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a book of scoundrels-第22章

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ace of Nottingham; once; he was wellnigh caught begging wort at a brew…house in Thames Street。  But he might as well have lingered in Newgate as waste his opportunity far from the delights of Town; the old lust of life still impelled him; and a week after the hue…and…cry was raised he crept at dead of night down Drury Lane。  Here he found harbourage with a friendly fence; Wild's mortal enemy; who promised him a safe conduct across the seas。  But the desire of work proved too strong for prudence; and in a fortnight he had planned an attack on the pawnshop of one Rawling; at the Four Balls in Drury Lane。

Sheppard; whom no house ever built with hands was strong enough to hold; was better skilled at breaking out than at breaking in; and it is remarkable that his last feat in the cracking of cribs was also his greatest。  Its very conception was a masterpiece of effrontery。  Drury Lane was the thief…catcher's chosen territory; yet it was the Four Balls that Jack designed for attack; and watches; tie…wigs; snuff…boxes were among his booty。  Whatever he could not crowd upon his person he presented to a brace of women。  Tricked out in his stolen finery; he drank and swaggered in Clare Market。  He was dressed in a superb suit of black; a diamond fawney flashed upon his finger; his light tie…periwig was worth no less than seven pounds; pistols; tortoise…shell snuff…boxes; and golden guineas jostled one another in his pockets。

Thus; in brazen magnificence; he marched down Drury Lane on a certain Saturday night in November 1724。  Towards midnight he visited Thomas Nicks; the butcher; and having bargained for three ribs of beef; carried Nicks with him to a chandler's hard by; that they might ratify the bargain with a dram。  Unhappily; a boy from the ‘Rose and Crown' sounded the alarm; for coming into the chandler's for the empty ale…pots; he instantly recognised the incomparable gaol…thief; and lost no time in acquainting his master。  Now; Mr。 Bradford; of the ‘Rose and Crown;' was a head… borough; who; with the zeal of a triumphant Dogberry; summoned the watch; and in less than half an hour Jack Sheppard was screaming blasphemies in a hackney…cab on his way home to Newgate。

The Stone…Jug received him with deference and admiration。  Three hundred pounds weight of irons were put upon him for an adornment; and the Governor professed so keen a solicitude for his welfare that he never left him unattended。  There was scarce a beautiful woman in London who did not solace him with her condescension; and enrich him with her gifts。  Not only did the President of the Royal Academy deign to paint his portrait; but (a far greater honour) Hogarth made him immortal。  Even the King displayed a proper interest; demanding a full and precise account of his escapes。  The hero himself was drunk with flattery; he bubbled with ribaldry; he touched off the most valiant of his contemporaries in a ludicrous phrase。  But his chief delight was to illustrate his prowess to his distinguished visitors; and nothing pleased him better than to slip in and out of his chains。

Confronted with his judge; he forthwith proposed to rid himself of his handcuffs; and he preserved until the fatal tree an illimitable pride in his artistry。  Nor would he believe in the possibility of death。  To the very last he was confirmed in the hope of pardon; but; pardon failing him; his single consolation was that his procession from Westminster to Newgate was the largest that London had ever known; and that in the crowd a constable broke his leg。  Even in the Condemned Hole he was unreconciled。  If he had broken the Castle; why should he not also evade the gallows?  Wherefore he resolved to carry a knife to Tyburn that he might cut the rope; and so; losing himself in the crowd; ensure escape。  But the knife was discovered by his warder's vigilance; and taken from him after a desperate struggle。  At the scaffold he behaved with admirable gravity: confessing the wickeder of his robberies; and asking pardon for his enormous crimes。  ‘Of two virtues;' he boasted at the self…same moment that the cart left him dancing without the music; ‘I have ever cherished an honest pride: never have I stooped to friendship with Jonathan Wild; or with any of his detestable thief…takers; and; though an undutiful son; I never damned my mother's eyes。'

Thus died Jack Sheppard; intrepid burglar and incomparable artist; who; in his own separate ambition of prison…breaking; remains; and will ever remain; unrivalled。  His most brilliant efforts were the result neither of strength nor of cunning; for so slight was he of build; so deficient in muscle; that both Edgworth Bess and Mistress Maggot were wont to bang him to their own mind and purpose。  And an escape so magnificently planned; so bravely executed as was his from the Strong Room; is far greater than a mere effect of cunning。  Those mysterious gifts which enable mankind to batter the stone walls of a prison; or to bend the iron bars of a cage; were pre…eminently his。  It is also certain that he could not have employed his gifts in a more reputable profession。



Of all the heroes who have waged a private and undeclared war upon their neighbours; Louis…Dominique Cartouche was the most generously endowed。  It was but his resolute contempt for politics; his unswerving love of plunder for its own sake; that prevented him from seizing a throne or questing after the empire of the world。  The modesty of his ambition sets him below Csar; or Napoleon; but he yields to neither in the genius of success: whatever he would attain was his on the instant; nor did failure interrupt his career; until treachery; of which he went in perpetual terror; involved himself and his comrades in ruin。  His talent of generalship was unrivalled。  None of the gang was permitted the liberty of a free…lance。  By Cartouche was the order given; and so long as the chief was in repose; Paris might enjoy her sleep。  When it pleased him to join battle a whistle was enough。

Now; it was revealed to his intelligence that the professional thief; who devoted all his days and such of his nights as were spared from depredation to wine and women; was more readily detected than the valet…de…chambre; who did but crack a crib or cry ‘Stand and deliver!' on a proper occasion。  Wherefore; he bade his soldiers take service in the great houses of Paris; that; secure of suspicion; they might still be ready to obey the call of duty。  Thus; also; they formed a reconnoitring force; whose vigilance no prize might elude; and nowhere did Cartouche display his genius to finer purpose than in this prudent disposition of his army。  It remained only to efface himself; and therein he succeeded admirably by never sleeping two following nights in the same house: so that; when Cartouche was the terror of Paris; when even the King trembled in his bed; none knew his stature nor could recognise his features。  In this shifting and impersonal vizard; he broke houses; picked pockets; robbed on the pad。  One night he would terrify the Faubourg St。 Germain; another he would plunder the humbler suburb of St。 Antoine; but on each excursion he was companioned by experts; and the map of Paris was rigidly apportioned among his followers。  To each district a captain was appointed; whose business it was to apprehend the customs of the quarter; and thus to indicate the proper season of attack。

Ever triumphant; with yellow…boys ever jingling in his pocket; Cartouche lived a life of luxurious merriment。  A favourite haunt was a cabaret in the Rue Dauphine; chosen for the sanest of reasons; as his Captain Ferrand declared; that the landlady was a femme d'esprit。  Here he would sit with his friends and his women; and thereafter drive his chariot across the Pont Neuf to the sunnier gaiety of the Palais…Royal。  A finished dandy; he wore by preference a grey…white coat with silver buttons; his breeches and stockings were on a famous occasion of black silk; while a sword; scabbarded in satin; hung at his hip。

But if Cartouche; like many another great man; had the faculty of enjoyment; if he loved wine and wit; and mistresses handsomely attired in damask; he did not therefore neglect his art。  When once the gang was perfectly ordered; murder followed robbery with so instant a frequency that Paris was panic…stricken。  A cry of ‘Cartouche' straightway ensured an empty street。  The King took counsel with his ministers: munificent rewards were offered; without effect。  The thief was still at work in all security; and it was a pretty irony which urged him to strip and kill on the highway one of the King's own pages。  Also; he did his work with so astonishing a silence; with so reasoned a certainty; that it seemed impossible to take him or his minions red…handed。

Before all; he discouraged the use of firearms。  ‘A pistol;' his philosophy urged; ‘is an excellent weapon in an emergency; but reserve it for emergencies。  At close quarters it is none too sure; and why give the alarm against yourself?'  Therefore he armed his band with loaded staves; which sent their enemies into a noiseless and fatal sleep。  Thus was he wont to laugh at the police; deeming capture a plain impossi
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