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a book of scoundrels-第21章

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 with the Noose。  Your ‘‘end is to be burned'' (Heb。 vi。 8); to be burned; for the Blood that is shed cries aloud for Vengeance。'  At these words; as Pureney would relate with a smile of recollected triumph; Matthias Brinsden screamed aloud; and a shiver ran through the idle audience which came to Newgate on a Black Sunday; as to a bull…baiting。  Truly; the throng of thoughtless spectators hindered the proper solace of the Ordinary's ministrations; and many a respectable murderer complained of the intruding mob。  But the Ordinary; otherwise minded; loved nothing so well as a packed house; and though he would invite the criminal to his private closet; and comfort his solitude with pious ejaculations; he would neither shield him from curiosity; nor tranquillise his path to the unquenchable fire。

Not only did he exercise in the pulpit a poignant and visible influence。  He boasted the confidence of many heroes。  His green old age cherished no more famous memory than the friendship of Jonathan Wild。  He had known the Great Man at his zenith; he had wrestled with him in the hour of discomfiture; he had preached for his benefit that famous sermon on the text:  ‘Hide Thy Face from my sins; and blot out all my Iniquities'; he had witnessed the hero's awful progress from Newgate to Tyburn; he had seen him shiver at the nubbing…cheat; he had composed for him a last dying speech; which did not shame the king of thief…takers; and whose sale brought a comfortable profit to the widow。  Jonathan; on his side; had shown the Ordinary not a little condescension。  It had been his whim; on the eve of his marriage; to present Mr。 Pureney with a pair of white gloves; which were treasured as a priceless relic for many a year。  And when he paid his last; forced visit to Newgate; he gave the Chaplain; for a pledge of his esteem; that famous silver staff; which he carried; as a badge of authority from the Government; the better to keep the people in awe; and favour the enterprises of his rogues。

Only one cloud shadowed this old and equal friendship。  Jonathan had entertained the Ordinary with discourse so familiar; they had cracked so many a bottle together; that when the irrevocable sentence was passed; when he who had never shown mercy; expected none; the Great Man found the exhortations of the illiterate Chaplain insufficient for his high purpose。  ‘As soon as I came into the condemned Hole;' thus he wrote; ‘I began to think of making a preparation for my soul; and the better to bring my stubborn heart to repentance; I desired the advice of a man of learning; a man of sound judgment in divinity; and therefore application being made to the Reverend Mr。 Nicholson; he very Christian…like gave me his assistance。'  Alas!  Poor Pureney!  He lacked subtlety; and he was instantly baffled; when the Great Man bade him expound the text:  ‘Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree。'  The shiftiest excuse would have brought solace to a breaking heart and conviction to a casuist brain。  Yet for once the Ordinary was at a loss; and Wild; finding him insufficient for his purpose; turned a deaf ear to his ministrations。  Thus he was rudely awakened from the dream of many sleepless nights。  His large heart almost broke at the neglect。

But if his more private counsels were scorned; he still had the joy of delivering a masterpiece from the pulpit; of using ‘all the means imaginable to make Wild think of another world;' and of seeing him as neatly turned off as the most exacting Ordinary could desire。  And what inmate of Newgate ever forgot the afternoon of that glorious day (May the 24th; 1725)?  Mr。 Pureney returned to his flock; fortified with punch and good tidings。  He pictured the scene at Tyburn with a bibulous circumstance; which admirably became his style; rejoicing; as he has rejoiced ever since; that; though he lost a friend; the honest rogue was saved at last from the machinations of the thief…taker。

So he basked and smoked and drank his ale; retelling the ancient stories; and hiccuping forth the ancient sermons。  So; in the fading twilight of life; he smiled the smile of contentment; as became one who had emptied more quarts; had delivered more harrowing discourses; and had lived familiarly with more scoundrels than any devil…dodger of his generation。



JACK SHEPPARD IT was midnight when Jack Sheppard reached the leads; wearied by his magical achievement; and still fearful of discovery。  The ‘jolly pair of handcuffs;' provided by the thoughtful Governor; lay discarded in his distant cell; the chains which a few hours since had grappled him to the floor encumbered the now useless staple。  No trace of the ancient slavery disgraced him save the iron anklets which clung about his legs; though many a broken wall and shattered lock must serve for evidence of his prowess on the morrow。  The Stone…Jug was all be…chipped and shattered。  From the castle he had forced his way through a nine…foot wall into the Red Room; whose bolts; bars; and hinges he had ruined to gain the Chapel。  The road thence to the roof and to freedom was hindered by three stubborn iron doors; yet naught stood in the way of Sheppard's genius; and he was sensible; at last; of the night air chill upon his cheek。

But liberty was not yet: there was still a fall of forty feet; and he must needs repass the wreckage of his own making to filch the blankets from his cell。  In terror lest he should awaken the Master…Side Debtors; he hastened back to the roof; lashed the coverlets together; and; as the city clocks clashed twelve; he dropped noiselessly upon the leads of a turner's house; built against the prison's outer wall。  Behind him Newgate was cut out a black mass against the sky; at his feet glimmered the garret window of the turner's house; and behind the winking casement he could see the turner's servant going to bed。  Through her chamber lay the road to glory and Clare Market; and breathlessly did Sheppard watch till the candle should be extinguished and the maid silenced in sleep。  In his anxiety he must tarrytarry; and for a weary hour he kicked his heels upon the leads; ambition still too uncertain for quietude。  Yet he could not but catch a solace from his splendid craft。  Said he to himself:  ‘Am I not the most accomplished slip…string the world has known?  The broken wall of every round house in town attests my bravery。  Light…limbed though I be; have I not forced the impregnable Castle itself?  And my enemiesare they not to…day writhing in distress ? The head of Blueskin; that pitiful thief; quivers in the noose; and Jonathan Wild bleeds at the throat from the dregs of a coward's courage。  What a triumph shall be mine when the Keeper finds the stronghold tenantless!'

Now; unnumbered were the affronts he had suffered from the Keeper's impertinence; and he chuckled aloud at his own witty rejoinder。  Only two days since the Gaoler had caught him tampering with his irons。  ‘Young man;' he had said; ‘I see what you have been doing; but the affair betwixt us stands thus:  It is your business to make your escape; and mine to take care you shall not。'  Jack had answered coolly enough:  ‘Then let's both mind our own business。'  And it was to some purpose that he had minded his。  The letter to his baffled guardian; already sketched in his mind; tickled him afresh; when suddenly he leaps to his feet and begins to force the garret window。

The turner's maid was a heavy sleeper; and Sheppard crept from her garret to the twisted stair in peace。  Once; on a lower floor; his heart beat faster at the trumpetings of the turner's nose; but he knew no check until he reached the street door。  The bolt was withdrawn in an instant; but the lock was turned; and the key nowhere to be found。  However; though the risk of disturbance was greater than in Newgate; the task was light enough: and with an iron link from his fetter; and a rusty nail which had served him bravely; the box was wrenched off in a trice; and Sheppard stood unattended in the Old Bailey。  At first he was minded to make for his ancient haunts; or to conceal himself within the Liberty of Westminster; but the fetter…locks were still upon his legs; and he knew that detection would be easy as long as he was thus embarrassed。  Wherefore; weary and an…hungered; he turned his steps northward; and never rested until he had gained Finchley Common。

At break of day; when the world re…awoke from the fear of thieves; he feigned a limp at a cottage door; and borrowed a hammer to straighten a pinching shoe。  Five minutes behind a hedge; and his anklets had dropped from him; and; thus a free man; he took to the high road。  After all he was persuaded to desert London and to escape a while from the sturdy embrace of Edgworth Bess。  Moreover; if Bess herself were in the lock…up; he still feared the interested affection of Mistress Maggot; that other doxy; whose avarice would surely drive him upon a dangerous enterprise; so he struck across country; and kept starvation from him by petty theft。  Up and down England he wandered in solitary insolence。  Once; saith rumour; his lithe apparition startled the peace of Nottingham; once; he was wellnigh caught begging wort at a brew…house in Thames Street。  But 
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