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the two brothers-第25章

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strength so quickly。 The Berrichon sees the correctness of the

calculation; but he answers; 〃Think of the gossip; monsieur。〃 〃Gossip;

what do you mean?〃 〃Well; yes; what would people say of me?〃 〃He would

be the talk of the neighborhood;〃 said the owner of the property on

which this scene took place; 〃they would think him as rich as a

tradesman。 He is afraid of public opinion; afraid of being pointed at;

afraid of seeming ill or feeble。 That's how we all are in this

region。〃 Many of the bourgeoisie utter this phrase with feelings of

inward pride。

While ignorance and custom are invincible in the country regions;

where the peasants are left very much to themselves; the town of

Issoudun itself has reached a state of complete social stagnation。

Obliged to meet the decadence of fortunes by the practice of sordid

economy; each family lives to itself。 Moreover; society is permanently

deprived of that distinction of classes which gives character to

manners and customs。 There is no opposition of social forces; such as

that to which the cities of the Italian States in the Middle Ages owed

their vitality。 There are no longer any nobles in Issoudun。 The

Cottereaux; the Routiers; the Jacquerie; the religious wars and the

Revolution did away with the nobility。 The town is proud of that

triumph。 Issoudun has repeatedly refused to receive a garrison; always

on the plea of cheap provisions。 She has thus lost a means of

intercourse with the age; and she has also lost the profits arising

from the presence of troops。 Before 1756; Issoudun was one of the most

delightful of all the garrison towns。 A judicial drama; which occupied

for a time the attention of France; the feud of a lieutenant…general

of the department with the Marquis de Chapt; whose son; an officer of

dragoons; was put to death;justly perhaps; yet traitorously; for

some affair of gallantry;deprived the town from that time forth of a

garrison。 The sojourn of the forty…fourth demi…brigade; imposed upon

it during the civil war; was not of a nature to reconcile the

inhabitants to the race of warriors。

Bourges; whose population is yearly decreasing; is a victim of the

same social malady。 Vitality is leaving these communities。

Undoubtedly; the government is to blame。 The duty of an administration

is to discover the wounds upon the body…politic; and remedy them by

sending men of energy to the diseased regions; with power to change

the state of things。 Alas; so far from that; it approves and

encourages this ominous and fatal tranquillity。 Besides; it may be

asked; how could the government send new administrators and able

magistrates? Who; of such men; is willing to bury himself in the

arrondissements; where the good to be done is without glory? If; by

chance; some ambitious stranger settles there; he soon falls into the

inertia of the region; and tunes himself to the dreadful key of

provincial life。 Issoudun would have benumbed Napoleon。

As a result of this particular characteristic; the arrondissement of

Issoudun was governed; in 1822; by men who all belonged to Berry。 The

administration of power became either a nullity or a farce;except in

certain cases; naturally very rare; which by their manifest importance

compelled the authorities to act。 The procureur du roi; Monsieur

Mouilleron; was cousin to the entire community; and his substitute

belonged to one of the families of the town。 The judge of the court;

before attaining that dignity; was made famous by one of those

provincial sayings which put a cap and bells on a man's head for the

rest of his life。 As he ended his summing…up of all the facts of an

indictment; he looked at the accused and said: 〃My poor Pierre! the

thing is as plain as day; your head will be cut off。 Let this be a

lesson to you。〃 The commissary of police; holding office since the

Restoration; had relations throughout the arrondissement。 Moreover;

not only was the influence of religion null; but the curate himself

was held in no esteem。

It was this bourgeoisie; radical; ignorant; and loving to annoy

others; which now related tales; more or less comic; about the

relations of Jean…Jacques Rouget with his servant…woman。 The children

of these people went none the less to Sunday…school; and were as

scrupulously prepared for their communion: the schools were kept up

all the same; mass was said; the taxes were paid (the sole thing that

Paris extracts of the provinces); and the mayor passed resolutions。

But all these acts of social existence were done as mere routine; and

thus the laxity of the local government suited admirably with the

moral and intellectual condition of the governed。 The events of the

following history will show the effects of this state of things; which

is not as unusual in the provinces as might be supposed。 Many towns in

France; more particularly in the South; are like Issoudun。 The

condition to which the ascendency of the bourgeoisie has reduced that

local capital is one which will spread over all France; and even to

Paris; if the bourgeois continues to rule the exterior and interior

policy of our country。

Now; one word of topography。 Issoudun stretches north and south; along

a hillside which rounds towards the highroad to Chateauroux。 At the

foot of the hill; a canal; now called the 〃Riviere forcee〃 whose

waters are taken from the Theols; was constructed in former times;

when the town was flourishing; for the use of manufactories or to

flood the moats of the rampart。 The 〃Riviere forcee〃 forms an

artificial arm of a natural river; the Tournemine; which unites with

several other streams beyond the suburb of Rome。 These little threads

of running water and the two rivers irrigate a tract of wide…spreading

meadow…land; enclosed on all sides by little yellowish or white

terraces dotted with black speckles; for such is the aspect of the

vineyards of Issoudun during seven months of the year。 The

vine…growers cut the plants down yearly; leaving only an ugly stump;

without support; sheltered by a barrel。 The traveller arriving from

Vierzon; Vatan; or Chateauroux; his eyes weary with monotonous plains;

is agreeably surprised by the meadows of Issoudun;the oasis of this

part of Berry; which supplies the inhabitants with vegetables

throughout a region of thirty miles in circumference。 Below the suburb

of Rome; lies a vast tract entirely covered with kitchen…gardens; and

divided into two sections; which bear the name of upper and lower

Baltan。 A long avenue of poplars leads from the town across the

meadows to an ancient convent named Frapesle; whose English gardens;

quite unique in that arrondissement; have received the ambitious name

of Tivoli。 Loving couples whisper their vows in its alleys of a


Traces of the ancient grandeur of Issoudun of course reveal themselves

to the eyes of a careful observer; and the most suggestive are the

divisions of the town。 The chateau; formerly almost a town itself with

its walls and moats; is a distinct quarter which can only be entered;

even at the present day; through its ancient gateways;by means of

three bridges thrown across the arms of the two rivers;and has all

the appearance of an ancient city。 The ramparts show; in places; the

formidable strata of their foundations; on which houses have now

sprung up。 Above the chateau; is the famous tower of Issoudun; once

the citadel。 The conqueror of the city; which lay around these two

fortified points; had still to gain possession of the tower and the

castle; and possession of the castle did not insure that of the tower;

or citadel。

The suburb of Saint…Paterne; which lies in the shape of a palette

beyond the tower; encroaching on the meadow…lands; is so considerable

that in the very earliest ages it must have been part of the city

itself。 This opinion derived; in 1822; a sort of certainty from the

then existence of the charming church of Saint…Paterne; recently

pulled down by the heir of the individual who bought it of the nation。

This church; one of the finest specimens of the Romanesque that France

possessed; actually perished without a single drawing being made of

the portal; which was in perfect preservation。 The only voice raised

to save this monument of a past art found no echo; either in the town

itself or in the department。 Though the castle of Issoudun has the

appearance of an old town; with its narrow streets and its ancient

mansions; the city itself; properly so called; which was captured and

burned at different epochs; notably during the Fronde; when it was

laid in ashes; has a modern air。 Streets that are spacious in

comparison with those of other towns; and well…built houses form a

striking contrast to the aspect of the citadel;a contrast that has

won for Issoudun; in certain geographies; the epithet of 〃pretty。〃

In a town thus constituted; without the least activity; even business

activity; without a taste for art; or for learned occupations; an
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