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the two brothers-第65章

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all bestowing many praises on Philippe's conduct; and dwelling upon

the newspaper article relating to his uncle's marriage。

Two weeks later; Philippe received the desired permission; and a

letter; in which the minister of war informed him that; by order of

the King; he was; as a preliminary favor; reinstated lieutenant…

colonel in the royal army。


Lieutenant…Colonel Bridau returned to Paris; taking with him his aunt

and the helpless Rouget; whom he escorted; three days after their

arrival; to the Treasury; where Jean…Jacques signed the transfer of

the income; which henceforth became Philippe's。 The exhausted old man

and the Rabouilleuse were now plunged by their nephew into the

excessive dissipations of the dangerous and restless society of

actresses; journalists; artists; and the equivocal women among whom

Philippe had already wasted his youth; where old Rouget found

excitements that soon after killed him。 Instigated by Giroudeau;

Lolotte; one of the handsomest of the Opera ballet…girls; was the

amiable assassin of the old man。 Rouget died after a splendid supper

at Florentine's; and Lolotte threw the blame of his death upon a slice

of pate de foie gras; as the Strasburg masterpiece could make no

defence; it was considered settled that the old man died of


Madame Rouget was in her element in the midst of this excessively

decollete society; but Philippe gave her in charge of Mariette; and

that monitress did not allow the widowwhose mourning was diversified

with a few amusementsto commit any actual follies。

In October; 1823; Philippe returned to Issoudun; furnished with a

power of attorney from his aunt; to liquidate the estate of his uncle;

a business that was soon over; for he returned to Paris in March;

1824; with sixteen hundred thousand francs;the net proceeds of old

Rouget's property; not counting the precious pictures; which had never

left Monsieur Hochon's hands。 Philippe put the whole property into the

hands of Mongenod and Sons; where young Baruch Borniche was employed;

and on whose solvency and business probity old Hochon had given him

satisfactory assurances。 This house took his sixteen hundred thousand

francs at six per cent per annum; on condition of three months' notice

in case of the withdrawal of the money。

One fine day; Philippe went to see his mother; and invited her to be

present at his marriage; which was witnessed by Giroudeau; Finot;

Nathan; and Bixiou。 By the terms of the marriage contract; the widow

Rouget; whose portion of her late husband's property amounted to a

million of francs; secured to her future husband her whole fortune in

case she died without children。 No invitations to the wedding were

sent out; nor any 〃billets de faire part〃; Philippe had his designs。

He lodged his wife in an appartement in the rue Saint…Georges; which

he bought ready…furnished from Lolotte。 Madame Bridau the younger

thought it delightful; and her husband rarely set foot in it。 Without

her knowledge; Philippe purchased in the rue de Clichy; at a time when

no one suspected the value which property in that quarter would one

day acquire; a magnificent hotel for two hundred and fifty thousand

francs; of which he paid one hundred and fifty thousand down; taking

two years to pay the remainder。 He spent large sums in altering the

interior and furnishing it; in fact; he put his income for two years

into this outlay。 The pictures; now restored; and estimated at three

hundred thousand francs; appeared in such surroundings in all their


The accession of Charles X。 had brought into still greater court favor

the family of the Duc de Chaulieu; whose eldest son; the Duc de

Rhetore; was in the habit of seeing Philippe at Tullia's。 Under

Charles X。; the elder branch of the Bourbons; believing itself

permanently seated on the throne; followed the advice previously given

by Marshal Gouvion…Saint…Cyr to encourage the adherence of the

soldiers of the Empire。 Philippe; who had no doubt made invaluable

revelations as to the conspiracies of 1820 and 1822; was appointed

lieutenant…colonel in the regiment of the Duc de Maufrigneuse。 That

fascinating nobleman thought himself bound to protect the man from

whom he had taken Mariette。 The corps…de…ballet went for something;

therefore; in the appointment。 Moreover; it was decided in the private

councils of Charles X。; to give a faint tinge of liberalism to the

surroundings of Monseigneur the Dauphin。 Philippe; now a sort of

equerry to the Duc de Maufrigneuse; was presented not only to the

Dauphin; but also to the Dauphine; who was not averse to brusque and

soldierly characters who had become noted for a past fidelity。

Philippe thoroughly understood the part the Dauphin had to play; and

he turned the first exhibition of that spurious liberalism to his own

profit; by getting himself appointed aide…de…camp to a marshal who

stood well at court。

In January; 1827; Philippe; who was now promoted to the Royal Guard as

lieutenant…colonel in a regiment then commanded by the Duc de

Maufrigneuse; solicited the honor of being ennobled。 Under the

Restoration; nobility became a sort of perquisite to the 〃roturiers〃

who served in the Guard。 Colonel Bridau had lately bought the estate

of Brambourg; and he now asked to be allowed to entail it under the

title of count。 This favor was accorded through the influence of his

many intimacies in the highest rank of society; where he now appeared

in all the luxury of horses; carriages; and liveries; in short; with

the surroundings of a great lord。 As soon as he saw himself gazetted

in the Almanack under the title of Comte de Brambourg; he began to

frequent the house of a lieutenant…general of artillery; the Comte de


Insatiable in his wants; and backed by the mistresses of influential

men; Philippe now solicited the honor of being one of the Dauphin's

aides…de…camp。 He had the audacity to say to the Dauphin that 〃an old

soldier; wounded on many a battle…field and who knew real warfare;

might; on occasion; be serviceable to Monseigneur。〃 Philippe; who

could take the tone of all varieties of sycophancy; became in the

regions of the highest social life exactly what the position required

him to be; just as at Issoudun; he had copied the respectability of

Mignonnet。 He had; moreover; a fine establishment and gave fetes and

dinners; admitting none of his old friends to his house if he thought

their position in life likely to compromise his future。 He was

pitiless to the companions of his former debauches; and curtly refused

Bixiou when that lively satirist asked him to say a word in favor of

Giroudeau; who wanted to re…enter the army after the desertion of


〃The man has neither manners nor morals;〃 said Philippe。

〃Ha! did he say that of me?〃 cried Giroudeau; 〃of me; who helped him

to get rid of his uncle!〃

〃We'll pay him off yet;〃 said Bixiou。

Philippe intended to marry Mademoiselle Amelie de Soulanges; and

become a general; in command of a regiment of the Royal Guard。 He

asked so many favors that; to keep him quiet; they made him a

Commander of the Legion of honor; and also Commander of the order of

Saint Louis。 One rainy evening; as Agathe and Joseph were returning

home along the muddy streets; they met Philippe in full uniform;

bedizened with orders; leaning back in a corner of a handsome coupe

lined with yellow silk; whose armorial bearings were surmounted with a

count's coronet。 He was on his way to a fete at the Elysee…Bourbon;

the wheels splashed his mother and brother as he waved them a

patronizing greeting。

〃He's going it; that fellow!〃 said Joseph to his mother。

〃Nevertheless; he might send us something better than mud in our


〃He has such a fine position; in such high society; that we ought not

to blame him for forgetting us;〃 said Madame Bridau。 〃When a man rises

to so great a height; he has many obligations to repay; many

sacrifices to make; it is natural he should not come to see us; though

he may think of us all the same。〃

〃My dear fellow;〃 said the Duc de Maufrigneuse one evening; to the new

Comte de Brambourg; 〃I am sure that your addresses will be favorably

received; but in order to marry Amelie de Soulanges; you must be free

to do so。 What have you done with your wife?〃

〃My wife?〃 said Philippe; with a gesture; look; and accent which

Frederick Lemaitre was inspired to use in one of his most terrible

parts。 〃Alas! I have the melancholy certainty of losing her。 She has

not a week to live。 My dear duke; you don't know what it is to marry

beneath you。 A woman who was a cook; and has the tastes of a cook! who

dishonors meah! I am much to be pitied。 I have had the honor to

explain my position to Madame la Dauphine。 At the time of the

marriage; it was a question of saving to the family a million of

francs which my uncle had left by will
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