of Lennox would not
be so agitated if his conscience reproached him with nothing; and
that if some hasty words had escaped me; they were but just reprisals
for the letter he had written me。
〃None of the inhabitants visited me; which makes me think they are
all in his interests; besides; they speak of him very favourably; as
well as of his son。 The king sent for Joachim yesterday; and asked
him why I did not lodge with him; adding that my presence would soon
cure him; and asked me also with what object I had come: if it were
to be reconciled with him; if you were here; if I had taken Paris and
Gilbert as secretaries; and if I were still resolved to dismiss
Joseph? I do not know who has given him such accurate information。
There is nothing; down to the marriage of Sebastian; with which he
has not made himself acquainted。 I have asked him the meaning of one
of his letters; in which he complains of the cruelty of certain
people。 He replied that he wasstricken; but that my presence caused
him so much joy that he thought he should die of it。 He reproached
me several times for being dreamy; I left him to go to supper; he
begged me to return: I went back。 Then he told me the story of his
illness; and that he wished to make a will leaving me everything;
adding that I was a little the cause of his trouble; and that he
attributed it to my coldness。 'You ask me;' added he; 'who are the
people of whom I complain: it is of you; cruel one; of you; whom I
have never been able to appease by my tears and my repentance。 I
know that I have offended you; but not on the matter that you
reproach me with: I have also offended some of your subjects; but
that you have forgiven me。 I am young; and you say that I always
relapse into my faults; but cannot a young man like me; destitute of
experience; gain it also; break his promises; repent directly; and in
time improve? If you will forgive me yet once more; I will promise
to offend you never again。 All the favour I ask of you is that we
should live together like husband and wife; to have but one bed and
one board: if you are inflexible; I shall never rise again from here。
I entreat you; tell me your decision: God alone knows what I suffer;
and that because I occupy myself with you only; because I love and
adore only you。 If I have offended you sometimes; you must bear the
reproach; for when someone offends me; if it were granted me to
complain to you; I should not confide my griefs to others; but when
we are on bad terms; I am obliged to keep them to myself; and that
maddens me。'
〃He then urged me strongly to stay with him and lodge in his house;
but I excused myself; and replied that he ought to be purged; and
that he could not be; conveniently; at Glasgow; then he told me that
he knew I had brought a letter for him; but that he would have
preferred to make the journey with me。 He believed; I think; that I
meant to send him to some prison: I replied that I should take him to
Craigmiller; that he would find doctors there; that I should remain
near him; and that we should be within reach of seeing my son。 He
has answered that he will go where I wish to take him; provided that
I grant him what he has asked。 He does not; however; wish to be seen
by anyone。
〃He has told me more than a hundred pretty things that I cannot
repeat to you; and at which you yourself would be surprised: he did
not want to let me go; he wanted to make me sit up with him all
night。 As for me; I pretended to believe everything; and I seemed to
interest myself really in him。 Besides; I have never seen him so
small and humble; and if I had not known how easily his heart
overflows; and how mine is impervious to every other arrow than those
with which you have wounded it; I believe that I should have allowed
myself to soften; but lest that should alarm you; I would die rather
than give up what I have promised you。 As for you; be sure to act in
the same way towards those traitors who will do all they can to
separate you from me。 I believe that all those people have been cast
in the same mould: this one always has a tear in his eye; he bows
down before everyone; from the greatest to the smallest; he wishes to
interest them in his favour; and make himself pitied。 His father
threw up blood to…day through the nose and mouth; think what these
symptoms mean。 I have not seen him yet; for he keeps to the house。
The king wants me to feed him myself; he won't eat unless I do。 But;
whatever I may do; you will be deceived by it no more than I shall be
deceiving myself。 We are united; you and I; to two kinds of very
detestable people 'Mary means Miss Huntly; Bothwell's wife; whom he
repudiated; at the king's death; to marry the queen。': that hell may
sever these knots then; and that heaven may form better ones; that
nothing can break; that it may make of us the most tender and
faithful couple that ever was; there is the profession of faith in
which I would die。
〃Excuse my scrawl: you must guess more than the half of it; but I
know no help for this。 I am obliged to write to you hastily while
everyone is asleep here: but be easy; I take infinite pleasure in my
watch; for I cannot sleep like the others; not being able to sleep as
I would likethat is to say; in your arms。
〃I am going to get into bed; I shall finish my letter tomorrow: I
have too many things to tell to you; the night is too far advanced:
imagine my despair。 It is to you I am writing; it is of myself that
I converse with you; and I am obliged to make an end。
〃I cannot prevent myself; however; from filling up hastily the rest
of my paper。 Cursed be the crazy creature who torments me so much!
Were it not for him; I could talk to you of more agreeable things: he
is not greatly changed; and yet he has taken a great deal o f %t。
But he has nearly killed me with the fetid smell of his breath; for
now his is still worse than your cousin's: you guess that this is a
fresh reason for my not approaching him; on the contrary; I go away
as far as I can; and sit on a chair at the foot of his bed。
〃Let us see if I forget anything。
His father's messenger on the road;
The question about Joachim;
The…state of my house;
The people of my suite;
Subject of my arrival;
Conversation between him and me;
His desire to please me and his repentance;
The explanation of his letter;
Mr。 Livingston。
〃Ah! I was forgetting that。 Yesterday Livingston during supper told
de Rere in a low voice to drink to the health of one I knew well; and
to beg me to do him the honour。 After supper; as I was leaning on
his shoulder near the fire; he said to me; 'Is it not true that there
are visits very agreeable for those who pay them and those who
receive them? But; however satisfied they seem with your arrival; I
challenge their delight to equal the grief of one whom you have left
alone to…day; and who will never be content till he sees you again。'
I asked him of whom he wished to speak to me。 He then answered me by
pressing my arm: 'Of one of those who have not followed you; and
among those it is easy for you to guess of whom I want to speak。'
〃I have worked till two o'clock at the bracelet; I have enclosed a
little key which is att