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they were great and wonderful men; yet they were men; and each one of them had no more opportunity than the present offers; for their enterprises were neither more just nor easier than this; nor was God more their friend than He is yours。
'*' Giuliano de Medici。 He had just been created a cardinal by Leo X。 In 1523 Giuliano was elected Pope; and took the title of Clement VII。
With us there is great justice; because that war is just which is necessary; and arms are hallowed when there is no other hope but in them。 Here there is the greatest willingness; and where the willingness is great the difficulties cannot be great if you will only follow those men to whom I have directed your attention。 Further than this; how extraordinarily the ways of God have been manifested beyond example: the sea is divided; a cloud has led the way; the rock has poured forth water; it has rained manna; everything has contributed to your greatness; you ought to do the rest。 God is not willing to do everything; and thus take away our free will and that share of glory which belongs to us。
And it is not to be wondered at if none of the above…named Italians have been able to accomplish all that is expected from your illustrious house; and if in so many revolutions in Italy; and in so many campaigns; it has always appeared as if military virtue were exhausted; this has happened because the old order of things was not good; and none of us have known how to find a new one。 And nothing honours a man more than to establish new laws and new ordinances when he himself was newly risen。 Such things when they are well founded and dignified will make him revered and admired; and in Italy there are not wanting opportunities to bring such into use in every form。
Here there is great valour in the limbs whilst it fails in the head。 Look attentively at the duels and the hand…to…hand combats; how superior the Italians are in strength; dexterity; and subtlety。 But when it comes to armies they do not bear comparison; and this springs entirely from the insufficiency of the leaders; since those who are capable are not obedient; and each one seems to himself to know; there having never been any one so distinguished above the rest; either by valour or fortune; that others would yield to him。 Hence it is that for so long a time; and during so much fighting in the past twenty years; whenever there has been an army wholly Italian; it has always given a poor account of itself; the first witness to this is Il Taro; afterwards Allesandria; Capua; Genoa; Vaila; Bologna; Mestri。'*'
'*' The battles of Il Taro; 1495; Alessandria; 1499; Capua; 1501; Genoa; 1507; Vaila; 1509; Bologna; 1511; Mestri; 1513。
If; therefore; your illustrious house wishes to follow these remarkable men who have redeemed their country; it is necessary before all things; as a true foundation for every enterprise; to be provided with your own forces; because there can be no more faithful; truer; or better soldiers。 And although singly they are good; altogether they will be much better when they find themselves commanded by their prince; honoured by him; and maintained at his expense。 Therefore it is necessary to be prepared with such arms; so that you can be defended against foreigners by Italian valour。
And although Swiss and Spanish infantry may be considered very formidable; nevertheless there is a defect in both; by reason of which a third order would not only be able to oppose them; but might be relied upon to overthrow them。 For the Spaniards cannot resist cavalry; and the Switzers are afraid of infantry whenever they encounter them in close combat。 Owing to this; as has been and may again be seen; the Spaniards are unable to resist French cavalry; and the Switzers are overthrown by Spanish infantry。 And although a complete proof of this latter cannot be shown; nevertheless there was some evidence of it at the battle of Ravenna; when the Spanish infantry were confronted by German battalions; who follow the same tactics as the Swiss; when the Spaniards; by agility of body and with the aid of their shields; got in under the pikes of the Germans and stood out of danger; able to attack; while the Germans stood helpless; and; if the cavalry had not dashed up; all would have been over with them。 It is possible; therefore; knowing the defects of both these infantries; to invent a new one; which will resist cavalry and not be afraid of infantry; this need not create a new order of arms; but a variation upon the old。 And these are the kind of improvements which confer reputation and power upon a new prince。
This opportunity; therefore; ought not to be allowed to pass for letting Italy at last see her liberator appear。 Nor can one express the love with which he would be received in all those provinces which have suffered so much from these foreign scourings; with what thirst for revenge; with what stubborn faith; with what devotion; with what tears。 What door would be closed to him? Who would refuse obedience to him? What envy would hinder him? What Italian would refuse him homage? To all of us this barbarous dominion stinks。 Let; therefore; your illustrious house take up this charge with that courage and hope with which all just enterprises are undertaken; so that under its standard our native country may be ennobled; and under its auspices may be verified that saying of Petrarch:
Virtu contro al Furore Prendera l'arme; e fia il combatter corto: Che l'antico valore Negli italici cuor non e ancor morto。
Virtue against fury shall advance the fight; And it i' th' combat soon shall put to flight: For the old Roman valour is not dead; Nor in th' Italians' brests extinguished。
Edward Dacre; 1640。
The Duke Valentino had returned from Lombardy; where he had been to clear himself with the King of France from the calumnies which had been raised against him by the Florentines concerning the rebellion of Arezzo and other towns in the Val di Chiana; and had arrived at Imola; whence he intended with his army to enter upon the campaign against Giovanni Bentivogli; the tyrant of Bologna: for he intended to bring that city under his domination; and to make it the head of his Romagnian duchy。
These matters coming to the knowledge of the Vitelli and Orsini and their following; it appeared to them that the duke would become too powerful; and it was feared that; having seized Bologna; he would seek to destroy them in order that he might become supreme in Italy。 Upon this a meeting was called at Magione in the district of Perugia; to which came the cardinal; Pagolo; and the Duke di Gravina Orsini; Vitellozzo Vitelli; Oliverotto da Fermo; Gianpagolo Baglioni; the tyrant of Perugia; and Messer Antonio da Venafro; sent by Pandolfo Petrucci; the Prince of Siena。 Here were discussed the power and courage of the duke and the necessity of curbing his ambitions; which might otherwise bring danger to the rest of being ruined。 And they decided not to abandon the Bentivogli; but to strive to win over the Florentines; and they send their men to one place and another; promising to one party assistance and to another encouragement to unite with them against the common enemy。 This meeting was at once reported throughout all Italy; and those who were discontented under the duke; among whom were the people of Urbino; took hope of effecting a revolution。
Thus it arose that; men's minds being thus unsettled; it was decided by certain men of Urbino to seize the fortress of San Leo; which was held for the duke; and which they captured by the following means。 The castellan was fortifying the rock and causing timber to be taken there; so the conspirators watched; and when certain beams which were being carried to the rock were upon the bridge; so that it was prevented from being drawn up by those inside; they took the opportunity of leaping upon the bridge and thence into the fortress。 Upon this capture being effected; the whole state rebelled and recalled the old duke; being encouraged in this; not so much by the capture of the fort; as by the Diet at Magione; from whom they expected to get assistance。
Those who heard of the rebellion at Urbino thought they would not lose the opportunity; and at once assembled their men so as to take any town; should any remain in the hands of the duke in that state; and they sent again to Florence to beg that republic to join with them in destroying the common firebrand; showing that the risk was lessened and that they ought not to wait for another opportunity。
But the Florentines; from hatred; for sundry reasons; of the Vitelli and Orsini; not only would not ally themselves; but sent Nicolo Machiavelli; their secretary; to offer shelter and assistance to the duke against his enemies。 The duke was found full of fear at Imola; because; against everybody's expectation; his soldiers had at once gone over to the enemy and he found himself disarmed and war at his door。 But recovering courage from the offers of the Florentines; he decided to temporize before fightin